Levels in the renewed Enlisted, another suggestion because I'm a game developer now

Using Levels In the Renewed Enlisted Alterations Suggestion
as a basis for proposed match making, as follows:

Vehicles and weapons:


Squads: Forgive my placements as I only see the balancing issue of how many of a certain squad you can choose to take as opposed to what vehicles or weapons they currently have access to. Squads seem to be the least significant digit as it were for match making.


Tier 1 can see 1 and 2, 2 can see 1, 2 and 3, and so on. Looking at it now, the sweet spot seems to be tier 2, 3 and 4 where you get the most variety. This proposition also seems to allow for attack aircraft to see tier 1 fighters as before it seemed to just be fighters at tier 1 which new players wont like.

Other suggestions:

  1. Historic daily battle, same map, same objectives. Limited to historic vehicles and weapons. A much desired alternative to the regular mode with mixed stages of the war fighting.
  2. Possibly allow for premium squads to not get up tiered so long as the loadout is all of x tier as a bonus incentive for premium squads? Also being more lenient with what historical battles they can take place in?

This makes sense to me as a good place to start for the “Levels in the renewed Enlisted” as there doesn’t appear to be any blatant outliers in terms of matchups. Planes that can do well against what they will see and tanks that can do well against what they face. Save for the few exceptions like the PZ 2C which can’t do anything to a T-50 or the Grant. Also, notice how Japan is neatly fitted within just three tiers?

Thanks for reading.


as a game developer first lesson is to realize if your core game is about ww2, then don’t split the stuff used in the great war into tiers as a forced change into the game

as a game developer my advice is if they want to do a br system, do it as an optional side thing for people that want that

but as a game developer, and more importantly as a gamer, I appreciate meaningful choices and options, solid progression that has value and satisfaction and of course immersion & fun

not being forced into bad implementations like this br system

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With tweaks, it WILL be better than what Enlisted currently is. The campaign progression is too linear and doesn’t allow options outside of what campaign you choose nor does it allow for easy expansion of what the game has to offer. Adding more campaigns only divides the player base. Adding more levels to a campaign takes too long for newer players to unlock, many of said new level may be even worse than what the player already has. (Open top American tanks in Normandy)

In short, if the game becomes more viable with a proper major update there will eventually be more room to add a historically accurate mode that would set Enlisted apart and above other FPS games.

Have some hope, or at least try whatever cooky solution the developers flop out onto us.

Why is there not room for that right now? why not do that update right now laying the groundwork towards that better direction, it doesn’t need BR for that

They made room to add this BR trash, why not make room to make the game actually better and fix the crap they themselves break because they look to treat the symptoms they caused instead of getting to the source of the problems

I had hope for this game, but the more I see dumb shit happening, the more I realize we are parting further and further apart from what I want from this gaming experience compared to where it is heading
and if they eventually reach that destination, that is great, but if you want to go from point a to point b directly, there is no reason for you to first go to points c and d if they are leading to a completely different destination

The game has issues now that need to be addressed, we don’t need more dumb issues coming in, now we are arguing over where thing should be on a BR tier

when what we should be discussing is what equipment was used in which battlefields and then having all of that available to all the players playing that match, that would give me a sense of immersion

not this BR trash that has no place in any historical setting

imagine that, “Hans, what are you doing, you can’t come with us to this battle…why says Hans? Because Hans, you are carrying an STG with extra ammo and three chemical grenades, you have to stay here, and join another truck that only has soldiers with the same gear as you, you guys have to fight in a different battle to us…Command agreed we have to fight fair with zeee Americans”

Hans meanwhile is scratching his head, since when? And then they finally admit they are just joking, what kind of idiot would order such a thing :rofl: Hans laughs with them and joins them in the back of the truck to go fight the war and when he dies, they will gladly pick up anything he is no longer using and appreciate that he brought extra ammo and such a nice stg

even the american tank commander in the movie Fury that later uses it appreciates a fine weapon when he finds one

I did a second draft on my tables and have updated.

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historical accurate should be the only mode, they should dump all those ARs and cold war weapons down the drain

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how about: “Hans where did every soldier in your squad get FG42? you are not paratroopers.”
“Hans why are you not using kar98k, standard issued rifle for most of the war?”
“Hans why are you using pz. 3 B? it is training vehicle”
"Hans where did you get those planes in berlin? didnt allies destroy all planes?
"Hans did you time travel? how did you get F2 in moscow?
"Hans did you time travel? how did you get mkb 42 in moscow?


They found it in their last battle, bunch of dead paratroopers that failed their mission

Hans has friends in high places, only the best for Hans and his boys

Hans doesn’t have any armor, at least the pz3 has more armor than hans

We imported them from our friends overseas that helped fund and supply both sides of the war, good old chaps

We have also got flying saucers, but that’s top secret maybe future update

Someone is definitely playing with the time line and trying to provide alternate history experience, evidence of time travel is real