Using Levels In the Renewed Enlisted Alterations Suggestion
as a basis for proposed match making, as follows:
Vehicles and weapons:
Squads: Forgive my placements as I only see the balancing issue of how many of a certain squad you can choose to take as opposed to what vehicles or weapons they currently have access to. Squads seem to be the least significant digit as it were for match making.
Tier 1 can see 1 and 2, 2 can see 1, 2 and 3, and so on. Looking at it now, the sweet spot seems to be tier 2, 3 and 4 where you get the most variety. This proposition also seems to allow for attack aircraft to see tier 1 fighters as before it seemed to just be fighters at tier 1 which new players wont like.
Other suggestions:
- Historic daily battle, same map, same objectives. Limited to historic vehicles and weapons. A much desired alternative to the regular mode with mixed stages of the war fighting.
- Possibly allow for premium squads to not get up tiered so long as the loadout is all of x tier as a bonus incentive for premium squads? Also being more lenient with what historical battles they can take place in?
This makes sense to me as a good place to start for the “Levels in the renewed Enlisted” as there doesn’t appear to be any blatant outliers in terms of matchups. Planes that can do well against what they will see and tanks that can do well against what they face. Save for the few exceptions like the PZ 2C which can’t do anything to a T-50 or the Grant. Also, notice how Japan is neatly fitted within just three tiers?
Thanks for reading.