Since the US has gotten a counter to the tiger 2,how about we get a counter for the P47

Yet in game, it cannot penetrate a simple jumbo to its hull.
Pershing can penetrate panther to its hull thanks to more variety in ammunition.

(Not counting weakspots obv)


hmmmm HMMM

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Because retreat is never an option hehe, but you are still pretty much right.

You specifically brought up CAS, and between getting nuked by a plane and living, that is the sensible option.


Very credible.

This lends to whatever argument you were trying to make in telling us the Pershing is a Tiger 2P.

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Filler is overperforming in Enlisted and Warthunder, this shouldn’t be an argument.

No, it isn’t in every situation.

I am very active player with tanks, since I am extremely impatient. And you can get easily into situation, in which you can’t just move forward. Maps aren’t just flat nothing.
There’s so much objects blocking your path and so.

It’s just silly argument not reflecting reality.

Maybe instead of comparing stats in WT, try to play Enlisted a little bit more.

I was literally being sarcastic. But okay lol.


oh i know, however we are talking about in games where a tank isn’t dead until you kill all crew/kill all but 1 (for WT) or ammo racking it since that fear of “oh shit they can get through our armor let’s bail out” isn’t a factor in any games

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Thats the difference between “realism” and " immersion"

The hit of a shot should have the same outcome for a battle than what would happen in the real world, if a mechanic that tries to mimic realism fails to achieve the most important thing - the outcome - then it actually isn’t realistic.

Thats the problem with the game, howitzers and support guns are better at taking out tanks than high velocity guns that were designed to specifically fight tanks.

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thanks for the laugh because i did clearly say that that is all flat pen

HVAP nor APHE can’t through the UFP, LFP is a yes for both shells but it takes two shots to kill ammo and maybe driver when you can just use APHE and aim for the turret cheeks tiger 1 can also do the same to the pershing except without the transmission on the panther to soak up alot of sharpnel

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I don’t think that’s anyhow relevant to the points I’ve made.

your point that i address was that pershing gun was similar to KWK43, i gave you informant that states other wise only using a 90 degree strike angle told you that it wasn’t factoring armor angle or any other Strike angle; you then state that tiger 1 can’t go through jumbo’s ignoring the aforementioned statement of how it’s only at a 90 degree angle, which even then yes tiger 1 can go through the UFP of jumbo in this game it’s not something you should rely on, you then claim that the panther front plate can be penned by HVAP and m82 which is only partial true as both can only go though some parts of the lower glacis but damage is severally reduced because of the transmission soaking up alot of shrapnel. now the tiger 1 can do the same thing to the pershing’s LFP as well but with more damage since the transmission of the pershing is in the rear by the engine; speaking of that tiger 1 has to actually look slightly down to fire upon the pershing, i feel the need to mention this because it actually partially nullifies the pershing’s UFP armor

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Show me.

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tap y instead of 2 (or whatever your swap infantry soldier key is) … its an issue with default controls as 2 controls flaps too. Alternatively, you can change the flap controls (default 1 and 2 to adjust)

here you go, and as i said it’s not something you should rely on working 100% of the time i found this out when i accidentally did it one the live server :joy:


That’s why the US need Super Pershing asap. Vs Tiger and especially Ho-Ri you low chance of success (and against Ho-RI you have zero chance) while he will just 1hk you at anywhere. I just left 4 matches because i always got 1hk by Ho-Ris there are zero point in having a tanks in your Allies lineup at BR5 since 90% of the matches are against JP anyway. It’s the incredibly boring gameplay loop where you need to play around only with planes and tnt/demo packs and occasional at launchers since they are great against Ho-Ris.


It seems the chance is very low tho xD and you need to be in exactly right angle.
But still, you were right.

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don’t forget the most important factor, prayers to the snail


The Pershing is a Tiger 1 equivalent
And you have a multitude of fighters to use for air defense

The discussion in this thread hurt to read
And fuck @Rickyd123 for bringing it up in voice after I linked him the thread and mentally accosting me with it again

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Then remove its third ammo type.

Otherwise it is not.


For what reason would you remove a pixel shot shell

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