Since the US has gotten a counter to the tiger 2,how about we get a counter for the P47

Since the pershing has been added the tank game has been relatively balanced,it can kill the KT fairly easily if you know what to do.but the P47 still has the massive advantage for the US over germany,and they dont have anything that can compare to it.10 HVARs,500 lb bomb,8 50 cals,and a good turn speed make this thing a pretty good fighter when it isnt wiping your team off the map.germany does not have any sort of plane comparable to that,the closest being the BF110 G2,but that is very far from the power the P47 has,its dogfighting ability is trash because the lead marker for the 37mm dosnt work correctly and it fires so slow,and its armament is not comparable,only 4 slightly stronger rockets and an incredibly slow 37mm cannon against 10 slightly weaker rockets and a 500 pound bomb,and the P47 has traditional armaments used for dogfighting that can be used give germany some sort of counter to this plane that has been harassing us since it was added



bf 109s,

fw 190s,

tail gunners,

just to name a few.

with that being said.
plane bomb suicider cycler must go.

but it’s not entirely guranteed something will actually happen to that.


The luftfaust was only avalible for a little bit and not that many people got it,effective BF 109s dont have any armament against the ground,the FWs have flight characteristics of a bathtub and turn slower than the P47,and I havent used tail gunners yet but they seem weak for the most part with most of them being 7.92.


not quite since you kinda have all counters to that ( outside the main one being AAs )

which, the problem doesn’t lie within the p47 it self.

but the bad intention of players and the spawns kinda… too close to prevent them from doing “gun/bombing runs” that is, normandy in primis.

outside the pacific, the distance is okey.

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The Pershing isn’t a “counter” for the Tiger II. It helps even the playing field, but Germans still have the advantage. The Pershing is closer to the Tiger I and Panther than the behemoth that is the II
It’s great, don’t get me wrong. I love the Pershing dearly and am working on getting it by Sunday. It ain’t a video game Tiger II though


broken or unavailable on multiple axis planes and most planes don’t have a tail gunner anyway


I guess,but it can still easily kill the tiger 2 with the APCR if you learn where to aim,as well as all the other german tanks

Only one MG131 for Ju188, seems a little bit useless for me
If what you’re saying are AI gunners… they’ll waste all their ammunition in thirty seconds.
Before being shot down, there is usually only a 1/5 chance of successfully shooting down the following attackers

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JU 188 do have them.

ME 410 does have them ( granted, they are more side gunners but still look at the rear )

as well as all BF 110s

( forgot that italian plane too. but… eh… it’s an italian plane. not exactely the fiat g )

nope it’s broken you can’t enter that position it’s always in endless loop

nope again it doesn’t have option to switch to the gunner that screenshot is from ME 410 A-1. Have you played the game recently?


It is basically equivalent to Tiger 2 P. Pershing is definitely way above classic Tiger 1 because of very superior ammunition.


“Easily” is debatable. APCR is notoriously modeled incorrectly, and the only reason it’s as easy as it is is because of the pen indicator
Tiger II can still delete a Pershing with impunity

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i know.

but AI do use them.

that’s the thing.

i never mentioned Controllable tail gunner.

so… read carefully.

That’s just the power of American shells
I’ve said it before. American shells, in War Thunder, are the best shells. The cannons shooting them are lackluster, but the shells put work in. Germans and Russians may have their big ol screw all cannons, but Americans got better shells for their crappier cannons

cmon you can’t trust the ai do shoot at the P47D

PS what’s the point of that button if you doesn’t let you to play as the gunner?
JU 87 D-3

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Yeah,but you have to be smart and hide yourself to be able to get him,but you always have the chance of him being blind or not killing you with a single shot

yes i can.

more certainly than someone questioning me if " i play the game ".

smol kompany plz understand.

I agree with the rest of your comment, but this part is asking for a miracle. Explosive filler in AP shells may as well be a nuclear explosion

You can crush the P47 with the G10 and Japan’s new fighter jet
But I guess you just want to fly the 188 and fish for fries with other bombers


That is infinitely better then what’s happening now, very skilled American pilots are spamming HVARS, 500-1000 Lb bombs, and 20mm AN/M2s at the point and it’s becoming a nightmare.

At least suicide plane cyclers will drain the tickets so fast they’ll essentially hand you the victory.