Since the US has gotten a counter to the tiger 2,how about we get a counter for the P47

hand not read that one!!! will have to look it up.

Yet another intellectually dishonest argument.

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Was in invasion of Italy

why is the pershing being matched up vs the tiger 2 H?

nevermind. I missed something. I wouldnt be comparing those 2.

Japan is getting fucked again, Ho-ri production won’t do fucking shit, what’s next? M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher, XM25 Airburst Grenade Launcher, M1A2 Abrams, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and a fucking Minuteman III for Artillery?


How about no rocket spam?

Ppl always complaining about P-47 and rocket spam…

Yes it has airspawn
Yes it wipes out the first point with HVARs

But after that it’s all over.
Japanese planes are much more manoeuvrable than the USA planes.

Yesterday I tried USA BR5 in Pacific for the first time.
It went exactly like I predicted before.

P-47 taken out asap
AP-4C taken out asap
Beaufighter taken out asap

I take 'em out again, get taken out again.
All my planes are useless against Japanese planes.
That kind of over-compensates the one airspawn with HVARs, imho.
And you dont hear me complaining about the superior Japanese planes…I just deal with it.

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Because those who complain tend to not play aircraft at all.
They’re mostly infantry mains who just suffer every few minutes because their ass gets blown off by 10 hvars.

I kinda do understand them.


Planes can delete any tank, why not have a tank that can delete any plane? Would be only fair

  • looking at you Wirbelwind and Ostwind

What a great idea!

And without overheating mechanics :stuck_out_tongue:


Explain, please.


Because you can’t look just at the armor. The Pershing is definitely superior in performance to the classic Tiger 1. The Tiger 1 has extremely shtt ammo compared to the Pershing. Jumbo 76 would be equivalent to Tiger 1.
Currently Pershing is the equivalent of the Tiger 2 P. Which has good hull armor, but a completely garbage turret. The Pershing has mediocre hull and turret armor. Both have weapons with very similar performance.

And the thing is, there are basically no American tanks with good hull armor. So your very strange argument could be applied to nearly all US tanks. Because they will always be greener.


Us that one pacific game… RIP

Yea saw your members on both US and jap team and I feel bad for the one on US tbh

Let’s just casually omit the panther, and focus solely on the mere mention of the Tiger 1. I brought up the Tiger 1 because of the relative performance of the cannon to the 90mm.


Oh yeah. I can see how close the penetration is of the M82 round to the PzGr 39/43.

Very comparable performance with juuuuust a tiny ~50mm of penetration difference. Not worse than a panther at all.

I’m sure having needle gun APCR shells make up for the fact that pershings still need to aim for the turret of a Tiger 2H to score a kill while the tiger 2 doesn’t need to aim at all.

And that’s not withstanding the fact that panthers, which are a whole BR lower, have comparable armor and comparable anti-tank performance, along with facing a faction without access to lolpen handheld AT launchers.

It’s not like the Germans need to resort to CAS or flanking to deal with Pershings, either. Their BR4 tanks can deal with Pershings just fine. That can’t be said for the west allies.



Yet I’m being intellectually dishonest.

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Historically speaking, the 17punder, 90mm and the Panthers 7.5 were very similarly in actual base performance, the Soviet 100mm was performing better than those → however the western Allies had the upper hand with specialised ammo, which absolutely made them powerful enough to deal with Tiger IIs.

So your statement is pretty on point.

Armor wise, the Pershing is pretty much just a upscaled Panther, and Panthers already performed somewhat better in tank combat than Tigers.

Yeah. Because Pershing surely have 3km reverse speed which makes it easy kill for EPs and bombs.

I don’t understand how so many people can always completely ignore this fact and never bother to mention it.


Explosive packs imply the tank is in infantry throwing range.

If CAS is coming after your butt, you’re going to be taking the hit if there’s a giant red marker over you. Also- What good is reversing with 2s bomb fuzes unless you were already moving? No one is telling the panther to reverse. They can just accelerate forwards.

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Yeah, because in every fkn situation you can just move forward.
In that case you can always just flank Tiger 2. It’s side is all green for you.
Yet another intellectually dishonest argument.

Panther’s reverse speed has high impact on its survivalibity.
Yes, you can counter EPs by not having active gameplay (but that in itself is another limitation that pershing doesn’t need to address).

Or what if someone hits your cannon? Can you quickly retreat behind the horizon and fix it?
No, you can’t. Your enemy will take a few totally free shots before you manages do it.

Panther just has an incredible amount of limitations due to his reverse speed. Which has to be taken into account. And you can’t control every situation anyway.

The Panther is far less versatile than the Tiger or the Pershing. And the fact that it’s a BR4 is absolutely justified


kwk43 has a velocity of 1km/s for it’s APHE round giving it a penetrative power of 237mm at 10 meters
m3 90mm has a velocity of 853m/s for it’s APHE round giving it a performance of 187mm at 10 meters
it’s HVAP round can go to 1.03km/s giving it 287mm at 10 meters but at the cost of awful angled performance and no filler
kwk36 has a velocity of 773m/s giving it a performance of 165mm of penetration at 10 meters

this is all at a flat strike angle with pershing and tiger 1 being similarly mobile as well at 12.02 HPT and 12.2 HPT respectively