Since the US has gotten a counter to the tiger 2,how about we get a counter for the P47

Rockets that can deal with armor and infantry at the same time yeah that makes sense while Germany only has nothing but HE rockets for some reason

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German rockets have more armor penetration than HVARs?

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Well I just said if we cant get FW F-8 with PB2s cause they are heat we can get early PB1 its literally a copy of RBS-82 or if thatā€™s not possible there are guided bombs for German to even out things or best we can get R4HL with 21 cm warhead on FW F-8 (It was equipped with these rockets) also

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well people forget how poor US vehicles actually were, 76mm Shermans were considered a ā€œfailedā€ attempt at modernizing their Shermans because they didnā€™t outperform Panzer IV and still couldnā€™t reliably fight Tigers and Panthers.

The Pershing was pretty much indeed just a beefy Panther tank - in no way close to the Tiger II, just like the IS2 tanks were rivals to Panther tanks, not Tiger II.

Again and again - adding the Tiger II H was a mistake, and the Tiger II P as a max Tier vehicle was a perfect balance compromise - then again, since we are getting Super Pershings, we might as well get IS3 and who knows when the Jagdtiger might show up.

What kind of drugs are you on? Because can I have some? Oh also the S.Pershing is more similar to the is-2 44 than tiger 2Hs so yeah Germans will still have the Better tank. Now for aircraft may I interest you in the aircraft called the bf110g-2? Itā€™s just as strong as the jug but at a lower br because reasons


When you use rockets in this game for the Germans It only kills infantry And any open hatch vehicle but if you let loose your rockets on a fully enclosed vehicle it does nothing except for maybe a broken track.

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T41 APCBC 224 220 205 187 171 157
T44 shot APCR 336 330 304 274 248 223

It doesnā€™t seem to be like IS-2 44 oh wait canā€™t shoot turret cheeks and if you miss canā€™t use your 2 backward gears because of reasons man sry my bad also with APCR you can go through hull of the Tiger II(H) which they might as well give it and you either canā€™t read or just ignorant 12.5 s of reloads is way faster than IS-2s 20.8(Enlisted uses Aceed stats from WT and you can further reduce 20 % which means superpershing can get 10 second reload ) man donā€™t use drugs your dog is not barking also the only way Tiger II(H) is getting 300 mm of armor is when it is angled 60 degree to each side at that point just shoot the side but I guess thatā€™s hard for you for reasons

Also with even t41 you can most likely shoot through the hull as long as you keep close

man Iā€™m not gonna argue seriously this is just my opinion if you want to believe America will stuffer even after SP then believe in it its internet every one has opinions unless you use X have a good day mate

Depends what you want in a tank. The Superpershing will be hard to crack and easily crack open any opposition with its gun alpha strike . Price you pay is reload speed (will want to make use of the 50 cal)

Tiger 2 H is hard to crack , easily crack open ā€œmostā€ targets and has a decent reload speed.

In a 1 v 1 duel Id favour the super pershing alpha strike. But throw into the mix everything else thats going on (infantry and multiple vehicles), the tiger 2 is still awesome.

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Man I love your analysis but itā€™s not about the tank I donā€™t care about SP I used to destroy T34s through turret until I got F2 in Moscow and used to trap shot jumbos (you can trap shot jumbos and itā€™s funny Imma sleep but tommorow gonna posr a vid about it) itā€™s about the plane hope they add FW F8 with PB2s or if they are not lazy with R4HL 21 cm rockets

Try APCR for SP and T41 shot under 100 meters

Regardless of that analysis. After Much use in warthunder, it Very easy to target turret cheeks on tiger 2s, big, flat and reliable. Superpershing is trolly, with wierd shapes and extras (bounces stuff all the time)


Honestly If I was gonna ask for a CAS plane, it wouldnt be more 190s. It would be a Do335 B-2 with HVAP and bombs

I mean Id love a Me 262 or Arado butā€¦thats just raising the bar I suppose.

The 110 g2 is not near as powerful as the P47 by a leauge,did you read my post?

Watch this. For one, dudeā€™s hilarious. Heā€™s my favorite YTā€™er. For two, the tanker he talks about took on several Pantherā€™s in a 76 Sherman and won

Germany has counters to P47, BF109-G10 will destroy one every single time.

As a CaS comparable aircraft yā€™all also already have BF110, which has hundreds of explosive 30mm and 4 of the largest most powerful rockets in game.

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no it can not, because you are forgetting an important thing that is FLAT pen, not angled pen and guess what? HVAP gets awful angle performance since itā€™s modeled after slav HVAP so yeah

i am aware of this, it would still be slower than KTH coming in at 6 seconds flat reload with the perk

nope, itā€™s 300mm effect even at point blank as you can see in my WT screenshot

my claim is that it wonā€™t dethrone german tank superiority, which yeah super pershing wonā€™t, just like how IS-2 44 doesnā€™t mean soviet late game tanks are better than the germans but to each their own i guess

no i have not because i was at work though interestingly you make some false claims like HVARs versus 21cm which individually is roughly x3 the tnt difference, 3.5 vs 9.5, all together it would be 35 for HVAR for 5 strikes and 38 kilos for 2 strikes which means g-2 is putting more damage in a single strike ( 19 kilo per strike) while jug can spread it around but per strike itā€™s fairly weak (7 kilo per rocket strike). both are fat piece of shit on the deck, donā€™t trust that stat card it doesnā€™t factor in the fuel weight nor altitude, so both are going to go at most 450kmph as for A2A armament itā€™s a tradeoff for damage and velocity though i should tell you that the lead indicator is for centeral shots which will not do too much damage to the enemy aircraft without having a large enough caliber rounds of which the 110g-2 will come out ahead with 30mm HE shells which can also be used to strife infantry in place of the single use 500 pounder

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:blush: BTW thx for info on APCR

i wish german and american HVAP worked like they did IRL and not like how slavs HVAP does :sob:

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STUGs took out IS 2 tanks, Panzer III with 3.7cm guns took out T34s, Sherman 75 took out Elefant Tankdestroyer - all frontally.

I hope you are not trying to suggest that your example makes those vehicles rivals.

Patton himself was known to be pissed about the poor performance of the 76mm, the US wanted a ā€œcounterā€ to the Panther, not a " can take out with luck or up close.

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