Since "historical accuracy" is back as an argument

This would not work as long as each faction has access to unlimited numbers of 1 off “good luck finding any reputal sorce for stats” prototypes. Nerfing the STG would leave the ASS 44 to dominate etc.

wasnt used in europe

i would be more excited if they fixed fw190 flight model… dive bombing in it is frustrating…


well then return the theaters of war and disband the BR system if not I don’t wanna hear it :smiley: If not we can add Nukes ot US and USSR they are also not used in Europe yet …xD

unlees if it was a premium plane they are not going to fix the Fw series

Since “historical accuracy” is back as an argument

Can we at least start with things that won’t even touch the balance?


you are extremely jealous of my tiger 2 clown camo


I agree with a lot of your changes, but if we’re going to move the MG34 to level 2, then the US BAR (all of them) should also be moved to level 2. Personally, I think at least one of the BAR’s needs to be level 2 anyway as it’s more on par with the level 2 MG13 as far as performance. And as far as historical accuracy, I have always said every gun should be as close to specs as the real WW2 gun as several are way out of specs to the real gun as far as ROF goes. Example, when I do a quick google search, I find on average the PPS 42 and PPS43 show ROF of 500 to 600 rpm. My maxed out PPS43 shoots 800 rpm. The MP 40 on average shows 500-550 and my maxed one shoots 570 rpm. So, at least by google searches, the MP40 is somewhat in the ball park of the real gun while the PPS is extremely over buffed by at least 200 rpm. So, do we want historical accuracy, or fantasy video game guns? That’s the question. Me, I want accuracy, but hey, I’m 60 and old school. :rofl:

By moving a lot of your proposed level 3 guns to level 2 means I could theoretically use the level 3 US weapons I want to use that I don’t use since half the time my level 3 will get booted up to level 5. Then I can use them in a level 1-3 match. So if DF doesn’t want to keep level 3 allies from level 5, then by all means, move my level 3 M1 Garand, Thompson’s and BAR’s to level 2. :wink:

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Please no, german MG34 nest would have traverse of 36° total. That’s basically unusable in enlisted envioment.

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Exactly, they really only need three battle ratings, 1-2, 3-4 and 5. 1-2 are good together, 3-4 works well together, while level 5 is basically Turbo mode on steroids which essentially makes all lower tier level weapons obsolete for level 5. Those who say they like the challenge of low tier weapons in level 5 can play with whatever level squads they want, and just equip one soldier with a level 5 weapon and bam, they got their challenge. :rofl:

The heck it has!

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I like this kind of NOT CLOWN camouflage on my King Tiger (H) better. :sunglasses:


I “z” what you did there heh


I guess I am the only one here hating the MG13 - that being said, I generally do believe that there should be BR1 MGS, as such the different types of bren guns could be split into BR1 and BR2, while the first BAR being BR2? Honestly why not? Would fit my description of the US being strong with automatic rifles.

I would even go far enough to put the later BARs into trooper hands.

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Moving MG34 to BR2 would be just as insane as moving down the BAR family in their current power creep form.


If you knew how much attention this gets in a match and how many soy teammates are trying to make a Friendly Fire against me



I actually used the Mod30 for the longest time, and recently switched to the MG13. That being said, if I had the choice, I would take the MG34 if it were offered in the same level. I love the MG34 and I love the BAR1918A2. To me, the MG34 is the level 3 version of the level 5 M2 Stinger as I call them both “Lawnmowers” as they will mow down anything in their path. The US BAR is listed as a machine gun, but its a light machine gun I would say falls somewhere between the SMG’s and machine guns. Unlike most machine guns, my dudes can actually run fast carrying the BAR. :laughing:

The MG34 is beautiful, if it weren’t for its horizontal recoil.
I would prefer the mg42, but why when you have the MG-15
With the mg13 with the best gunner III 17/18/22
All put in vertical recoil and reloading maxed out
And you become a nightmare for Soviet zoldatens with Mosinkas.

Here is mg15 really analog close to stinger, but no way mg34, in my humble opinion


Browning Automatic Rifle is an outdated WW1 weapon.
In the Great war both sides realised that soldiers need a shock weapon to effectively capture trenches, first the Germans used flamethrowers and pistol carbines successfully which led to the submachine gun in the Central powers and Italy.
Meanwhile the Entente used light machine guns and Americans shotguns for the same purposes.

The BAR’s and other Entente light machine guns ultimate goal was to become an assault rifle which was simply impossible without intermediate cartridge.
These MGs share many similar characteristics, light weight as possible, fire from shoulder, full power cartridges.
The BAR was indeed a good weapon in 1918 though but it was completely incapable of prolonged fire support expected from modern MGs of the second world war.


But the BAR was a hell of a weapon for Ganster’s in the 1920’s and 1930’s along with the Tommy gun aka “The Chicago Typewriter”. :rofl: I own a M1 Thompson that sits in a case just like this one. The outside of the case says Chicago Typewriter.