Since "historical accuracy" is back as an argument

Which is the entire point of my suggestion.

Don’t forget that I also said:
-M1 Garand BR2
-M1 Carbine BR1
-PPSH41 box mag BR2 (fixed dispersion of course)
-MG42 BR3
-Nerfed MKB with lower rate of fire and more disperion because it being an open bolt prototype possibly BR3
-Nerfed STG44 with real life rate of fire of 500, and as a trooper weapon, because BR5 doesn’t exist anymore

So that US is an automatic rifle faction
Soviets are a SMG faction
Germany is a MG faction

US should also have above average SMGs
Soviets should have above average semi autos
Germany should have above average assault rifles

Because thats what fits those factions from a historical perspective.


Your suggestion is too daring, too risky, this new type of balance could up set too many people.
The risk is not worth the reward.
The game us getting more and more balanced with each update, a wrong move could back set it.


see i prefer this tommy over the other version purely because of that front grip


I dont hate it. But i do prefer the breda :slight_smile:

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all my Russians have it since 2 years xD

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Well only shows the true state of Russia at the moment claiming fighting fascism while they being the Nazis themselves :rofl: :joy: :rofl: I don’t know should I laugh or should I cry if you put it on IS - 2 would have been more patriotic 10 years of Gulag for western influence comrade :rofl:

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It’s a trophy :slight_smile:

I love your reaction, it was worth spending the gold for, just for that. If you’re getting such a kick out of it, then I’m doing the right thing. That’s what I’m talking about


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No I just had a laugh it was strange seeing it on King Tiger not on IS - 2 :joy: Then they ask me why I call GE faction Wehraboos xD You have full freedom to do whatever you like I was just laughing my ass when look at the photo :joy: Its just ridicules it makes no sense at all :joy:

Dude, it’s all in fun. I’m all pumped up. Games are boring, blowing up people’s asses makes me smile. 90% of the game chat is silent, at best spamming with the same type of messages via alt+e. And here in every game there are those who don’t like it and it’s delightful. Kurz is nerfed, mg45 is not added, you have to have fun somehow. There are such decals on the is too.

Yeah but I don’t understand the logic behind something like this simply wehraboo logic is something I never understand why would you put it on King tiger ? Why exactly on King Tiger of all the tanks …

Why wehraboo , I play and on the Soviets )
And the infantry of the soviets is better in my opinion and with my builds and weapon bundle.
You are clearly making up things for me that I didn’t say.
Why KTH - because it is the most powerful tank in the game.
And the stats for k/d
and winning percentage are ± identical everywhere.
I’m a stormtrooper, but it’s nice to ride a tank specifically for the Ge, that’s a fact.

ok that’s what I wanted to know the reason behind it now I get it …

Well that’s why it was strange to me but now all make sense why the ‘‘Z’’ is on the king tiger

welp now you “Z” it


Objectively, I survived even after a couple of 500 pound bombs next to me. It can withstand an angled panzerfaust. Until they introduced the superpershing or the IS-3. Best tank according to the facts.

A lot of comrades from the West who don’t read only Reddit threw respect and screened my tank. With all the love for adequate people from all over the world. :call_me_hand:

Ahh don’t worry soon you will have the chance to drive IS - 3 in real life :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Well, at least I’m in shape to be recruited, but I’m not sure about you. Although some countries do enlist women. Go for it.

No I’m not enlisting I will let heroes like you take all the glory do go on be a HERO ! :joy: Im a evil western capitalist I have other people do the dying for me … xD

With my physique, I won’t fit in old Soviet tanks 6.4 feet is a lot. VDV, yeah.


The girl below is just crying
There’s nothing else for her to do.
Just to giggle wryly :arrow_down:



A true modern Patriot and future conqueror of NATO ! After I have seen VDV capabilities in Ukraine no doubt we have no chance in poor little NATO what we are going to do against such elite soldiers…

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You know the rule no politics in the forum