Simulating track and suspension physics

In the upcoming update, many of the wheeled and tracked vehicle models will visually improve: the way suspensions work will become more detailed, and tracks and radio antennas will move according to the laws of physics.

Each spring and track link will react to uneven terrain and antennas will sway when the vehicle is moving, which will look fantastic and realistic when looked at. This new effect will not impact the performance of the game or the off-road capability of your vehicles, but it will add a bit of soul to machines under your command.

Gradually, this mechanic will be implemented for all vehicle models in the game.


That’s sad. Since some improvements are definitely needed.
Tanks are literally struggling to overcome trenches…


So purely aesthetic changes and no real physic changes?

Well done, but it would be better if you put 30% of the effort on graphics into AI improving.


While I feel the sentiment, As far as I’m aware the graphic artists dont have much to do with the AI development. I think its a bit cruel to put down their work which does look nice because of other issues.


If it won’t affect anything in the tank’s playability, it would be better not to do anything.

Ok, it’s good that they improve the visual effect of the caterpillars, but at least they give it physics, right? I mean, they put the effect but not the physics as such… seriously, it’s too disappointing.


ngl I thought they already did

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agree its almost 2 years since i started to play and the vehicle tracks still suck : (

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I think tanks look realistic enough now,

can we please get animation updates for the soldier movements? :pray:


This may seem like a modest change, but it is quite immersive.
The Global mobilization DLC for Arma3 was the first time I noticed the importance of the crawler simulation, but it gave me the feeling of a huge piece of steel in motion.
Regardless, I would certainly like to see something new regarding gameplay.


Nice but there are some much, much more needed visual improvements for vehicles.

Namely – automated biome-linked skins.

It’s ridiculous to see sand yellow tanks with palm leaves in snow.

Upd: also turret numbers and standard faction decals.
How hard is that?


Great job!

Great news, I waited for this, knowing it was introduced in WT some time ago.

This is so very true though. Even for Pz IV there is no chance for driving out of a standard trench if you fall into it with - even if you drive fast, the rear of the tank falls into the trench and by then the tracks just cause the tank to fidget more instead of grabbing the soil in the front and gradually digging out. I understand some trenches are wide and part of the tank falls in, but it still should be able to escape the trench after that


IMO its weird how realistic tanks are while infantry are ubermensch with prototype weapons.


Also, while the animation of the tanks is important, the animation of the player should be improved.
I invited a friend to play this game, but he quit because he didn’t like the “unnatural and uncomfortable animations typical of indie FPS”.

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Is that imply finally the APC would break and not being slowdown just as show in the video?

Only hope is that the new visuals will be the foundation for a rework in tank pysics but the actual programmer are just behind scedule. This way the effort isnt as wasted as it would be otherewise.


Hehe hope it will climb and crush now :stuck_out_tongue: (yes i know its only visual :face_exhaling:)

Traction could be ramped up…alot


The demo video does not show the car/anti-aircraft gun wreckage being crushed, nor does it show the train tracks being passed, or even the rocks/tree stumps being crushed.
So it’s a bad review.

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i thought vehicles would start to perform like track vehicles, then i read this…