Simple solution against kamikaze spam

By the way @Conscript_Joe I’m of the opinion for counter suicide spam, we should bring back the fixed respawn lives we have before but diving them for both vehicles and infantry, so for each players we have

  • 15 for infantry
  • 5 for vehicle

In this way In the grand scheme of thing both team have 150 infantry squad to spawn and 50 vehicle spawn more than sufficient for 30-50 minute of match


Sorry, I dont remember that now. It was a topic from a month ago or more.

Do you mean a bit like it was with conquest mode? Limited amount of spawns?

It could work…

But to those suiciders, planes are just bona fide guided bombs :thinking: to them, instead of unlimited bombs, they’d have 5.

Ultimately I don’t think many would like that, some people do use vehicles a lot… And even if those poot A13 or t60 keep exploding, the players using them did so properly…

I don’t know :thinking: I’m not against this kind of measure, but I would want it to be effective against toxic suiciders first

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I think it would help if we had bigger objectives.
Players wouldn’t be so cluttered in one small area, and thus there wouldn’t be as many juicy targets for these zero skill kamikaze dudes. I think it would make suicide bombing a lot less attractive.

Sure, revenge suicide bombing of a tank probably would still be a thing, but whatever.

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I don’t think it would do much against suicide bombing…

But WE DO need bigger objective zones :thinking: It would bring many, maaany benefits.

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Why not go WT style - 3 re-spawns per squad type.

I this way you would also limit SMG/AR spam to a degree because once a player exhausted 3 Assault squads (includes both tech tree and premium), they’d have to try something else.
It would also promote the levelling and use of other squads than just Assault squads.

I think there is an interesting game option to be explored with limited respawns, because that would automatically make ppl more cautious and less prone to run and gun mentality.

I think it would. The only reason why those dudes are doing it is because it is efficient without any effort whatsoever.

There is something interesting to be had here. But it would be a completely different game mode.
Like WT, there’s some historical battles mode, there could be the same in Enlisted. With tweaked lineups.

For example Normandy: axis didn’t have many tanks at landing, perhaps something like just a dozen max, and allies ones didn’t land yet. Could be a battle restricting tank squads to 1, or 2 maximum per player, as example :thinking:

And also because they are really bad at bombing stuff normally, let’s not forget!

A player who is good at what he does, tend not to waste himself too easily by nature.

Yeah, it would make for shorter games, quite brutal, but equally reasonably definitive.

You could give infantry 3 respawns per squad since they’re more squishy, but perhaps limit tanks to 2 and planes to 1 respawn.
Equally boost XP for infantry by 3x, tanks by 4x and planes by 6x by way of a risk vs reward, and it only counts if you actually run out of squads, or the game ends.
If you leave you get zip or some significantly reduced number to compensate those who haven’t paid their electricity / ISP bills…

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A limited number of spawns per squad would only incentivize for more desertion. People would naturally quit the matches just to have ability to play the squad they want atm. I would definitely do that.

Terrible idea when we still have no penalties for desertion.

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I just listed the penalty above ??? and an incentive too…


What’s a terrible idea is that you didn’t understand we spoke of a different mode…

Great thing there’s not yet useless desertion penalties thought.

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Pls add an exit zones/airfields for planes as in next warthunder update, so we can exit planes safely without the need to fly for the whole match (or until fuel rans out) and spending vehicle spawn point :confused:

Planes are not the coolest of all the vehicles in an infantry-based game. They are supporting but not interacting with infantry as tanks do.


Enlisted is NOT, an infantry based game…

It’s a mixed arms game…


damn, bro, suicide crushing isnt a problem. problem is tankers in gray zone

Suice spam IS a problem…

And grey zone tanks is a separate unrelated issue…

no, this is connected problems. example: you see tank in gray zone, so what you will do? take a plane and suicide into it. average pilot of p47 ot corsair never will suicide, istead of this they will fly till got killed.

Corsairs and P-47 rockets rarely kill tanks though and infantry suffers more.

p47 has 500lb bomb, which is equivalent of 250kg bomb + hvar also can kill tanks
(not my screenshot)