Simple solution against kamikaze spam

I’d consider them at least more facts than your dollar store FBI profiling. :kissing_heart:

I’ll give another one as a bonus:

Currently due to the delay fuse system, it’s actually possible for tanks to avoid bomb damage completely by simply by driving away from the smaller bombs if they fall to the front or rear of the vehicle - i do this all the time. This just incentivizes hitting the center mass with the whole plane to finish the job.

My point is that you should be interested in fixing the problem by thinking about how the systems interact with eachother.

1.) Give people possibility + points for returning the plane
2.) Rework the damage model to dramatically increase tank component damage from near misses also with light bombs
3.) Make bombs explode on impact

Until then, it’s just another cry of “nerf the thing i dont like”

Fully on board. Lets make them visible so people know where they don’t get points right?


hostile much? Those were your words if you already forgot :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ll just consider you a suicide bomber as well. Instead of trying to solve issues, you whine about OTHER, unrelated issues…

“muuuh tanks are hard to kill, nerf them”

You do you, I won’t be bothered.

I wrote rather politely at first, you dismissed it.

If you didn’t want hostility, that was a weird way to engage.

That’s fine, doesn’t bother me.

i love when enemy pilot doing kamikaze spam, just shoot some shots before there crash even if 1 bullet hit its your kill… also its very rare to see anybdy doing kamikaze
.Kamikaze is gud if your plane is damaged and you have a really good target on your sight

I see them pretty often :thinking:

In fact, most of those opposing all kinds of suggestions to prevent it, do.

Most ideal would be airfields. But it would require work from devs, so that “soon™” might be forever…

Kamikazes are just ticket wasters for their team and often they are not so effective.
Let them continue their bad habits.

they are…

they’re also really bad pilots. But i’m a plane lover and feel this behaviour is such a waste.

Similar thing was already implemented. It proved wrong. And I don’t know why should I be punished for accidental crash yet again.

This is extremely lazy and stupid solution. And it’s nothing easier than just pull the plane up for a bit and then suicide via esc few seconds later.

Plus this suggestion would do nothing about rocket kamikaze. :man_shrugging:

f you too? :person_shrugging:

at least I bring some idea. Best would be airfields, but perhaps too hard on devs.

Still better than the drivel you’ve been spitting lately…

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Bad idea.

Best idea is to encourage players to live and exit planes properly, not to punish them for bombing unskillfully.
How? I had a solution on russian forum :^D

In short, warthunder will add “exit points” for cas in tank arcade battles. The main problem i see - once you get into an airplane - you have to fly for the whole match, while most people need planes only for a short period of time, for killing a tank or something else. As it is in warthunder tank arcade battles.

So, its better to add exit points for planes in Enlisted too, like, you can kamikaze bomb, yes, but if you fly a little and exit properly → you will get more points, xp, silver, maybe even you wont spare team spawn points/get cashback.

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It’s not a bad direction/idea.
It doesn’t help against suicide plague, but it’s at least good incentive, I wouldn’t mind that.

It’s similar to landing thought?

I think it will look like an air ammo refill point in WT, idk. Its not worth it to try to land a plane, really, especially if we consider that warthunder style bases that are just… 1km near a battle field is weird, better to like… just fly “away to rearward” and get XP, silver, maybe spawnpoints cashback.

arcade version of airfield…without the airfield

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Airfields near a battle field, in just 1km for both teams are weird.

Since radio bombers are called from “somewhere behind the map”, and we already have an air resupply points for planes.

I take your meaning, I will just point out that Aircraft Carriers are anywhere between 2-4 km from battlefield.

also thats not really a solution for kamakazi. Different issue

Im curious, wheres the thread that was “agreed” in?

I think a lot of these “agreed” points will be buried amongst the many threads and news post responses out there. Maybe a dev or a mod mentioned it somewhere. You’re going to end up having to run ChatGPT to find the bloody thing at some point.

In relation to the overall post, I don’t see any useful way to tackle kamikaze planes, in my book its the same as det-pack infantry spam rushes at my vehicles. It takes no skill to deploy a temp spawn point and suicide rush vehicles at your whim. It may take you a spawn or two, if you don’t use a large enough squad the first time, but overall there is no defence.

The nerf (silent or otherwise) that’s gone out recently for a significant portion of HE effects out there is noticeable. I like using planes, but unless my bombs drop on the head of the target they’re generally ignored. The same goes for vehicle HE, and that’s with 76mm + anything smaller struggles for effect.

I get it that some ppl just want to play INF centric FPS, but personally I would like for the Devs to spend some more time enhancing this game more in the direction of a combined arms experience, where the are options for everyone, even if they have to be a bit “rock-paper-scissor-ish” about it.

(asymmetry of the whole retarded BR system aside)

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I don’t want to see less skilled players abusing this mechanic
It’s just some kind of parasite
Players should earn money by destroying enemies
Instead of relying on survival to get more

Think about it
A player with poor skills keeps occupying planes for supplies for low score subsidies.
But he is unable to effectively attack ground units
This is no different from malicious car repairs.
Basically, it’s all negative people abusing game mechanics.

Who? When?


Except for defenders and honestly I have the feeling that defender have more FLAGGOTs because they can afford it.

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