Simple solution against kamikaze spam

Yeah But how often? Most of the time people just do a 45° into the tank and it would also be inefficent to waste entire ammo on one target if 250kg bomb is already safe.

how often you see king tiger in your games and how often you see 20 or more kills by hvar rockets in killchat

if the tank will not stay in gray zone i will never take an aircraft in my battles. for me thats pretty simple to understand what they are useless in any other keys instead of suicide bombing.
(dont count p47 and corsair with their ultimate weapon)

I never suicide bomb.

I either play the plane correctly and do multiple pass before aa or a fighter get me, or I avoid the grey zone tank completely which is often easy to do.

Or I build some AT.

Or I take my own tank.

Seriously, grey zone tanks are a completely unrelated issue. Ppl say it’s related as an excuse only to try and legitimize the fact they are unable to fly well…

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majority of suicide spammers I encountered as japan / GE are HVAR spammers that just suicides to cap points, which are by far more juicy targets than a tank at greyzone.

Dont really care, tanks atleast can use the excuse of being very easy to destroy outside of greyzone. Any class & Anyone can carry detpack / tnt which is enough to kill any tank.
Planes aint that easy.

You always only capture content that is beneficial to you, right?

I agree!

You shouldn’t be protected by officials, and should definitely be punished for being selfish, lazy, bad, boring and toxic.

Just as you said! :smile:

You don’t like? Those are all words you said.

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Its so beneficial you dont do that.
according to FLAGGOTs, no, that would not the possible because each team needs

  • two FLAGGOTs.
  • two tanks
  • probably at least two AA gunners
  • at least one dude going for greyzone tanks
  • some people building rallies and deploy APCs.

Not to mention that in many cases team is filled with bots.
Would love to know when people actually have the time to go to CPs.

Aww, cmon FLAGGOT.

How about just add a Kamikaze variant of the vehicle? Instead of ability to reload it has just single use ordinance fully loaded with fuel cost less to spawn? Happy ending for both side.

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… but funny thought :thinking:

Could be a Japanese TT plane :sweat_smile:

Rocketman3 would finally be good at using something.

do you know what point capturing means?

Does not solve anything but preservers status quo for FLAGGOTs and bad snipers.

FLAGGing is g@#

seems like you arent gain any impact for your team

On the contrary: I learnt to bomb accurately so when I fly, tanks go “poof”! Vanish!

And unlike some here, I don’t waste tickets for my team :smirk:

What does one have to do with the other? Nothing. Suicide planes bomb the objective, not the grey zone


damn, thats definitely hard to drop the bombs.

didnt know plane can capture the point :+1::+1::+1:

for you it more seems like

Seems so, which is why you guys crash on vehicles just after dropping em…

Suiciders definitely can’t :+1::+1::+1:

Ohoh, you are triggered?

While planes cant cap, a good one is “frequently” in the unique position where they can keep half the team busy, effectively giving your team a massive number advantage. (when they arent busy pancaking)

When you can routinely knock out both enemy planes and two tanks on repeat - you are essentially using “1-2” players to wrap up “four” (sometimes more when they start camping in AA guns too)…thats almost half the team. Not to mention collateral damage to infantry, APCS and rallys. Thats quite a power trade

certainly helps “capping” in its own way

It is also the most efficient ticket removalist when its not unlimited tickets.

Vehicles in general are powerful because of their potential to power trade, amplifying 1 player to easily be worth more


This thread is getting quite heated. And rightly so.

I just want to throw it out there to please keep it civil and respectful.

Kamikaze plane spam AND greyzone camping is a bit of an issue, but it doesn’t mean we need to fall out about it. The devs are working ways to fix these issues.

We’re all here because we love the game. So let’s love the game without being abusive to each other, because it really isn’t productive in the bigger scheme of things.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

