Significantly lower the EXP required to unlock squads - weapons, soldier ranks. Allow us the ability to purchase empty squads with cool emblems

Someone posted this but I want to post it again. Newer squads introduced are very easy to level and their EXP requirements are low. The same should be done to all the legacy/older squads. Significantly reduce the EXP to unlock things within a squad, specifically the part adding soldiers to the squad and opening more squad EXP.

Big ask, this covers a lot of complaints about selling squads; introduce empty squads with cool emblems and allow us to purchase them with silver. I don’t care if the cost is 50K to buy and 10K to sell, allow us to do this. This would make veterans incredibly happy.



“we” ( more like, i tried in the past ) tried to bring similar ideas twice:

and the second more concrete attempt:

but it was instantly shutted down when it reached top brasses ( more like Toss*rs ):

( i could be missing more people doing the same actually. not here to take the glory or whatever. but pity that devs don’t share the same idea as us )


I don’t see why they can not let us buy squads if there is a way to sell them. Maybe the complication is the unlocks associated with them opening the door for other complaints “how come this squad I bought with silver does not allow this class”. Understood. Maybe allow us to at the very least then swap the insignia with our existing squads, I can compromise there

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Empty squad containers with emblems you can swap out (and ideally, also dictate nationality) would be nice.


No. Make the new ones like the old ones. No easy modes

Might I ask you why you spout such heresy?

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Because why should the newbies get easy mode? The rest of us grinded everything the hard way

Ah yes, the boomer mentality of “back in my times we did it the hard way, so newbies should just suck it up, no way they can have it easier than me”. Other than your perceived injustice, there is no reason for it, as too steep requirements will scare away new players, making the game dead as time passes. Besides, we as a community should strive to make grind easier, not harder.


Except Baby Boomers got to buy houses for 5 bucks and half a bag of Skittles
Meanwhile new players get to pick and choose what they unlock while we had a, arguably better in my opinion, straight line of unlocks. For most people, new players just have it better. You could get BR V SMG’s without ever touching something like the Armor line

True, but it’s still not a justification for not doing it, things were bad, now are good, but it shouldn’t prevent us from making it even better. Besides, squad XP should be recalculated, as currently it’s all over the place. The starting rifle, sniper and tanker squads are the Moscow starter squads back in campaign days. For this reason, they’re extremely easy to grind (which is good). But, for example, AT squad, which should be every player’s second unlock after engineers, has ridiculously high XP requirements, because back in the day it was level 30 or something Moscow unlock. It would make sense to bring it to similar grind other Tier I unlocks require.

Huh it’s almost as if the various campaigns were drastically different and throwing them all together haphazardly without the proper time to develop and prevent these problems is a bad thing

Yeah, the XP levels need to be unified and make sense. They also need to give players something to work for. Making it so you can full level up a squad in a couple matches does nothing for anyone. Those last Rifleman III, Sniper III, Attacker Pilot I, Fighter Pilot I-III, and couple of Tank squads were all going to be an IMMENSE undertaking to level up as those were the last ones I didn’t have max level pre Merge. I had something go work for after I maxed Normandy Allies and it wasn’t going to get done anytime soon. That’s for darn certain

I honestly do believe that the first couple squads you unlocked in Campaigns were at a really good point. It was fairly fast to level them up, going straight down XP boosters made it even faster, and it helped to suck you in. It wasn’t too difficult and it didn’t take long. Much like the first 3-4 levels of the Campaign itself
Sure, Tier II things got pretty darn hard. Took what felt like forever to get them suckers done, but they did get done. A solid increase in difficulty for what was at the time close to the end of the Campaign
Then you got Tier III. The first level of a Tier III was larger than the last level of Tier I’s and sometimes Tier II’s. It was a cavernous increase that honestly was a little insane, but it made for an excellent challenge for those of us who had already played and mastered the game long ago. And it was simply one more reason to sink in another hundred hours. This is how it should be. That final stretch, the ending of it all, a last unlock. It should be a monumental achievement. Something that took time out of your life to do. Not something you cranked out in a weekend

But now it’s easier. Now people are constantly whining to make it even easier than that
First step first, normalize the XP needs. These are brand new squads fresh off the boat so this problem shouldn’t even exist. Every squad in every nation should be the same. Period. If it takes 10,000XP for Assaulter I in Allies to reach level X then it should take 10,000XP for Assaulter 1 in USSR to reach level X. Same with Germany and Japan. (Yes I know Assaulter I doesn’t exist but that makes it the perfect example)
Then Tier II should be a significantly higher number. Something to take a little more time and effort. You’re not a newbie anymore. You’ve spent hours of your life playing this game and reaching this level. Time to put on your big boy pants and get to work
Then you got Tier III. A huge leap in difficulty. This should take a part of your life to complete
And then it continuously evolves from there on to Tier IV, V, whatever other tier of soldier they got. I don’t know I think Assaulter V is the highest

But that’s how it should be. It shouldn’t be handing them everything on a silver platter. It should be something you earn

I agree that levelling requirement should increase further you go along and should take more and more time (tho it shouldn’t be to the point of “IMMENSE undertaking”) for three reasons:

  1. It forces players to get familiar and skilled with already unlocked equipment and keeps them from getting too quickly to the cesspit known as “high BR range”.
  2. It keeps them from blowing their precious silver on every new toy they unlock, as they have to wait longer before it becomes viable to field (older equipment keeps the edge because already upgraded) by when they accumulated some reserve.
  3. It’s a F2P game, they make money by selling shortcuts in the form of gold and booster.

Still, they could cut back a little the requirements for the first few upgrades, so players could get some specialist into a new squad quicker. Running bare-bones, undermanned squads chock-full of rifle men is not fun (which only strength is that they can run GL, which contributes to explosive spam), especially as they cost the same tickets as decked-out squads, so additionally also team suffers.

You mean the specialist they won’t have till they unlock another like 5+ things in the Rifle and Heavy trees?

The starter squads have so low requirements that it’s both not a problem and a problem (you unlocked the slots, but don’t have the specialists unlocked yet), but later one take so long to get a single upgrade and are so far in the tree that at least you have basic trooper of every class by that point that lies around and just itches to get put in it. It doesn’t have to be too much, just the first 3 levels to jumpstart that grind and get an engineer or whatever into the squad. Later they can balloon those whatever they want, as long as I have some multirole capability in the squad outside of a bunch of dudes with grenades.

Frankly, the squad levelling can be divided into 3 parts. First and third are the worst ones. First, because your squad is just like 3 riflemen and a specialist, and you have a hard time getting anything done, third because everything takes so long at this point to grind. Second is that sweet spot where everything goes smooth. You have all the XP bonuses and can put a full squad with specialists in the field, and level requirements aren’t so bad to just take forever either way. Would be cool if it was done so that no matter which level you have, you get that feeling of smooth progress.

Sad thing is that regardless of what happens that is what some people will use anyways. A bunch of dudes with grenades. The idjits

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Oh yeah, some people just want to metagame no matter what, will take both an autorifle and GL and be the sweatiest man on the map.

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I mean it something we can’t prevent unless they decide that large grenade pouch get you to br4-5 if you use it then yea spam will exist anyway

But there are those of us who grenade pack responsibly. I only have them on my AT Gunners for extra Explosion Packs. A grenade that has limited usage as an anti personnel weapon due to the nerfed blast range against fleshbags

I mean I also only use them on engineer and other class that aren’t full auto but yea some people just want to put it on everyone for some reason

Oh I got triple medkits on all my Engies. Gotta keep them suckers in the fight

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