Add Squad's Insignas as Tanks/airplane Decals, make divisional Patches on Uniforms/helmet decals and keep them for ui management in the preset option

a bit of context:

greetings, i would like to point out that this is not a priority suggestion. but something for the future that i would like to see.

after the merge, most likely squads will end up being a generic squad type. and it would be cool if we could use those icons in other places and not just get rid of them entirely to be eventually forgotten.

Main Suggestion

Keep the squads icons, and transform them into appliable decals for tanks and uniforms.

for example; it would be cool if we could keep all the squads icons:
( just to show a few of what i’m talking about )


and let the players be able to use those cool icons onto clothings ( if it’s based on infanterie units ) and vehicles.

so that we keep the stuff that it’s inside the game to be used elsewhere and not completly lost / forgotten.

which i think could serve different uses:

1) the ability to use them on tanks and airplanes:

( Even though everyone knows we still need roundels first… )

it would be cool if we could use decals just like warthunder, certain divisions icons onto our tanks and airplanes.

for example;

352nd 222 scout car

Luftwaffe sdkfz 234/1

Jagdeschwader 3 Me 410

( Yes i know both vehicles aren’t inside enlisted )
but the main point is, add the decals that historically had tanks or divisions that would normally have used vehicles/aircraft.

as majority of the squadrons that are inside enlisted do not have an appliable decal for vehicles.

it would add some unique decals exclusive to enlisted as well.

i’m not too sure if add infantry decals for tanks that would be wise despite not being really historical accurate. but… doesn’t look like enlisted aims for historical accuracy so i’d say, why not.

more customization for everyone and more incomes for devs.

2 ) Squad’s decals on uniforms / Helmet

this used to be a thing, and since squads will be gone, it would even be more interesting being able to create our own squad and set of cosmetics based on real units ( or create new ones that still lives in the realm of realism and not fairy tales )

a notable examples, were the americans patches with decals / uniforms:

you know, the ones that were supposed to be on the paratroopers present in the promotional material:

and when it comes to other factions. either:

  • make similar uniforms or a system that applies patches on shoulders uniforms for other factions as well
    ( despite not being historical accurate, but more variety is always welcome from me )

  • create a customization system of decals for helmets where players can place decals in a pre fixed position decided by devs


( more details can be found: Soldier's Cosmetic Concept Idea ( Enhance it by expanding it ) )

it’s really up to the devs what they think it’s best.

if they want to make it historical accurate where only the US soldier had divisional patches
or make something realistic and give all factions similar concept of divisional patches on uniforms for more selection and what not.

3 ) after the merge, allow players to change the squad icon for easier management ( it will greatly works combined with preset feature as well ).

the idea, is to let players decide for example, the icons of each individual squad based on their own preferences for easier access and use it as a remember mechanic while giving a bit in depth customization of players preset/squads.

for example, players could recreate historical ( and non as long it’s still realistic ) battalions / divisions / units and be able to assign them the correct insignas. more customization essentially. but it will also work as a remember mechanism. as for example, if a player personally assigns an icon to a squad, he most likely remember it. which it’s going detrimental if one player has more than 6 squads. let’s say, easier for management.

( might sound vague, but i will explain it better in the " why " section )

or, check this suggestion which explains it better than i can do:

and lastly,

4 ) allow modders to use icons in profiles. instead of having to be forced using squads with their own forced icon upon.

as right now, the only way we can change profiles icons, is through having to change the squad type of the squad.

which it’s not very ideal because it’s a time consuming process, and it does not even allow us ( modders ) to select our wanted icon.

for example, we have to open a jonson file, having to check the squad, hope that it’s enabled, save it, upload a mission with the profile, having to close the editor, having to open the game, and then host and see the squad type what icon does it have. but, this method does not allow to use hidden divisional icons that are present in the game.

so, it would be cool if we could just inser the svg name and the game will recognize it while upload it.

and it would make things easier, and make historical squads ( or again, non ) much easier and more customizable.

and to conclude this suggestion, some might ask:


well, the reasoning behind is simple.

i’m a huge " sucker " for customization and historical accuracy. the looks it’s everything for me in enlisted ( also one of the main reason why i play enlisted. for the customization, graphic and gameplay )

which, one thing that not many games let, is the ability to have more units to play with of different branches and what not.

speaking of different branches and not, it’s the main reason of this suggestion.
it would be really cool if players can decide how to customize their squads in every smaller detail.

for example, go full luftwaffe divisions with squads that looks like paratroopers, field luftwaffe divisions, and having airplanes / vehicles with luftwaffe insignas or squadrons divisional icons.

same thing goes for panzergrenadiers. it would be cool to make them distinct and be able to switch between presets.

or heck, even allow different types of branches based on players preferences. for easier understanding and what not.


expand the uses of icons and not straight up remove them for easier UI management, players understanding, and customization smaller enhancement for everyone to pick and chose.

so yeah. that’s about it.

ain’t gonna be mad if it doesn’t get introduced, but it would be cool. mostly for the ui management as it would help me to create different presets and historical units.

( would also love to see some customization back like the uniform with patches while getting news and unique decals for vehicles )


It looks very cool :heart_eyes:. I wish they would add this customization to the game

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I like this a lot.

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That’s what i was dreaming about from time to time during games!

Will be very cool to have it, because playing with customization is always cool, especially when it’s aethetic!
But i am not sure that Red Army or Japanese Army can offer a big number of interesting insignias though. :thinking:

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that’s definitely a concern that i had but didn’t addressed because i have no idea about those.

i think insignas would still work, but makes it a bit… cartoonish / arcady.

which would be somewhat fine by me, but not sure for the others.

hence, perhaps the devs will be able to decide that.
( unless anyone else has a solution )

Well, they can just go in different way of customization. Insignias are amazing for German, US and perhaps British (all these rounds and cubes with different colours looks interresting), but for some other factions they can go with other things. Like medals/rewards, or some field adjustments to the uniform and etc.

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It’s a great idea. Devs should see this.

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More customization options that make each squad feel distinct and unique would be a great addition to the game.


Is too much ask for a nerfed Totenkopf?

we do have other ss units, so… don’t think that one specifically will introduced.

we could still go for the others… and new censored ones as well.

This is literally so easy and so important

Tanks in WW2 looked like this

Not like this

I honestly can’t believe Darkflow/Gaijin can be so greedy as to charge for such things (they are present on gold order skins though :confused: )


one of the best suggestions in terms of customization, this one and earlier erika’s post about customization, like them a lot

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Would be a great adition.

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Not gonna work for USSR considering most squads are going to be a red star anyway or a guards badge if its a guards unit.

We just need to put red stars on our tanks besides some available emblems of certain tank units.

Hey, Thanks for the suggestions, I also think this should be a thing, I’ll pass it on.



Yes please add these

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