Should I delete the squads that I dont use?

Hey there! Like I said (you really are slow) it was past midnight, and since I’m already at work, SOME sleep was required! So I did as I said.

As for your worthless arguments, they’ve been answered multiple times, and not just by me :wink:

You’re just being a Karen at this point.

You truly are suffering from selective reading uh?

That’s you:

The answers your brain fails to understand:

Since you seem unable to understand even the simplest arguments and answers, even when outlined and in big characters, and keep repeating nonsensical things even when proved wrong I’ll leave it at that.

Just do what you want, and have a good day! :smile:

I am jealous

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I should really TRY to get to bed earlier.

Insomnia is a nasty thing I tell you. I’m literally a coffee junky. If I don’t have my morning coffee, I get into withdrawal and have a migraine :sweat_smile:

It’s not healthy. Gotta find a way to fall asleep better :thinking:

That’s not my problem. I went to bed pretty early tonight, fell asleep for 2/3 hours. Then I wake up and that’s it. It was impossible for me to fall back asleep.

After a few hours of trying to sleep again I gave up, and went to play enlisted.
I somewhat naively thought there would be easier games in the middle of the night since no one would be playing.

Well, I was wrong. I ran into @Shiivex, who absolutely crushed me. xD

Lol those previous discussion about this topic covers all squad.

Lol it is you that fail to read.

This is what I said.

This is what you replied. You can’t even answer my argument.
Its funny that only stuff you can bring up is a bunch of insult instead of proper argument.

Why do you claim being jealous, then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I meant to say, that going to bed earlier won’t help. I am suffering af rn xD

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Yes… doesn’t work for me either… trying to find a way.

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Neither of us had a team :slight_smile: but GG, was nice to spot you :slight_smile:

I would have left in your situation tho, you had like 20 or 30 kills and second guy didn’t even had 10

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You’re downgrading me now :joy: I had ±70 kills and 6 vehicle kills.

Btw. One guy from your team was using AAs very efficiently, he shot me down twice with them. I wouldn’t expect something like that on low BRs.

But my at mines tho


Was a cool match, I wish we had better teams to last a little longer.

You are a good enemy to fight. GG

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AT mines? Niiice.

For as much as I hate AP mine toxic spam, I can respect cleverly placed AT ones.

The very rares times my vehicle steps on one I’m like

I was on a mission to get 100 kills at mine acchivment

Luckely it’s over :slight_smile:

Only this 2 now are left

Baby steps

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Yeah, I think he killed me 3 times with AT mines.

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I have still 0/100 lol

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If one day you going after it.

I advice the Para squad, for example italianoids
Equip everyone with at mine
Select a route from enemy tank spawn
Land and select at package
You get 2 mines per soldier
Izi kills



That’s… impressive :open_mouth:

I might try to complete it one day too for the fun of it. It requires a certain brand of patience to succeed at this :sweat_smile:


Remember, they also destroy planes

(see kill feed)


Wtf :rofl:

One in a thousand chance a plane flies low JUST as a mine blows off?

Dude fired his rockets close to the ground and close to my mine.
As the mine damaged him before he crashed, I got the kill :joy: