Should I delete the squads that I dont use?

dude it take me like almost 3 month to complete AT mine achievement but tbh i was very “Japanese” with it if you know what i mean

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That’s also a good way, place one close to tracks and fire at them.

Only kv1 was my nemexis :eyes:

But this. This is amazing to see on kill feed when it happens


i remember when the AT mine achievement first got added the road in pacific are filled with mine got plenty of kill with it (good time)

maybe i should start AT mining again hmm eh i will think about it

Never do that, you will regret for sure

Sold all mine. Did not regret it a single bit. Since what is the point of keeping squads that you are sure you’ll never use again? Yes, as previous, presets. But any other than that, you might as well sell them.

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Against advice, I sell squads, because I was desperate for silver. However, I main USA, so I deleted other sides which I do not have much gear in, so cool, I guess

You sure regret your surgery