Should I delete the squads that I dont use?

I have so many squads that I am not using and its starting to get very crowded would I regret anything if I delted them?

Yes you will if you would want to make lineup for different BR.


Never sell your squads!!!

Selling your squads is a scam, don’t do that, it’s not worth it.
Having a lot of squads is really nice since you can use those to easily switch BR presets.



God, No!

Wait I’ll post why


yea like they said never sell them sometime they even have unique customization


Speaking as someone who sold off the majority of my pre-merge squads before truly understanding what it really meant, my advice is don’t sell them.

The silver boost can (and was for me) be helpful, but it isn’t really worth it overall.


Yea, you might as well sell them. I’ve sold many pre merge squads, because they’re just useless. If you are not planning to ever use them, its better to just sell them because they clearly are just a waste of space. Sold all my legacy plane squads and certain others since I already have a good line up. So I still don’t get the point of people saying to not sell them, if they are clearly just no need.

You must have a ton of different br presets, uh?


Just maxed out as much campaigns as I could before the merge.

Just use weapons from lower or higher battle ratings. Easier done than said.

Not what I asked.

How many different battle rating presets can you create with the few squads you have left?

I just stick with one preset. (As a whole)

What Valkay said… I started over two years ago, and my ORIGINAL squads I had I sold when Gaijin reworked everything. So, Paratroopers I had…GONE. So, unless you KNOW for sure you will never use a squad…KEEP IT! I wish I had not sold all mine, but to late to cry about it now. :sleepy:

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There we go.

That’s why it’s important NOT to get rid of your precious squads for bread crumbs, @weareinthelimbo

It’s much faster if you play with friends to just “one click” the br preset you want and saved, than to manually change AAAAAALL equipment AND vehicles on EVERY squads to fit the correct battle rating.

Seriously. A measly 10k silver, for something that is priceless in value…


BTW, if you decide to throw away rifles, make sure you take the Bayonet’s off cuz you can sell them. I have pretty much stripped all the original rifles that I am never going to use and sold the Bayonet’s. I did keep the scopes off my old sniper rifles…Why, IDK as I most likely will never use them. :stuck_out_tongue: But at 20 silver a pop, if you’ve been playing a long time, that is a lot of coin… :blush:

I’m still pissed when I did it accidentally since the UI is intentionally reversed to fuck you via muscle memory
What an absolutely scummy and dishonest thing
Support says to get bent btw



A lot of squads=a lot of presets


Some of them might have unique default uniform like the 3rd Parachute Division 3rd Mortar Battalion.


It still depends, there are many squad like sniper squad and at gunner squad that many people didn’t even bother to put in their line up. Especially for F2P players that don’t have much squad slot.

It doesn’t.

It’s simple. Those are invaluable. Priceless. They cannot be obtained anymore, as such no amount of silver is worth selling them.

Even the less used ones.

Because the day you decide “oh, I’ll make a 100% Commonwealth or Italian or whatever lineup for fun!.. Oh right. I stupidly wasted it for a scam, 10k silver.”