(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Well, we took your feedback into account and will think about some more changes in silver. F.e some changes on all weapons and vehicles of 3rd TIER buy and upgrade cost.
Plus some slight changes in conversion rate in better way ofc.
Also keep in mind that bonus for playing each side could be tuned depends on need and feedback.


Why we can’t decide if we want to convert research points into silver or not? I don’t need silver, I played a lot and don’t want to grind anymore. Worst update of the year


I understand that the conversion rate cant be too high but 1 silver per 100 xp does not seem like a good trade. The cap for banked XP being only 25,000 seems redundant. 250k seems more appropriate.

The 20% for join any faction though is a very good change and is the perfect amount to entice players with.

Battle Hero medals need to either give 200 per medal to a max of 1000 silver, or stay at 100 silver per medal but with no cap to how many can be earned.

Overall these are buffs to the economy which are welcome changes, but they could be slightly better in my opinion.


Imagine, you are still unlocking stuff. Having a blast of a game with a few Boosters running. You are grinding something that needs just a few rp, so anything over 25k rp is gone. You get your 25k rp and some change silver. Man that would be mood killer.

Haha yeah no


Lol literally no one mentioned it here, but this was issue mentioned time and time again before.

We simply don’t want to lose our stored xp

Psychology 101, taking something away hurts much more than giving it


Still can’t understand why players have to buy new vehicles when we old players got every tank and plane for free before the merge.


weapons too (the one in the squad at least :stuck_out_tongue:)

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The biggest issue for silver is, and always has been, newer players. Which is typically the lower performing ones.

A fix that only helps good players does nothing to actually helping grow the game. Please help ALL players with the economy, not just the above average ones.


For the medal maximum, will make that for low br it cap at 5 medals and on high br it cap at 10 medals

Re releases game on steam because they want new players to play it

Doesnt give a single damn about new players silver balance

You are just asking for mostly negative reviews at this point, I really want to know the thought process behind this, If there even was any…


So we wont be incentevise to farm low br just for easy medals

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The free XP into silver conversion is absolutely insulting. And to declare it as something positive… Classic greedy game Dev move, removing every player advantage possible


I think it more the publisher who puss the dev to lower it down so they can get more money.



I am concerned that attaching greater silver gains to battle hero rewards will incentivize seal clubbing.

With the research to silver conversion 10,000,000 xp is worth only 100,000 silver… lmao.


Cant you just make it optional to convert instead of forcing everyone regardless of the exchange rate?

I would not care how bad the conversion is IF IT WASNT FORCED upon me.


Generally most of the economy update is very good news, the silver conversion for older players is past Insulting however; which really ruins all the other good news; please adjust accordingly



Ofc always “slight” because notable changes would be to harmfull for game I guess.

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This changes already quite notable in the long run to everyone. But as i said above, devs considering something more then was announced.

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Vets rately melee outside of bayonets so I doubt the newbies will melee more. Bots arguable melee more than players.
And even if so… one reward of 100 silvers for like how many newbies per match plus vets?