(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

So if i understand this right, i cant get more than 25k RP in reserve ? More and it gets converted automatically ?

yes… and conversion rate is dogshit


Are you joking? 25k is almost nothing… That is like a tier 1-2 tech at most (edit: it isnt even tier 2 just mid tier 1)… The silver gain is negligible and personaly I got all the silver I need saved up already. If conversion is forced you do nothing but piss off your players with that.


There are some medals that are easy to get like the melee one. So if you get into a habit os stabing downed players you can get free money even as a new player.

Freely allocatable Research points won’t disappear. You’ll still be able to accumulate up to 25,000 points on your account per country, and only the excess experience will be converted into Silver at a rate of 1 Silver per 100 Research points.

Don’t do this. Terrible idea. We should be able to choose to hoard xp or Silver.


not on my watch when i make demoknight with radiooperator, sprint speed, sabre and pervitin in bootle

Why you devs are so hesitate at positive changes?
I do understand you don’t want sliver to be excessive for everyone, but 10% or 20% won’t make anything different.

So my suggestion here:
For “join any team”: 100% sliver and exp for first 3 battles everyday.
For “battle hero”, 500 sliver each, and max 7500 per day.
research points covert to sliver at 20:1, not 100:1.


i must say that people are really liking this update



25 000 extra research point is to small put it at 100 000 research point it start to convert to silver


Why you devs are so hesitate at positive changes?
I do understand you don’t want sliver to be excessive for everyone, but 10% or 20% won’t make anything different.

So my suggestion here:
For “join any team”: 100% sliver and exp for first 3 battles everyday.
For “battle hero”, 500 sliver each, and max 7500 per day.
research points covert to sliver at 20:1, not 100:1.



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Gaijin PR strategy in a nutshell:

-Here is dogshit 1:100 conversion rate
-But this is dogshit
-Ok, here is 1:69 consersion rate, much improved
-Wowza, thats much better dogshit, thanks for listening to community


Normally we earn 1 silver by 10 research point it not a good ratio to make it 10 time more bigger.

Yeah this is increadibly cheap to the veteran community. I expected 10%, maybe 5% conversion; on 20,000,000 spare XP I get 200k silver; while smaller players will get chump change :face_with_peeking_eye:

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This is no good. I think no one wants this. 25k maximum, is too low. in fact, any maximum is too low. We veterans ENJOY unlocking new stuff fast. We grinded repeatedly for it. Do not make us GRIND MORE.

Instead. and I believe someone suggested it already:

  • Make surplus xp conversion OPTIONAL, without maximum

Since this only affects us veterans, I can say we would prefer to keep that surplus xp if possible.


and make exchange BETTER
1:100 is SHIT


Yeah make it to the same as battle 1:10

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so a new player -in a 20 min game - they lose -no prem acc - no battle hero - didnt click “Join any team” - doesnt have 25k exp stored up
gets 0 increase to their silver

an increase to silver gains overall of 3.1% IF you have exp stored up to 25k
this entire article is a joke

Hey guys, the silver economy sucks, you should fix it before releasing to steam!
Devs: Nah

Oh all these new players cant earn any silver, lets change nothing about it for THEM
But veteran players get a 3.1% silver increase

How can you be so incredibly out of touch to even suggest these changes? Why are you unable to listen to anything the community suggests to you to make your game better?
A flat increase of even 50% to all silver earnings would still really not mean a lot
3.1% increase my god, so after 33 games of grinding I can equip a SINGLE extra weapon to my 27-35 man roster for a SINGLE tier
What. A. Joke.

Edit: I miscalculated, its not a 3.1% increase
It is a 9.4% increase if you already have the nation you are playing capped out
If you play a game and earn 10,000 exp, you will instead get 100 silver.


i’m bad at math, but 1% conversion?
literally couldn’t offer less. I’d rather keep my research points🤮

Its literally worse than nothing, you cant even keep your XP, since theyre basically DELETING it.



It’s why I suggest, along many others, to make that conversion entirely optional and remove the cap limit of 25k (which is really nothing, late unlocks cost 7X that amount).

Removing our surplus xp bank, is a HUGE nerf to veterans…