(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

At the end of the day that’s for the Developers to decide. To be honest I am impressed sometimes on how much the developers and studio actually respond to the community in general. I am a relative new player and so far haven’t spent any money on premium content but eventually when I am able I will even if its priced a little high to support the developers which in turn keeps the game updated and progressing.


I recommend to wait for game’s anniversary discounts.

The best purchase you can make then is to buy premium account for year for just 2000g (20 bucks). You’ll get 50% to exps/silver income + 2 additional squad slots for each faction.


:point_up: straight facts

Commanders! After lengthy internal discussions, we have concluded that additional changes to the economy are needed. Right now, the team are considering reducing Silver prices for purchasing and upgrading equipment and soldiers, but also accelerating the progression of the whole game!

Please remember, we’re still considering other changes based on your recent feedback and the developers are working on these too! Since there are many amendments coming, we aren’t ready to share the exact details yet.

We’ll combine these changes together and state them all in a single dev blog and we hope to show you soon.

Thank you for your continued feedback!


Still no info on research cap is saddening.

But at least economy for new players could be at pre merge levels again, so thats kinda good? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I know the silver economy has been the big conversation, but its really good that theyre talking about the entire progression as well. The current grind is completely nuts when you actually break it down, and IMO its a big turn off for a lot of new players. Players hitting the XP soft cap, winning every game, and have premium are still going to take 200+ hours to complete the entire Axis tree. Your average F2P player will take 4x as long just to finish 1/4th of the available tech trees.


What for faster progression ?

Before the Merge there was 6 campaigns. Everyone had to unlock MP 40 / M1 Garand / SVT-40 in each campaign separately and no one complained about that.

Faster progression = no incentive to use premium account / premium squads / XP boosters :sleeping:






I believe it was THE argument ppl used the most to combine factions… They were unhappy having to grind mp40 5 times…

Ppl did complain a lot, you know…


i m not quite sure since was the main reason people complained about, repeated unlocks.


That 6 Campaigns Prinzip was awesome i wish it would return…

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Me too :pensive:

Thank you for allowing us to help recommend changes. If you guys really do change the cost of equipment a decent amount and improve progression this will be amazing. It will attract a lot more new players for sure.

why do you think people mained certain factions/campaigns? why do you think people wanted merge and tech tree? why do you think we have mains even now?

you gotta be the best clueless person in this forum,

or the worst troll.

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That is just the way it is.

  1. Players from UK and USA are more willingly to play USA, players from Germany and Italy - play Germany, from Russia - USSR.

  2. Players choose faction which suit their style of game (USA - for those who like planes / USSR - infantry / Germany - tanks / Japan - planes and infantry).

There was 6 campaigns, some campaigns were more popular (Normandy), some were bot farm (Tunisia) and some were rather abandoned (Stalingrad, Pacific) by players. Not enough players to fill all 6 queues.

Same as before the Merge.

Now I will ask you a question…

How is this possible that roughly 9 days after the release of a new battle path, there are people who already achieved 50 lvl in a new battlepath and unlocked main reward (T-90 Proryv)… if one match in this game gives about 20- 30 battle coins per battle and one stage (level) costs 5000 battle coins to unlock.

How is this possible - that game which has mixed reviews on Steam attracts people to play and spend money ?

Because Developers shit on opinions of idiots and do their job ?

While in Darkflow they only can only fire old crew members.


Should they…

S*** on your opinions?


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It will take “only” 5500 matches instead of 6600 matches to unlock everything for your average f2p player. How dare they! They took our precious grind i will sue them! Remember it’s not a grind if you won’t have to spend 10k hours to grind up to the Tiger E.

decision to play my first faction was random cause i got assigned to germany in normandy and i got lots of kills with MG on d-day.

people mained certain factions/campaigns

  1. cause they were easier to grind (e.g. i needed ~3 months to grind germany with faction stack and 6+ months to grind allies(underdog) as f2p for ~4.3 mil xp). there was always faction bias in certain campaigns
  2. once you grind one faction, you will play it more cause you have everything in it
  3. grind sucks and starting from beginning sucks even more
  4. majority of people who start grind dont know strengths and weaknesses of each faction
  5. player nationality may be initial reason why people choose one faction, but what is the reason to keep playing same faction after finishing grind? i am neither of the main faction nationality, but i played lot of germany(my maxed faction) when i grinded allies and played lot of germany and allies(maxed faction) when i grinded soviets.

there were couple of reasons one of which was repeated long grind.

idk what you are trying to prove here. that there are idiots in every game?

btw if you are talking about keo, that had nothing to do with their profitability, player opinion or whatever else you may think of.

also armored warfare attracts players? since when? from all that i can see it has vastly inferior number of players than enlisted.