(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Post Scriptum… second best WW II shooter after Crap let loose.

So good that they use maps of modern of Europe in WW II game.

Because… who cares. Players are idiots, no one will even notice that.

Idiots may be closer than we think

I hope this means huge foldering of redundant research. And not increasing already pretty fast exp gain.

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Palpatine - Ironic

Hey thanks for the advice I appreciate it.

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Even though I haven’t invested a dime I tend to agree with you on this one but maybe it’s the right move when it comes to longevity of the game with regard to player base and such

Consider making soldiers that don’t have max rolled perk points being able to gain perk points, like every 5000 exp or something gained after reaching 5 stars gets the soldier a random perk point up to the class maximum.

My reasoning is that players will keep playing to gain exp and in the end saving up on silver that will be reflected on their silver balance and ability to purchase other stuff, rather than reroll like mad.

I can definitely see foldering items together especially for Axis, But I don’t necessarily agree that it’s extremely quick to get through. But we won’t know what they mean by making it easier until they post about it. Hopefully we get that news within the week, I wouldn’t be surprised if we do but I also wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t. If dark flow is known for anything it’s unpredictability. And that includes pulling a rabbit out of the hat with huge positive changes. And from the way this sounds this is a unpredictable and unexpected but positive change coming.

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is so terrible , 100research point = 1 Silver ? you must be kidding
if not maybe give me a button to revert so many useless silver to EXP

They said it was revised further after All the backlash, so we’re waiting on a more updated conversion rate, so it’s going to improve even more as well as many other welcome changes silver and even more accessible way to unlock tech tree items. As for when this update comes out and the news about it all we know is…


Quoted for anyone who didn’t see this as it got lost in the sea of posts.