(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Yes, that’s why my main point has always been that experience players are now gaining disproportionately fast relative to silvers. (Btw. I was already saying this 8 months back)
And that it should even out. Or, in my opinion, completely reversed. Make that hard cap are primarily experience and not silvers.

Those statements like “they should slow experience gain by 4x” were primarily just meming and triggering people who were claiming atuff like “devs want to steal from us” or “give us 10x faster silver income”.

so my points are manipulative, but yours arent when you show 7 million spare xp and 5k silver as proof of broken economy?
btw there was nothing manipulative in it. i was asking rhetorical question on absurdity of personalized economy. i agree that silver gain is too low.

only thing manipulative about this topic is your lack of arguments to any counter argument brought to you. you have made your opinion and even if it lacks logic you will stick with it.

cause you dont. you have made dogma about economy based on your personalized situation. that personalized situation is based on basically 0.001% of playerbase cause there are not a lot of players like you who have spent lot of time in game, spent a lot of money and are skilled enough. you dont have any argument to actually justify this, so you just avoid answering.

ffs i was never even able to take advantage of that system. i just recently finished soviet (few weeks ago) and US grind (just before t20 update). now i am finishing german grind and will go to japan grind after.
you still didnt provide argument exactly how people with spare xp take advantage of system. they basically skip few days of grind to get stock weapons that are usually worse than previous weapon they already have equipped. to get fully upgraded weapons they need to grind more than they would need to grind to unlock it cause one squad xp is much harder to gain vs all squad xp.

but i expect same non answer how i am manipulative with these arguments…

that is why i compared you with ex EA CEO who mentioned charging people for reload.

so spare xp earned through effort, time and probably money is free?

'Right, cuz I (we) totally did NOT accumulate that spare XP by playing and/or paying premium, it just fell off a truck and we snatched it…


Yet another manipulative statement. The only reason why I did show the screenshot is because someone accused me of having huge amount silvers in spare. That’s literally the only reason.

I know exactly how much I earn per good win match or per bad lost match. I have my irl friend with whom I am playing enlisted. And I know his very casual perspective of the game, as Enlisted is far from his main game.
Majority of his stuff are from pre-merge Stalingrad (I bought him the bundle).

projecting much?

another manipulative statement from you focusing on one thing out of context to avoid answering other points.

btw just cause i totally didnt expect this

So it can get worse? Thank you?

I am just lazy to bother with you, as you are constantly repeating the same things over and over again.

There’s nothing to react here.

I already provided answer for that:

Not true. You will never have any need to grind ever again for exps, as they are not going to be resources that would have any value to you at all.
Which kinda sucks for game of f2p format that depends on monetizing the grind.

That’s what they’d most like to achieve. I was not talking about current state of things.

When will we get an update on this? can we get it this week?

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i disagree. monetizing grind is double edged sword. it creates barrier to entry, specially cause you pair newbies with stock low BR weapons against veteran fully equipped and upgraded players with +1 or +2 BR equipment. that difference always exist no matter in the beginning of the game where people with money and/or time have significant advantage over casual and/or f2p player or well into the game life.

btw few steam reviews

Good thing about this being on Steam is they can’t delete discussions that even mention pay to win, right? (NVM they banned me from discussions for mentioning pay to win and let their shills attack me and call me mentally ill without banning any of the toxic people who actually broke the TOS) Game has so many unique mechanics that are pay walled with absurd prices: rocket tanks, paratroopers, flamethrower tanks, extra vehicle slots so you can spam 8 vehicles in a row while free players only get one, etc…not only is the game blatantly pay to win but they also renamed the Steam release to the original name of the game so they could justify deleting and hiding all the negative reviews from their initial failed launch, fraudulent damage control anyone? Intent to deceive customers isn’t acceptable, devs please remove pay to win or face a review bombing AGAIN! Focus should be to fix the AI bots and progression and remove pay to win instead of just simply adding more content only the whales can enjoy or use…not to mention the silver economy is so bad the game devs are being FORCED to admit the predatory monetization/progression was so horrible they can’t even hit 1,000 players at launch. Not to mention they claimed to have tens of thousands of active players on their website but suspiciously have less than a 1,000 after a full Steam launch? Do yourselves a favor and leave a negative review and dump on this dev team, they deserve it and it is the only way gamers can fight back against this kind of nonsense. I understand games need to make money, but breaking a game and selling the solution isn’t an acceptable way to run a business. Would you buy a car from a dealership that breaks your car on purpose and then sells you the solution for an absurd price? Don’t support pay to win it is anti gamer and anti gaming, the industry will become miserable and milked dry if we continue to give dev teams like this a single cent.
Update: Developers literally told on themselves, how would you guys know I was banned and for how long without reporting me to get banned yourselves!? LIARS!

First message that pops up after opening the game for the first time “premium membership has expired click this button for more” when i have never had it.

With Enlisted monetization comes first then more monetization with a side order of monetization. Then after all that monetization you get some game play with monetization ads at every screen.

just about every button links back to the money transaction screen\

After the first game an AI picture of 3 cats asking if i could review the game. they did it so people would put good review after only game + are less likely to edit the review later…

The game is fun and have a really interesting premise, but the grind is straight up insane.

Let’s keep it simple, on average a match can take around ~20 minutes, and on average you get around 3000 RP. A single weapon/squad is 30 000RP and the next requires 80 0000RP. For a SINGLE weapon/squad, when the game expect you to have RIfleman squad, assault, medic, engineer, tanks, planes, anti tank, machine gunners.

Then you have the silver grind. On average, a match nets you 300-500 silver. Equipment and starter tier weapon cost 500 silvers. The next tier cost 1500 silver, which just 3 games right? but that’s for a SINGLE weapon for a SINGLE soldier. each squad can have around 3-5 people in it which you have to equip individually. And I haven’t even mentioned upgrades

You need to play 10+ games just to unlock and purchase a weapon/squad which can make the game feels very repetitive really quick.

I would recommend trying it for an hour or two and if you like it, then maybe pay for premium because playing this purely F2P is simply NOT viable. Even warthunder have a better grind than this game.

Free to play means that you will need a high frustration resistance or spend a LOT of money. I mean a ridiculous amount of money.

Gaijin has gotten more and more greedy over the years in War Thunder.
And the way they changed Enlisted in every update shows the same strategy.

They remove nasty things, just to replace them with more nasty things and try to sell those changes as improvements to the audience.

Free to play games are an predatory business and Gaijin mastered it.

Do yourself a favor and do not invest time in those games. You will get disappointed at some point in the future. You will get toxic, frustrated or get a burnout by grind.

The only positive thing about steam release is, that I am allowed to warn you.

this is a promising game, but it is ruined because of greed. it is impossible to progress at a reasonable rate without spending hundreds of dollars. (like war thunder)

Adam, you need to work on your communication skills.
Because each time you write something, some ppl disagree, reply and you say that’s not what you meant.


Exactly. It is a free market nowadays. Developers know that they can demand some money for their work… but not too much as they risk that players will spend money elsewhere.

Monetization / economy are not a problem. Problem are idiots who blackmail game developers by their negative Steam reviews :-1:

Are you expecting me to read some ultra long spam texts made by some pathological complainers on steam? Lol.

Enlisted has currently 75% of positive reviews, so the spam texts you have shared most likely aren’t representative of majority.

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Remember kids: if you don’t like something, then you are the problem!
I’m sure this mindset won’t ever backfire…

  1. not a bad thing
  2. already proven that it wont incentivize spending money on premium or gold cause that grind is so low that it can be finished within a week as f2p. unless they introduce whole new tech tree as part of the faction.
  3. squad xp grind still exist and that is bottleneck, not actually researching weapon. 75-100k for 5 squad points are bigger bottleneck than 180k for new tier 5 weapon.

and you know who made majority of those 75% of positive reviews? veterans who transferred their account to steam. how many of them are actually newbies?

btw some of those positive reviews sound like AI generated from someone who never played the game.

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And the free market does not like Enlisted. Praise the market.

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I think it’s time to stop, thing is escalating and you guys keep shaming each other without reason, the topic is already retired for be rewritten and re-done, further discussion who end in flame wars are useless, there is no input than insulting each other, therefore i ask you this last time to stop, im not gonna ask again…


I wanted to react, but I am going to respect forum moderator. Especially since he’s right, this discussion is going nowhere.

Let’s save our energies for round 2 after the rectified announcement comes out (so we don’t need to gather further energies later and we can start arguing right away).


Honestly, we probably shouldn’t even argue on the second one. We’ve heard our stances plenty of times to not need to repeat it there either. But if there is actually something wrong with the updated info we can continue from there. Hope they get it right this time and we can all be satisfied.