(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Sorry that we had any disagreements.


Nice job completely ignoring that I’ve been complaining only about the removal of stored XP.


I thought that was the bulk of the complaints.

That’s 100% needed /or should be usable only trough combination with premium currency

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here we go again…

and yet you still provide no good argument on why it is needed or why it breaks economy.

I did.

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That’s your pseudo argumentation to counter points I have never said in the first place, so…

I really don’t want to participate in pointless discussions again and again. I said my points.

lets summarize your points

  1. need to increase xp grind and increase silver gain - cause you have problem with silver(aka “healthy economy”) and have loads of xp
  2. it is obvious to everyone that spare xp breaks economy (still no real argument behind this)
  3. put spare xp behind paywall (cause long live capitalism)
  4. it is broken economy cause it provides no incentives to buy premium nor currency
  5. 10% of playerbase is only people that matter(basically those who have spare xp), f casuals, f those without skill, f those without money. people should be spending hundreds of dollars in this game to keep it alive and game should force people to pay more either with time or with money
  6. game shouldnt only be about meta weapons. people should have enough silver to buy and play non meta weapons
  7. time exclusivity is good source of money
  8. you have never seen free spare xp in any f2p game and it is unhealthy cause it is unmonetized
  9. you dont want to live in pseudo socialist world where you get anything without any effort
  10. these suggestions are making economy better for the player

so lets kill all your arguments one by one.

  1. economy shouldnt be based upon you. i have quite contrary situation, i have 1 million silver and not enough xp. should we increase xp gain 4x and decrease silver gain 2x cause that is my situation?
    but we can all overall agree that silver gain is too low.
  2. not obvious. think you are equalizing this with real economy where there is circulation of assets, so someone hoarding extreme amounts of money will lead to reduced economic growth (or recession)
  3. no comment needed
  4. this was whole point of previous post. new weapon to grind doesnt provide incentive to buy premium nor currency. majority veterans even if on f2p can get that weapon within week and bottleneck would still be squad xp that enables upgrades(without upgrades new weapon is usually worse than previous fully upgraded one) and price reduction (which is needed cause silver economy is bad)
  5. cant really make this up. imagine having casuals in f2p game. imagine not having them. would you enjoy PvE? imagine having f2p players in f2p game. imagine not having them. would you enjoy dead game? what incentive do casuals and f2p players have to play this game if they are treated like shit? do you think that people would enjoy just getting pummeled by whales? there is reason why people hate p2w games and even people with significant purchasing power avoid them.
  6. actually i agree with this, but there is no way to enforce it. majority of people who have meta weapons would still just dunk on new players cause of shit MM queues.
  7. yeah introduce more fomo events. do you know why people call this game p2w? cause some unique mechanics are locked behind events/paywall. just check steam reviews about people complaining about p2w paratroopers.
  8. well this thing has been disproved. WOWS (and probably all other wargaming games have it)
  9. well spare xp was earned either through time or through money or combination of both. it was not given freely
  10. only suggestion about increasing silver. your suggestions about xp and spare xp are totally anti player

Well, your first point is yet again manipulative af.

I don’t have problems with silvers, I have fully equipped at least 5 presets of 11 squads for all factions (with exception of Japan, for which I don’t have BR1 and BR4 presets)

I still have many spare soldiers I could sell in legacy squads I still haven’t touched since the merge. I have plenty weapons in storage.

I just like spending, and I would have close to zero even if silver income would be 300% higher.
As long as there would be something to spend on, ofc.

To portrait it like I have “problem with silvers” is just ridiculous. And your intention is very clear.

I’m not really going to study the rest of your super long spam, I guess it’s going to be all the same on similar note.

You’ll try to make my arguments about me, that I just have some personal interests of my own and/or you’ll manipulatively try to convince others as if I have no idea about expirences of other players. And bla bla bla.

You are just insecure that you’ll no longer be able to take advantage of imperfect system.

You suggest to make grind longer so apparently you don’t.


Not really, since currently players are mostly hard capped by silvers, not exps (unless they have silvers from selling pre merge soldiers)

“You are starving so lets cut off your water supply because you have plenty of it”


That’s bizarre comparison.

Because your idea is bizarre

Ppl complain they need to grind too much to get silver and your solution is to make everything else equally bad.


Majority of people will always be complaining about not having enough recourses, we don’t live in communism.

I have no clue why everybody should have everything without any effort whatsoever and completely for free

But with your ideas we will live in an anarcho capitalist distopia.

Yeah, because a bit less grind = get for free without any effort.
You are so out of touch.



Lol, this is such a stupid statement.

People can always say, “lower it just a little bit”.

That’s just not how it works, monetizing the grind is the healthiest way how to monetize (unless the game has ambitions to monetize purely through cosmetic stuff.)

The more you reduce the importance of grind, the more you open the door for OP premium squads and similar p2w features likw premium squad slots.

And it could be even worse then, they could come up with OP premium squads that we could get only trough rng loot boxes. And similar gacha shit.

You just want to absolutely kill the fundamental aspect of the game without caring at all about anything other than your personal interests.
If you don’t like grind. Obviously, game that has tech tree is not going to be for you. :slight_smile:

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But I can make a counter argument that too much grind will simply make ppl not play because it’s a waste of their time.

So there nedds to be some kind of a middle ground. And imo current exp gain is ok-ish for me as a very casual player. So I don’t want to increase it.