(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Are you sure about that, lol?

Btw, It also counts hidden posts, which is why the numbers are a little different.
But that doesn’t affect the fact that your statement is purely manipulative.


Hopefully the developer’s recognize how important it is to the community that they do something about the silver economy

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I am pretty surely they already did.

Right now it’s best not to start any unnecessary dramas around this. And wait what else they come up with, eventually suggest some solutions yourself.


How is it manipulative? Click “news” under forums and see anything near the comments this thing has currently. It indeed is the hottest topic right now and it IS where most current contention is. I’d suggest removing your head from a certain place before accusing someone of being manipulative over asking for when we will simply get an update,

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Well, usual soon*tm or when it’s be ready to be shown.
Im not talking about very long time, we just need some of it to make sure of all changes.

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I understand and appreciate it. I hope it ends with everyone being satisfied.

What profit ? :exploding_head:

  • players demand more silver.
  • developers propose +50 % change of silver income (current plan)
  • idiots start threatening - “give more silver or we will post negative rewievs on Steam !!!”
  • developers get scarried and dont know what to do

So - no +50 % more silver at the moment but also - no any other news (vehicles / updates / events), because instead of normal work they need to handle toxic community :-1:

I bet you also were mad that people complained about stalingrad situation and didn’t spend any of received gold in protest

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just cause you dont know sorting:


Even Ronald McDonald said that this calculation is not very reliable.
Would like to know how many people manage to get five+ awards, have premium, constantly win and earn enough xp to get 1k.


please do calculations on how i can get 50% increase with these battles.

you get 10% increase of silver by conversion (only if you are maxed in that faction, otherwise 0)

you get max 500 extra silver for medals, which usually means you performed extremely well and you probably won. lowest silver gain where i may have earned 5 medals(from recent screenshots) was 1825 silver for defeat. if you add 500 silver there you will get not even 30%. well if i was f2p player i would feel that increase much more and it would be ~55%.

if you want to add join any bonus into calculation, dont even bother, cause

  1. you may be sacrificing 50% win bonus to play current underdog faction
  2. faction that you get to play is not the faction you have finished researching (removing conversion xp bonus)
  3. you may perform much worse than with your main faction losing access to medals bonus
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actually income for f2p players will increase more in % wise than for premium players, so it is possible to fix calculations there.

but still does not do anything for people who need it the most and that is for people in middle of grind without much skill.

It’s still literally in the top 9 while being a brand new issue. I dont understand how you guys dont get that it STILL would be one of the biggest topics ever in the history of the forum.

Let alone is the biggest within a 30 day period by far if not more

6080 base + 1220 join any team + 500 medals + 570 research points = 8370 silver

(increase by 40 %)

My “50 %” was only an estimation, as respective calculations were already made in this topic :sleeping:

Sometimes it is increase by 40, sometimes 50 and sometimes 80 %.

kinda optimistic of you that you would get win if it puts you against stacked faction. so instead of 20% extra you could be looking at -30% income cause you didnt win.

topic should have been over ~500 posts ago when they said it was sent for revision, but for some reason we are still spamming this topic with pointless chatter.


In defense i’d say it’s mostly adam having arguments with other people over extremely poor ideas for 50% of it. Related to the topic but just beating a dead horse.


I apologize for saying that. Since you really believed in what you were saying.