(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Devil’s advocate here.

The game itself is the highest official source we got. If the game says it, it cant be the communities fault for something SOME dev pushed out. Someone at Darkflow intentionally pushed (can be assumed) the outdated text string for the research points to every country BUT english.

  • They had to go out their way to post/push something outdated WHILE keeping english in the dark.

Regardless if it’s correct or not - it’s something that should not continue to be practiced.


Well, errors happen. Right now i sent this problem to the devs and they are researching how this problem occured.

I would understand it to be an honest error if only the following below didn’t happen.

Anyways, if anyone else comes back to this post between now and a new one - just wait for the updated revision.

Error? Don’t you know why people hate this so called improvement so much? And you guys still decide to push it forward? Typical Gaijin absolutely no respect for players.

I don’t see how this ‘improvement’ helps new players.
First, the war hero is not something new players can get.
Second, The bonus on ‘join any’ is to guide new player become source of fun instead of having fun. A new player should find his comfort zone as soon as possible but without an old player telling new player they would just go to losing games again and again.
As for the conversation things. It only concern players who reach the top so it only bad news for old player

We don’t want to push update that was sent back to revision by community feedback. Right now is only a translation error, because this change was in “almost ready” state.


We prepared more changes for new players in future devblog.


Less silver for old players and less silver for new players?

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Spreading disinformation just to rile up the community more against the developers.

This really isn’t the first time these so called “infuencers” are doing this. Shameless.


Just want to clarify for all - this is indeed a BUG. It will be fixed in an update coming soon. We have different, updated plans for the Silver economy that will be published at a later date.


Bruh, not “influencers” created that “silver economy improvments”. Devs are great if we talking about their ability to rile up the community against them

Also in German .


Likely the same in all supported languages as they most likely outsorced translating these versions and are unable to edit all but the english version themselves.

That wouldn’t kill the game for new players. That would be a slap in the face of old, faithful players.


The thing killing it for new players is the insulting reward system for silvers we already have and what they’ve proposed

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isn’t it funny how they make things, and then announce them almost at the last second?

like, it would have saved you the trouble being clear with your intention and would have saved you the trouble of " revisiting " / wasting additional time to revert it.

IF, we don’t count what in the hell is wrong with the person that came up with, agreed, and gathered a bunch of people to make it happen.

let’s just forget that for one moment.

but that was time that could have be spended for something that was actually needed, and beneficial for everyone.

like, i don’t know.
custom matches?
custom content?
customizable ui?
reworked customization?

anything at this point.
like, everything would have been apreciated.
but no, you had to came up with a solution to fucking it up for everyone.

the audacity…


Nah, they love to waste time doing things twice!

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… and not fix for **** customs.

or *insert topic here

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Reality might as well be much more pragmatic.

It could even be an established modus operandi:

  • Prepare plan A
  • It’s going to screw players 8/10
  • Invent a plan B that would screw players 14/10
  • Announce you’re going for plan B
  • -Sh#tstorm-
  • “Fine, we’ll figure out a better way”
  • Announce plan A like a boss
  • Players see it as an improvement because they’re screwed “only” 8/10 instead of 14/10
  • Profit
  • Rinse and repeat

May I ask how soon you guys may publish said plans? Multiple weeks, within a week, etc? This is the one of the hottest topics of contention and it has the most amount of comments of any thread in pretty much ever (including more than the original steam cancellation fumble). It would just be nice to have an idea of the timeline for this issue to be addressed.

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