(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

My lacking performance is about what the average player puts in though
And the pittance i received is simlar

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still not a healthly economy, here is a 26m match with 7k, only 3.7k out of it which is barely enough for a single solider


Why are you take so long to post ?

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I dont know. I earn about 3000- 4000 silver per match and proposed changes will give about +50 % more silver.

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Cool. But you will not get more silver for that :smirk:

for some reason i doubt you earn that consistently

In the old days, if you dont honour your Veterans, youll fast end up facing them on the opposite side of the battlefield :slight_smile:


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I earn the same as you. 2630 for defeat = 3950 for victory.

3950 + (3950 x 0,2 for join any team) + 500 for badges + 500 for conversion of research points = 5800 silver

It is almost 50 % silver more.

Players should not be greedy, as it only harms relations between them and developers.

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Oooh returning veteran legend!


Here, fixed it for you, added missing logic.


I don’t know where you’re getting “three years” from, I picked up the game for the first time last September, and finished all four tech trees a couple months ago, so significantly less than one year.


I also said, for normal players.

I didn’t count no lifers.


Rude assumption, you know nothing of my life or habits.

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Incidentally, it took roughly 2.5 years to me to unlock everything with premium account and some premium squads here and there (while also upgrading to max level nearly all squads, including legacy ones).

During this time, Enlisted has been my main game, and since gaming is my main hobby, I know first hand that my average daily playtime already approaches the limits of what can stil be considered healthy “not harmful”, without subtracting time to family, rest, work, and real life in general.

Therefore, if you say that you reached the same point in less than a year, even assuming that you are a top player who consistently scores better than me and/or cycles nothing but premium squads, I can’t but suspect that your average daily playtime is TOO MUCH to be healthy.

Take care.


I’ve been playing Enlisted for less than two years and I’ve already managed to unlock everything.

Enlisted is definitely not the only game I’ve played during that period, and I’ve had several longer breaks in those 2 years.

If I played WT the same way, I wouldn’t even have 1/2 the content unlocked.

Research in Enlisted is extremely fast, and it is even faster right now after merge. (Worth to mention I have at least 20 millions spare exps. But most likely even more, I can’t check it rn.)

All I know is that I’ll never have to worry about grinding exps ever again. Unless something is going to change. And something should definitely be changed.

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I have been playing since the server was launched, take a look at my battle duration and the unlocking status of my technology tree.Be clear headed, this is not simple, nor is it easy to achieve.

Imagine that I spend an average of over 2 hours playing every day for more than 2 years. You can’t say that this is easy for many people.

Old players should not say ‘you’re not working hard enough’ to new players, as this will only make things worse. I don’t want this game to make it difficult for new players to start.


I am of the opinion I play games too much, its pretty much a given (doesnt stop me though). Playing on and Off (but still ALOT) since CBT…3000 battles or thereabouts…I dont think 3000 battles is normal (yes I am aware there are player that have played alot more)

And I Havent unlocked everything (Just missing Japan, probably could have If that had been my intent…dont really play japan)

However I have “spaded” nearly everything, and min maxed a good portion or the Nations I like most

warthunders grind is “horrid” And Ive played it alot. I have been stuck on unlocking the same vehilce for the last couple of months because I get so bored for so little progress…i stop playing…Ive completely let go of events and BP in warthunder now too cos its soul crushing

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Indeed, I really can’t understand what those guys who still think it’s easy are thinking. Their refusal of new players will only make more people leave.(I left Warthunder a few years ago, so I don’t want Enlisted to become like that too.)


And people who see this as a problem are an extremely small minority, if more than 2 guys at all.

Not true, since literally devs already addressed this issue in this topic.

It’s completely obvious something needs to be. Now it’s just about finding the most reasonable fix. It’s not even a question if something like that is issue.