(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

I never suggested that large ammo pouches should be purchasable only trough premium currency, while small ammo pouches would be the only option for f2p players.

That’s exactly the direction I don’t want this game to go. And that’s definition of unhealthy income.

Same goes for current state of squads slots. I’ve suggested several times they should be reworked to be more friendly towards f2p players.
And It was me who suggested special bonus slot for event squads (also a very friendly approach towards f2p players)

world of warships? with it probably WOT and WOP also. you have free xp (that you earn every battle) that you can spend on all nations, you have spare xp that you can convert to free xp.

i never said that. just commenting that your extra monetization options are in line with EA…

what is unhealthy income? for someone to have extra xp? after grinding for years in this game? i will just quote you on this:

people who have spare xp already paid with time and/or money.

idk why you think that grind is necessary for this game to be healthy. if anything it is one of the reasons that it is making game extremely unhealthy. why do we have mains? why do we have faction stacking? why are mains frustrated every time faction stack shifts?
you are just shifting what should be enjoyable game to frustration cause of grind.

do you know one of the reasons why significant part of playerbase avoids grind based f2p games?

  1. you need to invest significant amount of time(years) and/or money to be on equal standing ground with veterans
  2. you most often have p2w elements in the game

do you know any game that is f2p and avoids grind and p2w? cs2, fortnite, pubg, apex legends, planetside 2, league of legends, dota 2, etc.

btw just recently found about survey that asked 5000 adult US males that played video games on their spending in f2p games. 82% of them have made purchase in last year.

dont you think that they will actually significantly expand adult paying customers if they actually remove the grind. working people just dont have time/will to spend on grind when they can either play f2p game without grind (and spend money there), or they can actually buy full price for a game without grind.


Yes, very different from having X millions spare exps free to spend at any moment.

The number of free exp in WT/WOT is very limited. And you earn them at very slow pace. Easily only 50 exp per battle. Or maybe even less.

I have already given counter arguments for most of the things you are talking about. And again, you deliberately leave out several of those

For example here.

I have suggested that 2/3 of game’s content should be in folders. So even more casual players could actually get high BR stuff if that’s what they want to play.

And I am not going to constantly repeat to excessively huge walls of text. Especially since I have already provide counter arguments for majority of it.

I will not participate in pointless discussions over the same things again and again.

iirc i earned 1/10th of base xp
you could easily earn loads more free xp with premium, high tier battles, flags (aka equippable modifiers for single battle that you get through daily missions and events), first battle bonus etc.

  1. none of your suggestions are even in consideration.
  2. you were proposing increase in xp grind without even putting these suggestions into context.

like i said before grind<>good game


You’ve shown you’re terrible with funds in game and are suggesting things in absolute terrible faith to bring everyone down to your “good economy” which equals broke ass bitch 24/7
I can’t believe you’re still trying

Please refrain from the discussion between serious posters

Maybe not this much, but it should be able to do low to mid tier weapons per match since the higher tier prices are insane.

If you think so.

Not true.

You just want exploit imperfect system yet again. Economy, desertion… It’s all the same.

lets see your post chronologically:

this is first time you mention OP squads and squad slots

but you dont mention anything about foldering stuff (and havent seen anything in your next dozen posts)

wtf do i want to exploit? after 2 and half years of grind i still have 3/4 of japan and 2 mil xp of germany to grind. ffs i even have premium account and grind is still slow AF. i am probably in top 5-10% of playerbase by time invested and by skill. if you doubled the grind i would just quit the game and would never recommend any new player to even try to start this. xp grind is shit, silver grind is shit and you want to make at least one much worse cause you invested lots of time and money and with you being skilled player (who exploits desertion amongst other things) and have loads of xp.

btw i wonder how do games without grind and without p2w mechanics survive?

That was most likely in different thread that was made about this topic.

It is not my false that so many people have need to create threads that are focusing on topics that are already disscused somewhere. I guess they are thinking their opinion is going to be somewhat more relevant that way.

But I bet you were parcipating in that thread as well. And now you are just pretending like you have no clue what I am talking about. Classic manipulation.

Seems like my suggestion must really trigger you, lol.

I will not parcipate in this discussion about nothing. If you have better suggestion, feel free to share it. It is not like devs are taking feedback only from me, lol. I just shared my opinions and perspective, that’s all.

What. The. Actual. F***.

One really can’t make that up.

I seriously hope you are trolling, Adam. Because if not… I’d try consulting.


please be peaceful and dont threaten people anymore :rofl:

contrary to what you believe i dont check every thread on forum. lots of times i miss some interesting discussions.

well yeah cause it is so damn anti player.

So what? It’s not your job to gather feedback from players.

I really don’t understand why do you even care. If you think my suggestions are stupid, they will most likely not going to be implemented anyway.

As I have said, rather than trying to participate in never ending discussions with me. You should come up with your own suggestions.

The more opinions and suggestions are voiced, the better for everyone. And the developers themselves should then just cherry pick only the best ones.

Huh? I am not threatening anyone.

If you think so. I just want the economy and desertion systems to be fair and consistent for as many players as possible. That’s all. Plus I want this game to flourish.

dont underestimate stupidity and greed of snail.

check what you wrote :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, thanks

Adam, joe, , I think that’s enough, as you know, this topic is under review and it’s not worth continuing to fight about it,

it’s better to discuss when the new post be published

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My excess experience cannot be sold to other players, used by other factions, or exchanged for anything else. Can you tell me, how can I ‘destroy the economy’?
I have so much experience just because I often play this game, and I find this game interesting.

Now, developers are trying to play some tricks to make my experience almost worthless, telling me ‘you almost did nothing’, why don’t you make me angry?

If you want to tell me that they want old players to unlock new equipment after the technology tree update, then why? All the old players have already spent enough time on this damn tech tree that they still have extra experience.These are what they deserve in themselves.

Nowadays, developers not only do not want to please these loyal fans of their games, but also want old players’ efforts to be in vain, which is simply foolish!


There is one thing I must clarify, setting an upper limit is unnecessary because you already have a similar feature: squads upgrades, even if players unlock new equipment directly, they still need to use the corresponding squad to play the game in order to upgrade these equipment to the highest level.


I see no reason for there to be a free exp limit, except to funk with the minority of the playerbase who fully grinded out a tech tree. And they most likely already paid by having at least premium time, if not premium squads also.
And even if there are some very few poor souls that grinded it out without paying darkflow, they paid with hundreds and thousand of hours of gameplay, and while doing that they kept the game alive and populated.
Now, free exp to silver exchange on the other hand would not strictly be needed, if the overall silver gain would be more reasonably adjusted upwards, but it is a nice feature for someone who took the time to complete a tech tree to be able to get silver faster and pimp out their squads. 100 to 1 conversion is ridiculous though, should be at least 50 to 1.
I don’t think that being forced to grind normally new additions to the tech tree is a good idea, people who have excess free exp already spent time in game, even if they take a break and they come back 3 patches later they would rather insta research the new additions and pimp up a squad and try them out, rather than force them to play 20-30 games to get them.
When the game’s primary goal is to grow the playerbase, and revenue will grow from that, I just don’t see why this idea if squeezing the few very dedicated players by the nutsack with limits on free exp. In particular because this will always be a feature for a minority of the playerbase.


Got the rewards for the average player’s performance /w premium time
This is ridiculous full stop
Without premium people are making 400 silver for their effort
How do people think this is in any way acceptable
We’re not all living in 1991 Russia
We should be making a decent profit for every match
And not having to sell our boyholes out back for extra Enlisted Gold


fun fact: on june 30th i spent 200k to upgrade 15 T20s, my SL hasn’t recovered even with somewhat regular play

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False :-1:

Because 12 min match is a steamroll, not a fair and balanced game.