(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

You’d better enjoy it alone, or with Adamnpee.:+1:


Fair points.

but keep in mind, i was just asking coz i srs donno what to do with said research (11mil on that case),

i havent said nothing regarding the news so far :slight_smile:


You mean like an alternative idea of what it can be converted into thats worth while?

Atm its sort of like your annual leave :stuck_out_tongue:

as a player talking here, yeah would be rather cool to use said points on other stuff besides the research for new toys.
donno in what, but as a player i would rather see that.

then i would have the option to keep the points for unlocks or use it on other stuff… in what i srs cant get into any idea …

Hmmmm…maybe could have an event store with all past event and BP items with excess RP as currency?

World of warships had something similar…Free XP special ships

That was just a quick idea…not thought through ( and for you inparticular you probably have everything anyway so…still not attractive)

Warthunder Has Squadron Vehicle Concept

Cosmetcs? I dunno…“something worth while”


If you don’t use English client, you will find this.
Devs decided to continue the changes that almost all players opposed. And they don’t want to tell people s who use English client in advance.


So it will be another attack of Pearl Harbor to Enlisted player?


Who would have expected gaijin to do typicall gaijin move

Hide shit nerf inside a improvement post, react to backlash as in only criticism was that improvement is not good enaugh, when there are 600+ replies calling out shit nerf.

We will end up with shit nerf and barely noticeable economy improvement (only for players that are already maxed though)


So that’s what was written! (When I looked it was hidden)

But they shouldn’t flag it. People should see it. Since what you say doesn’t make sense at all and tell it’s like desertion, people will see that your suggestions against desertion ALSO doesn’t make sense…

Which serve us well!


That simply means

That it will be time to turn that “thumbs up” in Steam rating, into a “thumbs down”.

When devs say “f*** you” to players, it’s only fair players say “f*** you too!”


so im not good at french (still learning) it translate to something along the line of “the research point can be use to accelerate research. The excess point will be convert to silver” i think

well Joe know french (cause he is canadian) so maybe i should have wait for him or someone to translate it


Looks like my negative Steam review will be there for eternity but will need to be edited first with yet another scummy thing that DF/Gaijin done/will do to us.


In fact, it text book says exactly what the snail wanted to force on us:

“Excess research points over the maximum WILL be converted into silver”

Wich sucks.


well i guess the nightmare is gonna come true and someone gonna get their wish granted

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translated with deepl

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So someone posted on Reddit that DF/Gajin is still keeping the silver conversion changes after all the blow back.

So it’s capped at 25k

And anything after will be 100,000xp to 1 silver conversion. I hope this crap is not true.

Because if so, yall just killed the game for new players


well if it true im converting all my point into research rn before they got turn into 50 silver (cause i have 30k)

Vote with your wallets and Steam reviews, gentlemen.

It’s all we can do.

I’ll wait till it’s official, but this doesn’t sit well with me at all.


No need, because I can tell you that it’s written the same way on the Chinese client.The second half of the sentence means’ any amount exceeding {maxCount} will be converted into silver coins’.I hope it’s just a bug.


How to piss off your playerbase in 1 week