(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

100:1 is ridiculous. People should choose from converting or not. And it has to be more than 100:1


Not true. It would be very beneficial for the game. As the current system is obviously imperfect and players won’t have to grind any exps ever again (under current system).

Which simply isn’t healthy for the game at all. It’s the same case just like with desertion.
People just want continue to take advantage of imperfect system…

so people just stopped playing the game after they finished the grind? your argument makes no sense. why should extra grind be necessary? for people to continue paying premium? to grind one weapon they would need ~180k max xp and that is 10-30 f2p battles for veteran which is 3-10 days of playing normally with 3-4 battles per day.

also players need to grind squad xp to get upgrades for new weapons, so grind will still exist.


Stop putting words I have never said into my mouth. That’s some weird pseudo argument YOU have came up with. That’s your logic. Just another deliberate manipulation to degrade your opponent in discussion.

As I have already said. I will not participate in pointless flame wars with you.

If you think you have better idea, feel free to suggest it.

Dont make mandatory conversion but a concersion which you can choose to use or not?


If a player stops playing the game afterfinished the grind, they will definitely not have a lot of extra experience. Just like now, these extra experiences are useless, why do people accumulate them?Due to the existence of squad, players can attack more boldly, which is very enjoyable to play. Enlisted has its appeal, it’s not just about grind to retain players.So admit it, you’re talking nonsense.

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Wow, abusing flagging system. Directly reported to moderator.

wtf couldnt even see the reply…

miss the old flagging system where you could actually see the message…


What is being abused and flagged?

adam is being abused and flogged cause he was a very bad boy :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah the new flagging sucks, but at least there are less of adams rants to read


May i ask, What are you going to do with more silver?

I think the main point is “when you dont need either”, RP currently still holds the higher value going forward. Even if you have more than you will ever need

So “forcing” converting it into a lesser value (at a tiny rate) is basically robbing you.

Having the “option” to do it is a great idea. Forcing it sucks

What “if” the game survives and they move on to Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and the tech tree and research costs explode?. Sure they have no plans, neither did warthunder. You would be kicking yourself for trading in your stock for peanuts


I support forced conversion :+1:

100 research points = 1 silver, without option to store them.

i havent seen any solid argument you made on why extra xp breaks economy. it doesnt stop people from playing(cause no more grind), new weapons/vehicles arent expensive enough to warrant buying premium (if that was your argument for health of the game). so if player still plays that faction when new weapon comes out he will also unlock it in few days of grind, just with extra xp you remove that extra week he would need to spend grinding. nothing broken. btw like i said before you still have to level the squad to unlock upgrades. that is 5 skill points that is 75-100k xp for one squad and that is much higher requirement than 180k exp with all squads.

why should i want to change something that isnt broken? you should actually provide actual arguments on why extra xp breaks economy cause you want to make such drastic change.

btw i would probably just suggest adding option to convert that extra xp into squad xp to help unlock other squads.


I support having it forced on your account :+1:


You’d better enjoy it alone, or with Adamnpee.:+1:


Fair points.

but keep in mind, i was just asking coz i srs donno what to do with said research (11mil on that case),

i havent said nothing regarding the news so far :slight_smile:


You mean like an alternative idea of what it can be converted into thats worth while?

Atm its sort of like your annual leave :stuck_out_tongue:

as a player talking here, yeah would be rather cool to use said points on other stuff besides the research for new toys.
donno in what, but as a player i would rather see that.

then i would have the option to keep the points for unlocks or use it on other stuff… in what i srs cant get into any idea …

Hmmmm…maybe could have an event store with all past event and BP items with excess RP as currency?

World of warships had something similar…Free XP special ships

That was just a quick idea…not thought through ( and for you inparticular you probably have everything anyway so…still not attractive)

Warthunder Has Squadron Vehicle Concept

Cosmetcs? I dunno…“something worth while”