(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

isn’t rewarding the player to make him feel better, and let him/her buy some occasional unique premium that you, as developers should aim for?

instead of alienate the effing playerbase and drive them away because it takes years to get to an iconic vehicle / weapon.

you can’t make this up.

oh yeah, absolutely.

the list does not have shortcomings for them uh.


And to think that most of the arguing here revolves around Adam and the other guy not only approving DF for basically nullifying the XP earnings of people who endured through the whole grind, but doubling down.


Your Score should be your Silver (it would be double with premium). Everyone would agree with that change except DF and Gaijin because they want your $$$ even tho they have already got our money by paying them for useless premium.

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I’m not blind, I know full well that others have a slower grind than me.

I still stand by the fact that experience gain is absolutely, unequivocally disproportionately fast in relation to silver gain. That’s always been my point.
And I think that’s the biggest problem with the current economy. In fact, this is exactly the same for everyone, and it absolutely doesn’t matter how many boosts you have. Silver is calculated from experience gain.
And what needs to change is this coefficient.

Nowadays, you’re just researching a lot faster than you’re acquiring silvers. This results in you seeing that you have a lot of options to buy from. But you just don’t have the resources to do so. Which is inherently extremely frustrating.
Currently, the hard lock in getting new stuff is currency. While experience more or less means next to nothing.
And so people just suggests “give me more silver” and that’s all they see.
But that would greatly reduce the hard lock in the grind rate. Devaluing basically every aspect of monetization.

That’s why I suggested hard lock be on the experience side rather than the silver side. Currency should be the soft lock and not the other way around. I think it would greatly reduce player frustration.

Statments like “they should significantly reduce experience gain, maybe 4 times” were primarily to trigger those “gimme more silvers guys, devs are greedy”. Plus, it drew attention well to what I was writing.

  1. it is not that xp is fast, it is that silver gain is shit.
  2. someone did calculation and we now earn ~60-65% of premerge economy in silver
  3. premerge economy was shit before

i agree with this. but solution is not decrease xp, but increase silver gain so this isnt a problem


here is topic


God forbid you ever need to draw our attention IRL, you’d probably go for nothing short of taking hostages.


So you want XP gain to be as bad as the Silver. Got it. I think you should get hired by the DF and to ruin game even further with those ridiculous ideas.

No XP shouldn’t be nerfed because only with premium and playing well you can grind entire TT of a nation in a timely manner.

XP should be left alone but silver need to get boosted massively to match the XP right now even with premium it’s too little - 2.5-3x increase is needed.

Even people that can’t afford premium and play badly shouldn’t be stuck forever in hell of BR1-3 forever they should be able to experience all unlocks game has to offer.

What will be your next suggestion? Events taking too little? They should be increased to 50k score every 2 days like WT right? How about instead of 28 day marathon make it a year long marathon that will show for sure that those undecided and unworthy people will leave the game only true worshippers of DF and Gaijin mantra should be allowed to play their games. Don’t forget to pray at the Gaijin’s CEO Shrine every day. He is your only God now. :rofl:


I like that your solution for grind is more grind and ppl demanding less grind are the evil ones.


There are several reasons why you can’t take it that way.

The resources were strictly separated. You could only use each resource for one specific thing.
Objectively, bronze orders and soldier silver order were far less valuable than silver weapons orders.

And once you had no use for one specific order type, it had absolutely zero value and you couldn’t use it elsewhere (Apart from the fact that you could sell weapon for bronze orders. And so convert silver orders inro bronze orders, but at a very bad ratio)

Prime examples are silver soldiers orders.

So the math is completely incorrect. It just doesn’t reflect pre merge reality.


well i dont have problem with xp so much as i do with actually insane amount of redundant shit in mandatory grind. hey lets grind 6 bolties in a row that basically have negligible difference in stats, or grind same rifle with minor difference(m1903a1, m1903a3, m1903a4), grind m4a2 after previously grinding m4a1/sherman II (for both 75mm and 76w) etc.
grind is retarded for some stuff.


I agree with this, we need way more folders. We already have Tier system that’s preventing you to rush through tech tree anyway.

And there’s no real benefit from playing higher BRs.

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there are several reasons on why i could take it this way.

  1. DF made conversion chart
  2. even though resources were separated i spent those resources on all things cause i needed them all
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Whatever, but it doesn’t represent nominal value.

but it does represent nominal value cause DF said so.

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Okay lol xD

So guess what kind of player would have a lot of extra experience? Do these players care about how much experience they have?

The update speed of developers is not fast, and these experiences are just numbers for veteran players. Even without new weapons, they will still play the game.In addition, veteran players also have enough equipment, so even if you force them to withdraw their experience, they won’t be in a hurry. As long as they continue to play easily for a few more days, they will unlock new weapons.

Excess experience doesn’t have much effect. The reason they’re angry is that the developers are forcing these numbers to be transformed into something else, completely forcing them.Plus a poor conversion rate.

No one would be willing to be forced to make an unprofitable deal, even if they are wealthy.

And many of these veteran players are willing to spend money on the game, as you know, paid squads always have some attractive features.The reason why veteran players pay is definitely not to gain experience through these squads.

These players can spend so much money in this game, so they can also easily spend money in other games. Guess what the consequences are for constantly angering them?

Using bad earnings to make people pay only applies to new players, and they have already done so, even going too far. For veteran players, they no longer care about these things. To make their money, the only way is to launch interesting things and please them, making them willing to support this game.

And these rules that betray old players are obviously of no help to them in making money.


fair, but for example me, what i m gonna even do with all this excessive research points?

i wouldn’t mind to trade them for something, or have them used on something besides research :expressionless:


what i m even gonna do with 11 milion on german side? :expressionless: even if they added all ww2 stuff possible, i think this would be enough … and then. i would get more and more and more for what?

just mine example here ofc. i m not speaking to another player prespective, mine in this case only. what i m even gonna do with 11 milion xp on german side? :expressionless:


Well as others mentioned before me, it’s the fact that:

  • this decision of caping AND forcing, is unnecessary. No benefits for anyone.

We should have the choice to decide what to do with our xp surplus. I don’t even mind the abysmal conversion rate… it’s the forced part even thought it’s useless for DF to do so, that doesn’t sit well with me… and 99% of us veterans really.

And a mere 25k cap? That’s seriously a “f*** you” from the devs to us, their most loyal and lucrative clients…

DF should know better, imo.

To reiterate: like you I’ve got plenty surplus xp. Because I play. Meaning I AM giving attendance to the game already, which is what devs are aiming for.
I too would like THE OPTION to convert said surplus into something like silver.

But that’s what we asked. The option. The choice.

DF mustn’t remove that from their customers, as it has nothing to gain doing so…

… And soooo much to loose…


100:1 is ridiculous. People should choose from converting or not. And it has to be more than 100:1