(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

I personally disapprove maining a single nation. But otherwise, I agree with the principle that the time spent playing after everything is researched shouldn’t lose its earnings.

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Well speaking as a whale (or some species of), i prefer to be kissed :kiss: “before” i get f#!ked

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Again, whales being more willing to pay doesn’t mean that paying is the part of the experience that we enjoy the most.

Well, that’s why it would be completely optional. And you’d still have option to completely for free convert spare exps to silvers.
Not even WT is that user friendly.

Developers are not to make a game for everyone. They are to earn money.

64 % players (those with less than 1 battle daily) are those who bring Mosins 1907 / snipers Kars98k / T-60s / Panzers II into BR 5 battles. They might think that what they do is fun, but in fact they only spoil the game.

People naively think that they will pay once 40- 50 $ for a game, and this game will be updated for 3 - 4 - 5 years or more. It does not work that way.

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“Not even a bed made of rusty nails and glass shards is that comfortable.”

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so fortnite is massive failure cause it doesnt have grind? cs2 is massive failure cause it doesnt have grind? what about cod warzone, pubg, lol, dota2, apex legends, fall guys, stumble guys.

their devs must be really hurting monetarily…

also what is the problem with paying once 40-50$ for game and having updates for years? i paid ~50$ for half life in 2000. and CS 1.6 still has updates till today.

GTA 5 still has updates 11 years after its release

they dont need to update it for 25 years like CS, but it is completely reasonable to have updates for 3-5 years, unless the game is massive failure.

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Not true, there’s quite extensive grind of seasonal BPs.

Yeah, the game is failure. Primarily case gamble game.

There’s still grind in form of seasonal BPs.

But all those games are simply tailor-made for mainstream.
Enlisted will never be mainstream. WW2 is no longer as popular topic as it used to be.

so all fortnite weapons are locked behind that grind? or is the grind for optional stuff?

totally failure… that is why it is one of the most popular fps out there. also i have loads of friends that besides buying csgo at release didnt spend anything on skins.

all for optional content and not for things that actually affect the game.

it is not problem of ww2, it is problem of actually having good game with ww2 theme. lots of recent games with ww2 thematic just sucked or were aimed for relatively niche audience.

I propose to cap silver at 1k. Because it’s not healthy for the economy that players can acumulate resources and instantly spend them at will for free.
Also weapons should have durability. When it reaches 0, weapon is destroyed and you need to buy a new one. Because players hoarding weapons and using them for free at will is not good for the econonomy.

Of course all those very necesarry and very healthy mechanics can be bypassed by paying gold.


People are not playing fortnite to collect weapons, lol. Stop being intellectually dishonest.

It’s like saying that Ubisoft games are great just because they’re popular and very profitable.

Everybody has a different view of success. I think CS 2.0 is a failure compared to 1.6, source and GO.

So what? Those games have completely different format xD

I can see where the problem is. You started playing a game that’s primarily focused on grind. It literally is all about that.

And now you’ve probably found out you don’t actually like it xDDD decent bizarro.
It’s like crying that PoE is all about grind.
Go play other games and don’t bother yourself.

You forget essential QoL features like your wounded soldiers being unavailable for 20-30 days until they recover, or straight out retiring if you don’t play for a long time.


Also ammunition ressuply cost and maintnance. Because players can’t have too much of free silver, that’s bad for economy!

Also also, soldier level gradually decreases so you need to spend exp on them so they don’t downgrade. To further get rid of this pesky free exp that ppl didn’t put any effort in gaining.


Imma play the trump card:

Once you reach the end of a research tree, since obviously you can’t have fun anymore without something to grind, you get a full reset and start back from scratch.


This way ppl can focus on what really matters in our briliant and already perfect game, on the grind!
Not like all those pathetic, inferior other games. With things like fun (yuck!) or other equally abhorent ideas.

CS2 - they earn money by selling weapons skins for idiots:

As of CS 1.6 - I played that game and I know that it is rather simple game by current standards. It was innovative in 20 years ago, but now - it is just very simple game, so I expect updates to be the same.

Other games often did not replicated success of CS 1.6 (crap let loose).

yes, other games have not replicated success of CS1.6
Like Farming Simulator 22
Or Foza Horizon
Or Chess (actually Chess might have)

Wtf is even this comparison? xd

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hey maybe you will come to conclusion about something. why do those people play the game?

well i look at all cs games as one game. while there are some differences between each version, they are all basically same game (although i hate source).
btw why is cs2 success? cause it has loads of players that are happy with the game and it makes lots of money for devs. only thing where cs2 failed is with its lack of anticheat, but it could be precursor for something big from valve.

nah i started to play game that is casual shooter with bots. i could totally do away with grind and would actually pay reasonable amount of money not to have to grind this game.

nah i know what i got into when i started playing the game. i played games with grind before.

i have problem when you are saying that economy is broken and to fix it we need to double or 4x grind when you are in top 5% of people by time spent in the game, in top 5% of people by money spent and in top 5% of people by skill. you could even probably be in top 1 or 2% in one or more of those categories.

this is like saying we should balance world economy with prices that top 1% of people could afford.

i play the game for the game and not for the grind.


did bro really forgot half of the microtransactions already available?

  • slots
  • premium time
  • cosmetics from tanks
  • bps
  • pay to skip ( xp )
  • pay to get ( buy items )
  • premium squads
  • bundles
  • silver
  • gold
  • seasonal gold stuff such as GOW, GOV & GOS.
  • fomo events that you can buy

like, you’re just trying to make the list even longer.

let’s not kid our selves.
the list is sort of okey. but the more lengthy it gets, the more bad it just becomes…
this ain’t an effing mobile ffs.

anyway, i find it " funny " that we are having a discussion that shouldn’t be by us in the first place.

like it’s a no brainer.

feels like one of those cheap tactic of EA that pushes to see if it sticks and clearly only benefits them ( in the short term that is ).


i agree. but number of idiots with money is more than number of smart people with money.

well CS as a whole is simple game. besides few graphical updates, few map updates, few balance changes to weapons with few new weapons introduced and loads of skins for weapons, CS2 is basically copy of CS1.6.

unless they made shit game that nobody played, other games/devs made decent amount of money.
btw HLL sold 1 million copies during early access 5 years ago and that is ~50 million $ just for early access. 2 years ago in one article about team 17 acquisition it was mentioned HLL had over 6 million players. even if all players bought HLL on 50% discount you would get over 150 million $ earned from just HLL.