Scale engineer emplacements with battle rating

Built weapons like AT cannons and AA guns are very strong early game, and fall off in usefulness sharply by battle rating V.

There is already a system in place for BR scaling equipment with the Russian paratroopers, and if your emplacement scaled with your engineer squad’s BR, it would give a purpose to the squad past BR III. It would also give players who haven’t unlocked the IS-2, Tiger II, or Pershing a chance to fight back. Anti aircraft weapons could also stand to gain a few high BR versions now that they can’t target infantry and all the best planes are potentially on the field at once with the merge.

Plenty of historical options exist for different levels of equipment.
Russia: 57mm m1943 Pak 42 85mm D-44
USA: 57mm Bofors AT 76mm M5 QF 17 pounder APDS shot
Germany: Pak 38 Pak 42 Pak 43


this is something what many years we where asking for engies 1,2 and similar units, I doubt they listen you

This is one of my old posts that I think could potentially benefit from

Why the Brit gun? Nah gimme the 3” gun

Also, give the “heavier” AT Gun to the AT Squad. Like the difference between the Engie II MG Nest and tho MG Squad HMG


Too big. Too powerful compared to what everyone else gets.

Pak 42 at most.

Would be nice as an enviomental weapon (like mgs on d-day etc). Powerfull but very limited.

It would be a nice touch on berlin streets together with pantherturms.

That would mean the defending team can deal with literally any kind of armor they meet, no?

Agree with the idea but why Pak 42 for USSR?

They can have:

45mm 20-K

57mm ZiS-4

76 mm ZiS-3

107 mm divisional gun M1940 (M-60)

Depending on how big you want to go…

152 mm gun M1935 (Br-2)

203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4)

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If we give those guns AP only, they can deal with any tank but struggle vs infantry. At the same time they are super vulnerable to arty, mortars, planes, snipers, even common infantry in right circumstances because they are stationary and always in the same (known) location. Also they can’t be rebuilt (unless I missed something) so actually in some matches they may be destroyed before anybody uses them even once.

Personally I’d prefer to remove unlimited tickets from defenders and give them actually hard to attack positions (aka map advantage). Would be much more fun but probably hard to balance.

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The weapons in the post are just a jumping off point, I was trying to get close to matching the main tank cannon of the respective tiers honestly. The real meat of what I’m arguing for here is that the current system is no longer adequate for a tier based matchmaker, and that I think a sliding scale based off of squad BR is a good alternative.

Stalins sledgehammer cruising down the streets of berlin would be epic

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I really like this idea, It would give a purpose to AT squads beyond leveling up your AT soldiers for other squads.

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:smiling_face_with_tear: yeah i want
i did this

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