Expanding the emplacements

-Since the start of enlisted we have only “recently” seen diversity in the emplacements that are created by engineers,but why not expand it even more?
-giving varienty to the buildables would make the game feel more unique and different guns would fit different situations

  • heavier at,aa guns or howitzers could give you more score for destroying them which would give planes,mortars or tanks more targets to destroy than infantry and tanks
  • lets say that heavy at cannons(flak88,QF 37. inch gun) would stay marked longer on the map than the light at gun as the pak36 or QF2pounder
  • heavy and light emplacement could have different icons when marked so you can prioritize them

-example:lets say you are playing moscow and see t26 so instead you will build pak36 which would take you less time and less resources than the 5mm pak38 which is currently in the game OR you are playing as the british and see that the germans call in bomber strike so instead of building the 20mm polsten you can build 40mm bofors to be more effective

1.smaller changes :

  • loader function for AA guns
    -this would be a nice change since at gun has this function simply if you have more than 2 soldiers alive the 2nd soldier would automaticly become the loader for the aa gun
    -which will automaticly make the aa gun more potent since it can reload faster
  • tiers of eplacements
    -simply like the function to replenish ammunition this option would appear while you are holding the hammer while having engineer,would take considerable time to construct and would be pretty expensive in terms of engineer points
    -what would it actually do?
    -it would give aa gun more ammunition(maybe a faster reload) and additional cover it could have more "health also would look cool
    this is how it could look like:
    aa guns

    at guns

    mortar nests

2.variety of emplacements :

anti-tank guns:

axis examples:
-would be buildable in moscow,stalingrad,tunisia maps
-fast to build and very cheap
-very fast reload,move speed but low “health”
7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18:
-same cost and build speed as pak38
-less at capability but more anti-infatry focused
-quick reload but less penetration power or could just get HE
7.5 ig

-could be exclusive to tunisia maps since dak used these a lot
-more expensive and time consuming to build
-more firepower more health but slower reload,move speed than the pak38

Cannone da 47/32:
-only buildable by italian squads or italian engineers,basically pak 36 but italian
-would have same stats as pak36 but would be a nice and unique thing for the italians

allied examples:
QF2 pounder:
-unique to british squads
-same stats at pak36
37 M3:
-us equivalent of the QF2 pounder

-same as pak36(r)

122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30)
-expensive to build,slow fire rate but devastating he capability

QF17 pounder:
-late war at gun
-high cost,a lot of armor piercing capability but slow reload and expensive
-could maybe require more than 2 soldiers to move
3-inch gun M5:
-us equivalent of 17 pounder

anti-air guns:

axis examples:
flakvierling 38:
-was previously in the game
-faster rate of fire which means ammo would deplete faster
-would be devastating especially against bomber airstrikes
flak 37
-slower rate of fire,but bigger calibre
-would benefit from the loader function since with single soldier reload should be slow
Type 96 25 mm AT/AA gun
-japanese equivalent to flakvierling i guess?

allied examples:
40mm bofors:
-same as flak 37

37mm 61-K
-russian counterpart of the bofors

buildable machine guns:
-axis could get mg34 in the early war maps like moscow,stalingrad,maybe tunisia and mg42 in late war maps like normandy,berlin
-there could be different mgs to build like the mg15

-russians could additonally get SG-43 could be used in battle of berlin or stalingrad
-brits could get theyr own vickers instead of the 30cal

buildable heavy mortar nests
-engineers in mortar squads could be able to build these
-unmovable but big boom
12 cm Granatwerfer 42:

russian M1938 mortar:

american M2 4.2-inch mortar:

british ML 4.2-inch mortar:

Type 2 12 cm mortar:

heavy at guns:
-could have blueprints like in post scriptum put tied to one place on the map
-powerfull but unmovable and costly to build
-would require more than 2 soldiers to operate effectively
-would give more score for destroying it,would stay marked for longer
-germany could get the flak88:

-russians could get the 52-K 85 cannon
-us and brits could get 90 mm Gun M1 or QF 3.7-inch AA gun


alternative idea:Specialized AA squads:
unused icon scrapped from the game so there were plans to make aa squads at some point
Luftwaffe Field Divisions:
-mix of engineers and assaulters(would only be able to equip limited weapons.In case of assault weapons it would mean no STG44s or kiralys just mp28 or mp40s,could equip any bolt action rifles but not the grenade launcher rifles)
-could build different types of AA cannons like above (flakvierling,3,7 flak,88 flak)
-could have some kind of unique spotting mechanic? like special binoculars who could mark tanks and other stuff and the marker would stay there for longer(it could have slightly different color) would give players more score for destroying those marked targets

-unique camo
혜성 even created custom flak soldier uniforms

-not so sure if the allies had some kind of equivalent to luftwaffe ground units but they could get a squads that works the same

and that is all i have for you today,thank you for reading


I don’t entirely support dedicated nests, you can just build some sandbags and an ammo box. It’s an interesting idea and could be fruitful but for now I’d put that on the shelf

I’m not sure about AA squads. On one hand it’s basically just an Engineer. On another hand it’s interesting because we have an AT squad so we could have another anti vehicle class. It’s an interesting idea that maybe could be implemented in the future but for now I’d say we’re fine

I do not think Heavy AA guns should be restricted to specific points. I love the freedom in this game and it allows players to be creative in their strategies. In other games with set objects everyone always goes straight to destroying them because everyone knows exactly where they are all the time.

In my heavy AA suggestion I said they could act as both AA and AT guns

For Machine Guns, the SG-43 shouldn’t be in Stalingrad because it first saw service in 1943. It would be good for Italy and Britain squads to have their own MG nests

For AA guns, introducing a variety of AA guns would be cool, perhaps having different resource costs so we would have to choose how we want to spend our limited points. But I will say for now one standard AA gun like we have is fine

For AT guns, it would be cool if Italy had its own gun. And Britain and America used the same “medium” AT gun but I think they should just make the one built by British squads be labeled appropriately

For Heavy AT guns, some of them like the QF 17 weren’t exactly “late war” many of them saw service much earlier. In game some heavy AT guns are the standard AT gun in late war battles like Pak 40 in Berlin. The question is should Heavy AT guns be their own separate unit or should a decent AT gun be made default for particular battles/campaigns/etc

Infantry Support Guns would be a great addition for all factions. Now the question is should we have their heavier cousins howitzers and such as their equivalent to heavy AT and AA guns. For now I lean towards just having regular infantry support guns


One I posted a while back, incorporates some of the same ideas.

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I love the idea of buildable howitzers. The small AT guns have limited anti infantry capabilities, but being able to put down a towed howitzer on the fly would be cool. Just lobbing HE down range and slapping the enemy around, but as infantry instead of a tank. Lol

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you know i heard rumor that every enlisted april fool the dev basically do a server wide test with those april fool stuff so in theory if we got april fool rts mode this might become a thing of course with a bigger map since current map probably not a good idea


both the cm 42 and rmn something something

heavy mortars are already available for the mortar class.
( berlin & Stalingrad )

which leads me to…

do we really need big arty booms?

i feel like the radio man and the mortarman already are a nuissance and can be effective while being somewhat balanced ( even though they both share gray camping problem )

so… i’d say no to those.

but for the aas, bigger anti tanks, and vickers machineguns ( or generally factions specific weapons ) sure. i’m all for it.

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try Big Action gamemode everything you talk about works fine there

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I’d say yes to those existed

i beg to differ.

cool in mods, not so much in the base game.

at least imo.

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In some bomb-mounted modes a tank is not even required.

This isn’t the issue cause by the game. All new content is good as part of the game.

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would you say the same about giving the allies a nuke to end the match right away? ( or v1s to the germans )

i’d say no.

also, i never mentioned requirements?

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existed in Gaijin game anyway…

If you reject it due to some one-sided factors.

Then you are just playing the role of those discussants who once contradicted you that this game cannot add armored transport vehicles.

And I have no intention of engaging in such meaningless arguments.

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i would like to,

but i have no idea what you are talking about.

perhaps some error in translations.

all i’m getting, is somehow you’re comparing those who are against transports the same as the ones against those who propose bigger rockets or explosives which takes no effort?

if that’s the case. i don’t think there’s an argument to begin with.

just a matter of difference and impact scale.

Simply YES to me and no to you thing.

now, what truly matter is,

didn’t devs stated that they worked " behind doors " with you about your mod?

tell me ( without going into specific )

how far is working out? ( / or how’s that working out )

or was that just another lie.

I don’t know anything. . .

But I hope that the participants of this topic will try the new game mode.

Because I see some of what the OP describesalready exists in the game, simple fact.

And I’m also in favor of adding more content and everything will work fine


The game modes are good, players just dont have enough 3d models.

I think developers can make money from this. It’s really a win-win thing.


you don’t know?

i suppose that clearly says it all.

feel sorry for ya.

i’d be pretty mad when someone promise or say something, and doesn’t do it without giving an explanation.

as much we have differences in ideas an what not, perhaps many players would enjoy something new other than gun mods games or the base arcady fest.

well, perhaps delays and what not.

let’s hope he keeps his promises:

well… one thing is having it in the game, another through mods.

not… officials i’m afraid.

which, players have their own opinions and free to express them.

am i wrong?


Yeah, it’s a shame I don’t know where anything is going.

Nothing to disclose. . .

I do know about it, but I don’t know any details about it…

And I really had no idea how would they plan to do with our gamemode at all.

It’s just that you said no and I said yes, no one wrong but only fair ~

oh i trust your word.

i’m not entirely sure what james was implying though.

more than 2 weeks, and not a single message.

or… mention.

or… mods digest?


perhaps i’m increasingly becoming pessimistic.
i hope it doesn’t turned out to be that way.

I don’t think it’s appropriate for them to market this game mode before a big update.

Because merging major updates will bring a lot of changes, and even break some module functions, I’m worried about this, and maybe I need to fix it.

But it’s still worth trying in the current version for every player~or making any suggestions.