Rocket Planes For Every Faction

Ahh nice avatar ^^ After we defended Manchuria from the soviets our victory is assured its good that you put this avatar in remembrance of our victory !
Japanese Imperial Army Victory March Nanking 1937 日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進 (

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fight till end!


Hey so does the Allies! When Tiny Tim?

No, allied air superiority is part of the asymmetrical balance of the game.

another variant of Il-2 but with ROFS-132 instead of RBS should be sufficient as a counterpart to Allied and German rocket planes or anti-personnel rockets should instead be removed lol

edit: and please not ROS-82, sovier hurricane aleeady got it and its not so great

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May the Emperor bless us with rockets one day!
Honestly I’d even be happy with something like the

Equipped with 30mm that could help to intercept rocket equipped allies and somewhat fill the roll of CAS with the splash damage from those same guns.

Or a plane equipped with Ho-301 cannons firing 40mm like the Ki-44 or Ki-45 to fill the CAS roll. Or something even wilder like the Mitsubishi Ki-109 Heavy Fighter equipped with the Type 88 75mm anti-aircraft gun that will reward pilots for diving with high altitude and precision, whether aiming towards vehicles or infantry! :smiley:

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yea rockets planes are needed specially for japanese faction, hvar and m8 rockets dominates pacific

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No Japanese AirPower was lacking in the late war. Airframes were made of wood depended upon kamikaze tactics. Then again, I do support dedicated Japanese aircraft featuring extremely strong kamikaze results (wide blast radius) and faster top speeds. They could make this stronger then rockets but is a onetime use thing.

In time US can use more BR IV and V planes but I’m waiting to see will they add IS - 3 and T - 44 for the soviets to know witch plane to pick :smiley: If they do will be save to suggest Grumman F7F Tigercat with Tiny Tim

IS-3? Poor Krauts

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Yeah I’m waiting to see when they gonna draw the line for WW 2 technology for planes no Jet planes that’s fine by me but depends will they add IS - 3 I will think on my US and UK plane setup. They are not gonna add jets so im fine but there is many good US planes that are like the IS - 3 something that was made at the very very end of the war and saw very limited service and not always in combat

Dont worry poor kraut will be using Jagdtiger which is in editor or E-100 which also is in Editor

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Well if they add them all factions will need very big rockets to deal with them :smiley:

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I doubt that as even the king tiger struggles to pen it anywhere frontally and even in WT is is very sketchy if even with its buffed post pen damage it isnt entirely absorbed.

I think all the soviet mains will be very disappointed by it as it only had a 85mm cannon so it would not help much. The 100mm version only existed a few years later after the war had already ended.

Cuz they made IS - 3 in war thunder from Stalinium secret soviet armor protection known in fiction books as plot armor but in real life Panther was able to take out IS - 3…

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Is there any sorce for that? The IS 3 did not see combat and its only accivement was taking part in a victory parade a few monthes after the war had ended and at that point I doubt any panther would be shooting at one.

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What are you on about? Even the first T-54 prototype was made during WW2.

2 T-44-100 prototypes were completed in February 1945.

Well you can see IS 3 performance against Israel and the IS - 3 tank didn’t sell good it was good on paper in reality was a paper tiger IS - 44-100 was much better tank. IS - 3 was more of a parade monster to scare your opponents and you hope you don’t have to use them specially as the engine was really poor that was the worst part of the tank and this is if you are short enough to fit inside it…

First relevant part:

Even with its innovative technology and better armor protection the T-44A still used the same 85 mm ZiS-S-53 tank gun as fitted on the T-34-85 medium tank. The army needed a new tank armed with a more powerful 100 mm gun.[3] At the end of 1944 the designers had three types of 100 mm guns at their disposal - the D-10 (which had already proved itself in combat use in the SU-100 tank destroyer) as well as prototypes of the ZiS-100 and LB-1 (LB stands for Lavrenty Beria).[3][9] The T-44 tank armed with the 100 mm tank gun originally received the designation T-44B.

Main take away here is is that T44A only had 85mm guns and thenthe second part

Production history

The T-44A officially entered service with the Red Army on 23 November 1944, the production having started in October.[13] Production took place at the new Factory No. 75 (Zavod 75) in Kharkiv which used the buildings of the old KhPZ Factory No. 183 which were recaptured from Germans on 23 August 1943.[13] To restore the factories to working order, engineers, workers, machines and tools were sent from Stalin Ural Tank Factory No. 183, located in Nizhny Tagil.[13] The original plans were that the factory would produce 300 T-44As a month. However, only 25 were built by the end of 1944. In 1945, 940 were built, making a total of 965 (190[13] tanks built in 1944 and 1945 were completed by the end of the war). An additional 858 T-44As were made in 1946-1947. The T-34 continued to account for 85% of medium tank production through 1950,[17] and development of a more advanced medium tank with a more powerful 100 mm gun proceeded. The relatively brief production run ended in 1947 with a total of 1,823 T-44A tanks built. The reasons for such a brief production run included mechanical teething problems,[18] the end of the war which reduced the Red Army’s need for a new tank,[18] and the design’s inability to successfully fit a 100 mm tank gun.

The T44 100 prototypes where just one offs that did not leave their testing areas.
So i guess I was incrorrect as that the tank didnt even enter service at all even after the war.