Japan event plane

Since the Ho-Ri is in the game I’d like to suggest a prototype plane for Japan that at the very least had two built and was test flown a few times. I believe it could serve well as an event plane for Japan.

The Kyūshū J7W Shinden! A prototype fighter that has its propeller wing and engine at the rear of the fuselage. Whilst the front of the aircraft is armed with 4x 30mm type 5 cannons and the ability to carry 4x 60kg bombs.

A nimble and maneuverable fighter (in theory) that’d make short work of allied bombers, fighters and could certainly pack a nice punch from the top down upon enemy armour and ground forces!

Whilst not a first choice it’s still a fighter I’d love to see in game one day.

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Japanese Do 335?

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If you added a front propeller too, yeah pretty much a Japanese Do 335 lmao

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That is one STRANGE looking piece of hardware. I feel uncomfortable looking at it. I also want to fly it.

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Good idea. But the Shinden will need a competitor like the B-29. The four 30mm cannons are too much firepower for the enemy aircraft currently implemented.
Also, the Shinden is an “interceptor”, so I think it’s inappropriate to have it drop bombs and attack the ground. Its role needs to be clarified.

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Lol there is no such thing as interceptor in game, only fighter. Fighter can drop bomb in game.


Yes. If you can’t equip bombs, your team will call you a “stupid fighter.” Why not jettison a drop tank instead?
This acts as a substitute for a bomb.

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Drop tank would be a nice substitute as opposed to bombs, I wouldn’t complain about that.

And I’d agree, there’d need to be a competitor of some variety for the US/Allies. That’d give them an interceptor of higher calibre around the 30mm area. Then naturally handing a similar bone to all nations so everyone gets one niche interceptor type aircraft that’s on a similar level.

Then I’d imagine you could balance them around how they control and their rates of fire so they take a little bit of skill to actually land a round on a flying target.

It is certainly one of the designs of all time. Honestly an event where every nation gets one really weird (but effective) designed aircraft would be really fun

But Shinden did have the ability to drop bomb.

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