Rifle grenades

Based on a discussion in the mess hall, it seems like the bugged rifle grenades may be a result of a nerf that had unintended side-effects. So, simple suggestion; limit rifle grenade launchers to riflemen, and only 1-2 per squad.

Or, alternatively, rather than having them be part of a specific rifle. Just make them a secondary weapon, and limit them to riflemen. Give riflemen a use for that secondary slot. Optionally limiting the number per squad.

Third option; create a new troop/squad type “grenadier” (or some such) who are the only ones who can use rifle grenades. Because this would essentially limit specialist squads to three, and any other squad to 1-2 this may be the best option. In addition, this may also allow a single grenadier to carry both AP and AT rifle grenades.

I like all of these better than putting a strange 3 kill limit on rifle grenades which occasionally (often) makes them kill no one at all.


The problem is that rifle grenades were only made for certain rifles, and a “secondary” weapon of a grenade launcher variety didn’t exist much outside of AT purposes.

  • Riflemen are currently the ONLY type of soldier that can spawn in with AP grenade rifles. (AT soldiers can get the AT type, but not the AP type).

I would like to suggest making them REQUIRE players to ADS with. This forces the player to take a moment to aim their shot and mostly removes the ability to sprint forward and kamikaze with them, which I see far too frequently, and what I suspect caused them to attempt a nerf of some kind.

The blast/ fragmentation pattern definitely seems off, but when I get it to work properly its quite easy to land 2-5 kills per shot.


Nah take rifle grenades away from riflemen and give them to AT soldiers. That way there can only ever be max 3 in a squad and that’s only in an AT squad.

Hypothetically; they could still only be paired with certain rifles. If DF wanted to be particularly mean; they could still allow a soldier to CARRY a grenade launcher they couldn’t actually USE.

riflemen need something to keep them unique, otherwise they’d just be more worthless engineers


How about even limit them to Rifleman II/III - I think this is when they unlock anyway, but could help reduce the numbers as they would be more expensive to buy and the squad would also then have to be levelled to make the Rifleman II effective - might not feel quite as bad if I knew some effort had gone in to using them!

I like the idea they can only fire ADS too - makes it a little less spammable. Could even go as far as to prevent reloading them while moving.

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Nah riflemen are basically just fillers and are useless even with rifle grenades. Unless you’re one of the cringe players who runs a 9 man rifleman squad all with launchers, no one really uses them.

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Willcario runs real loadouts, me however, idgad

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Yuck, I could never bring myself to that level of cancer. How on earth so you think 4 of the same squads are fun for starters. Nothing to even remotely help your team either. Uninstall.


They are only useless if you set them up to be. I’ve had a lot of success with them personally by running a zombie setup on them.

My point is that so many players are trying to set up every soldier as if they were being used by a player. By doing this, you are setting yourself up to fail. That is why so many people think riflemen aren’t good.

HOWEVER, if you focus on setting them up like I’m suggesting, making them more efficient as AI, you will see a drastic difference in their performance.

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I set my riflemen up almost the same way but my opinion still stands. They have nothing unique about them and id rather have squads that fulfil certain roles. They’re just bodies to put on a point to capture or contest, nothing else.

Lol, they can carry rifle grenades, can be built to be very tanky, and can fill out any squad without needing a specific slot unlocked.

They are unique enough as are.

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I only ever aim, the problem with them lies in the fact the nailing someone directly with them doesn’t even knock them.

I only ever fire these things ADS, why did we go from fixing/buffing them to nerfing them?

This load out is beautiful, better than 3 Assaulter squads (which also can be filled with a million grenades)

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To be fair, they do need to be fixed (along side many other explosives in the game), but Tim has a point to some degree. There are players that just sit there and fire off 27 rifle grenades in a row, then have another 27 hand grenades as well.

Potentially, a way to solve this would be to make the grenade pouch needed to carry additional shots for it, rather than having 3 and being able to carry additional grenades as well.

Not as unique/useful as engineers, AT or Assaulters. AT soldiers can also have rifle grenades so they’re not unique at all. There’s so many better classes that do things better.

That loadout is pure cancer lmao. No need for 4 rifle squads when all squads are on a rotation of 3 anyway. I will agree though, players that run all assault squads are scrubs but at least they have a little more dignity than someone who spams rifles grenades. No variety is boring in this game.

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Is this the farming loadout to max xp the quickest?

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I was just suggesting ways to try make them less toxic without nerfing them out of any usefulness.

Things shouldn’t be made useless because they’re exploited, they should just be made less exploitable. I’m all for variety and powerful specialised items - but they should be specialised, not just spammable.