Riders have now become completely obsolete. Remove them

In continuation of the discussion in this thread: Let's talk about the future of the Rider class

As well as the recent update Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers! - News - Enlisted

The Rider class is not only irrelevant, but supplanted and made completely obsolescent.

To summarize, the Rider Class:

  • A class that can either equip either rifles or submachineguns;
  • is exclusive to the Rider squad (Only 2/3-man bikes are presently available);
  • is consequently limited to 2 Riders at a time in the same squad;
  • do not confer any special effects or bonuses, apart from the relatively useless 7% repair speed perk;
  • and the squad (likely) costs the same as other infantry squads relative to ticket count.

Even worse, it is entirely possible to run a “Rider squad” with no riders .

The game even encourages you replace them with an engineer, with the 2nd slot usually occupied by an AT gunner, so the class itself is completely unnecessary for anything other than be stand-in riflemen that are exclusive to its squad, which must be stressed, only has 2 slots for soldiers .

The introduction of paratroopers render the mobility aspect of the class moot, with additional flexibility in terms of equipment.

The introduction of APC Drivers is the final nail in the coffin.

A mobile rally point for your team! These vehicles will not only provide a convenient transportation for your squad, but will also allow your allies to join the heat of battle right away.

The mechanics are similar to the engineer’s rally point, but APCs are more durable and faster — pick up your teammates, drive behind enemy lines even while under fire and launch a surprise attack. Or just leave a vehicle where a normal rally point would be easily destroyed.

This squad will use its own unique transport slot, and you can arm and change the vehicle’s crew as a regular infantry squad. It consists of 6 soldiers of different classes, where only one is a driver, the rest are various specialists who you can arm at will. The rally point will be active as long as the vehicle is in one piece.

There is no merit to the Rider Class.

  • It’s unnecessary to staff the vehicle exclusive to the class- It was meant to be replaced.
  • You cannot put Riders in any other squad.
  • The class itself offers nothing unique other than the ability to equip both rifles and SMGs.
  • It is an inherently undermanned squad.
  • The mobility aspect is made irrelevant with the introduction of paratrooper squads, and the future APC Driver Class (I still don’t know why they couldn’t make these Riders)
  • The “Get out and make a rally” niche is likewise taken over by the aforementioned two classes.

The Rider class needs to either be incorporated in some other squads, or removed entirely. It fills a niche role where it is intended to be replaced, and judging by the arbitrary decision to make another class to cater to armored transports, there is no future for this class at all.


or need be reworked and upgraded, like the new premium one, allow us make more customizations,do we want a bike?,OKAY,do we wish it be a vehicle?,hell yes!, they are in the game models we could use for improve it my dear, just because you dislike them or you think they are obsolote,they exist people like me who are yelling to Gajin for add them to Pacific campaign because it’s useful

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They could have made the new premiums literally the Rider class.

They introduced another class, instead.


They have driver perks for bike, like tankers for tank.

You don’t need to take them, but some may use it. You drive a bit faster, brake better etc. also repair perks as bike easly brake down.

And if You think bike are useless i’ll just diagnoze skill issue free of charge


Or you could just… Not drive and parachute down.

Or not get shot to pieces by small arms using an APC.

This is a 2-man squad. Manned by soldiers not necessarily the Rider class.

The ability to “repair” is not inherent to the squad itself- Anyone with a toolkit can do it, and the tank-related perks are irrelevant given that you’re spending skill points that could have been spent giving the soldier better perks to fight on the ground with.


you can replace your tank with rider squad so yea that something only rider can do

As much as you hate this class, it is USEFUL, and I admit that it just needs a rework that allows more types of customizations like the event one to make it useful

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rider class is shite ye. but i don’t want the squad itself to be gone? there’s something funny with riding a goddamn bike and shooting machine gun in it like a nutcase.

Replacing a tank with a 2-man rider squad sounds like a handicap more than a benefit.

What can riders do that a paratrooper and the upcoming APC driver class can’t?

It would have been a nice caveat if they didn’t cost as much as an infantry squad to spawn in. This means that this funni 2-man squad that can die from a breeze costs as much as a 7-9 man squad.

As a legacy squad. Exclusive to the people who used to own it.

Or the active incorporation of the Rider class itself onto existing squads.


They were a meme before, they are a meme now.


handicap or not i dont care it my choice and they can do that but of course everyone have different style and since i play german br5 i dont need tank since everyone keep stealing it

My question is, could the driver of the APC be a rider class soldier? We don’t have info on that one.


Currently Riders is a motorized vehicle that I use to establish rally points in remote areas without risking much (I could use paratroopers, but I don’t like them), and with my AT boy attack the tanks from behind and then quickly flee, I have come to use it as an improvised anti-aircraft weapon and although it doesn’t shoot down much it can fool clueless pilots

You can lock your vehicle from being stolen in the options settings.

Preference is irrelevant in a discussion pertaining to balance. This was never a matter of “liking”. It is a matter of “will this be beneficial?”

Or they could just not introduce another class, and just turn the APCs’ default crew as riders.

They cost the same as any other infantry squad to spawn in.

Does it have its benefits? Although it is not an impressive advantage because it is a small group, it can cross enemy lines, mount a rally without having to deploy a spectacular display of paratroopers who, as soon as you see them coming down, or fly through the air, riddled from land or they die shortly after without doing much, bikers need skill and knowledge of the map to be effective, maybe you DON’T like them or you DON’T see use for them, but for those of us who DO use it and understand how it works, we enjoy practice with them

Paras are visible to anyone that looks up, drop near point and i will shoot you down.

I dive bike not like retard and around enemy lines, even with restricted by grey zone maps i rarely get detected

yea dont bother this guy only care about “balance” and “useful” stuff if you bring “emotion” into discussing then it immediately invalid and irrelevant even tho the rider squad itself is a niche

it’s a useful niche, for support players like me, HELL, I prefeer them than a damn tank because I love them :3

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i also like them but this guy dont care since that a emotion argument

You have 6 paratroopers whose drop location and timing you can decide. The enemy team is likely to not notice, or not attempt to shoot you down so long as you don’t do something as silly as drop right on the objective.

Compare that to a 2-man squad whose engine is loud enough to hear from 50 meters away, and has to navigate battlefield obstacles while being completely exposed.

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