u see, if this is the measurement of the collective community intelligence, then it’s pretty clear what the issue is
you need a smarter community, because if this is signal for the level of community intelligence that I have faced here, then who ever adheres to this community is in trouble
as this community representation only wants people to play like braindead zombie chargers who get mowed down repeatedly
which is what I witness repeatedly in matches, and why the suggestion was made
this is very basic stuff to understand, so if your collective drone community only understands to create this culture of morons and ignore any obvious issues, then it’s clear where the problem is. But of course you rather blame someone else than see where they are coming from with their suggestion, that is typical of dumb people
I understand you are reluctant
But also understand something else, the other complaints you have are directly related to this culture of encouraging a weaker dumber playstyle.
At the end of the day, I’m also happy to keep mowing down the morons that run at my bullets too, but when my team mates keep dying because they are too dumb to think about dealing with the issues first, it’s like watching stupidity repeatedly at work, and that is just mind boggling
You think that the game is good to reward dying like idiots, whereas I believe the game has to give more value back to preserving life. And that requires change, and that is all the suggestion does, it offers an idea on how that change can happen.
If you don’t want that change, great, you don’t like that change, but at the end of the day, if you want to make a valid argument, simply saying you don’t like it isn’t a valid argument, because that does not reduce the value that the suggestion brings to the game.
Whereas you have brought zero value to this topic
And trying to change the topic to be about my stats won’t help you, you are exposing just how toxic you are and how you treat people who make suggestions shows what trash people you are
I do not need a players stats to determine whether his suggestion is worth consideration or not. Because I can assess from their discussion whether they know what they are talking about or not.
And some of you have an idea, whereas others are just brain dead dumb drones acting like fanatical followers