Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

Nice opinion, but there’s a small issue Well it hardly matters, you can make up whatever stories you want, doesn’t mean any of them are true, accurate or relevant. Anybody can make up whatever nonsense they want, even if you have the stats to back up yours.

At the end of the day, I am not the best player who scores 200 kills per match, but I am also not the player who only gets 20 kills and loses 20 squads.

My performance in the game is probably below the top tier, and slightly above the average. But again, that has absolutely zero bearing on the merits of the suggestion.

The suggestion speaks for itself.

Who makes the suggestion makes no difference.

Anybody could have made the suggestion and if they had explained it the way I have, regardless of their stats, I’d still support it.

Because it just makes sense. And it’s needed in the game.

Let’s be real, if you are just making up nonsense stories and running with that instead of what is being said, you aren’t being real, and you know it.

Cool story bro, however
My response to you was about your confusion about how to use spawn points and the challenges of eliminating the enemy spawns, so not sure how you think I’m the one who sucks at the game. I know that if we do not remove the enemy spawn, then they can spawn closer and have the advantage, which is what I was trying to teach you, since you clearly did not understand it and seemed so confused about it.

You presume that kill domination is not relevant, when in fact it is the one thing that decides the majority of matches in this game.

What people and dummies like you don’t understand is that you only get caps because the killers on your team have made it easier for you to do so. If all you do is run at bullets, your results will vary depending mostly on your teams killing capabilities vs the enemies killing capabilities.

But if you want to be the moron that thinks that 500 kills by a player is inferior to a player with only 20 kills, go ahead, you keep believing what ever nonsense you want, but when you put that up against people with actual brains, you are going to be exposed. And many of you are being exposed as people who just want idiots in this game and want to stimulate braindead gameplay. Because you want to have other players be inferior to you.

That is all it comes down to.


I’m no expert on this

But for example they could do a system

Where if you lose 5 or less squads you get a boost to your earnings

If you lose between 6-10 squads you are neutral, and if you lose 11-15 you lose a small % of your earnings, and 16-20 larger loss and over 21 is severely punished with very low earnings

So this give a little bit more incentive not to just win and play well, but to also take care of your soldiers lives. And it would help make the game less arcade and dumb with people just running around like lunatics getting blown away for nothing

And if people want to be like that still, fine, they get punished and takes them longer to progress, which is only fair. Since they aren’t willing to try to improve, they should suffer

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u see, if this is the measurement of the collective community intelligence, then it’s pretty clear what the issue is

you need a smarter community, because if this is signal for the level of community intelligence that I have faced here, then who ever adheres to this community is in trouble

as this community representation only wants people to play like braindead zombie chargers who get mowed down repeatedly

which is what I witness repeatedly in matches, and why the suggestion was made

this is very basic stuff to understand, so if your collective drone community only understands to create this culture of morons and ignore any obvious issues, then it’s clear where the problem is. But of course you rather blame someone else than see where they are coming from with their suggestion, that is typical of dumb people

I understand you are reluctant

But also understand something else, the other complaints you have are directly related to this culture of encouraging a weaker dumber playstyle.

At the end of the day, I’m also happy to keep mowing down the morons that run at my bullets too, but when my team mates keep dying because they are too dumb to think about dealing with the issues first, it’s like watching stupidity repeatedly at work, and that is just mind boggling

You think that the game is good to reward dying like idiots, whereas I believe the game has to give more value back to preserving life. And that requires change, and that is all the suggestion does, it offers an idea on how that change can happen.

If you don’t want that change, great, you don’t like that change, but at the end of the day, if you want to make a valid argument, simply saying you don’t like it isn’t a valid argument, because that does not reduce the value that the suggestion brings to the game.

Whereas you have brought zero value to this topic

And trying to change the topic to be about my stats won’t help you, you are exposing just how toxic you are and how you treat people who make suggestions shows what trash people you are

I do not need a players stats to determine whether his suggestion is worth consideration or not. Because I can assess from their discussion whether they know what they are talking about or not.

And some of you have an idea, whereas others are just brain dead dumb drones acting like fanatical followers

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You don’t need credentials

And I never made the suggestion to win your respect, but if you disrespect me, expect it to be returned to you by multipliers

You are not worthy of me wanting your respect given how you behave
Stats do not deem a suggestion null

You thinking that you need stats to qualify a suggestion shows how dumb you are

Especially when the stats you want are not even anything relating to the suggestion itself, no. You want to go after the person. Even though I have already told you everything you need to know about my stats, you are just too dumb to read and learn what that was and what it means.

The reason for this suggestion is to make players take more care with their lives

Because right now, they just feed kills to the other team and lose the match faster that way

The game is rewarding people for playing the game like any other dumb arcade game instead of more of a world war 2 experience

So that is the foundation of the suggestion, if this is not looked at, people will continue to play the game in this pathetic style, which does not encourage any real tactical or strategic gameplay, just run in, die, run in die, rinse repeat until lost the match or hope the other team doesn’t kill enough to sneak a win through on the back of other players who actually did all the killing and less dying

No, a suggestion was made, and when you tried to shit on it without a valid reason, the members who presume to represent the community and their retard drones took to attacking the person instead of looking at the suggestion and simply understanding it. Something that you have all failed to do.

And those of you that think that you need my personal stats for anything are just falling back on that with the hopes that is the only thing you need to counter the validity of the suggestion, because you don’t understand that a suggestion does not need to come from a person who is the top tier of the playerbase.

And yes, many of you have made absolute fools of yourselves. And if you are representative of the community, then it is no wonder the game is in the state that it’s in.

What’s hilarious is that then you all complain about it, the same thing you champion, it does not get any funnier than this.

It is not a victim card, it is just a fact of what has happened here.

When you realized you couldn’t argue a valid point you turn to other pathetic tactics to try and undermine and attack the person personally, and then you cry about retaliation like a bunch of children.

All because a guy with actual brains made a suggestion you don’t like and backed it up with intelligence instead of stats, poor ignorant babies


Like this

OP makes valid suggestion that would actually encourage bad players to play more like smart players

retards react with, oh no, we can’t help make players smarter, we like them to run at bullets and die, so we can get more kills in our tanks and planes and all the powerful toys we have that they don’t have.

retards then attack the op, because they don’t know how to simply accept and understand the suggestion, so they proceed to troll as hard as possible with the hopes it will all go away, because they still don’t have a valid point to discredit the actual suggestion

so they continue to try and attack the op

and if the op tries to point out the obvious, just keep trolling him like a retard

and so it goes…

But Bottom line remains, and it still stands strong and unchallenged by anybody with an actual intelligent retort.

And no, asking for stats is not an intelligent retort or a valid argument, and neither is pretending you know better, when clearly you do not as exemplified by your lack of ability to comprehend the suggestion

Further to this, this entire over reaction against this suggestion demonstrates the sick mindset that infests the culture of this game

It’s just a suggestion, why you all so butt hurt about it? Can’t people have different opinions to you?

The point of the suggestion thread is to make suggestions is it not?

If you don’t like it, that’s cool. But if you want to argue about it, you will have to do better.

You have made zero valid points, as everything you have said is just your opinion, and everything you want goes against what the game is, was, and what the playerbase expects of it. You want to change the game in your image, no one else does. Instead of accepting the fact that you have the unpopular opinion and moving on, you call everyone else dumb because they don’t agree with your “gigantic mega galaxy brain take” as well take every joke, and quip personally, responding to them with outrage and indignantion.

And you wonder why people keep doing it.


I skimmed most of this thread, but based on most of what I read, I understand OP wanting more tactical gameplay and I also understand the counterargument of the game being more Arcade and not like tactical such as other games. I would like to offer this, it is much easier to offer a suggestion for how the game is played, but implementing it is a much more different story.

How would they implement these less deaths = more XP without causing rise to cascading consequences like engineer squads becoming super meta(Behind the already tank/plane metas on some campaigns)? Because if you reward the people with less deaths, why not just have a sniper squad, mortar squad, radio squad, and engineers squad. Just hang back and let everyone else take the cap. Everyone would be doing this then and the point of taking a cap would probably be lost on everyone. Building AA/AT guns and just constantly doing nothing, but being stagnant. I think this game needs to be tactical, which I think it is right now, but being too tactical takes out the entertainment and thus would also shed players. The balance right now is nice they just need to make it more worthwhile to take caps, 100 points to take the cap is not enough. Make it like 500 and then everyone will be jumping into the caps and keeping the game exciting and nail biting

post STATS

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well you see… by OP logic making 500 points cap will just make more stupid players go into cap and die. you need to discourage the people from going into cap and dying… but idk how you would win the game then.


A valid suggestion comes from a valid person

Without your stats, how can I exactly validate the merit of your suggestion? Have you seen researches written by a person who is not licensed or an expert on a specific field? A drastic change, like your suggestion, needs to undergo criticism and fact checking , and this is the first step, we first need to know if you’re qualified to voice out drastic changes to this game.

I hope you don’t take this personally, but I’m thinking you’re afraid to share your stats due to fear of being ridiculed, otherwise you would’ve shown it so we can finally answer if you’re qualified or not.


here are few effective suggestions how to prevent excessive players death and not actually turn this game into camp fest:

  1. turn crossplay off. most console players are just out of their league when they are against PC players. consoles just arent made for fps and PC have bigger advantage there.
  2. implement MM so you dont have maxed out player vs newbie who just started the game.
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Post stats noob, my k/d ain’t good, but if yours is worse than mine I will laught loud as fuck. Go on smart player than almost never die and is careful and tactical, show us how you have been doing.


This is a very good suggestion, i dis agree 100% with rewarding campers for camping, instead maybe a punishment like 0 xp for not obtaining a minimum of 2k points, 2k is extremely easy to aquire if you actually engage with zeal



As absolutely every single one suggestion maker would say about their own suggestion.


Day 1: I have tried every browser at my disposal and it blows my mind because the pics of Stats just refuse to load.

Day 2: I have concluded that I must have received some sort of virus through my email. I have canceled all email accounts and reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Pics of Stats still not loading.

Day 3: I’m running out of options here. There must be some glitch in the Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Operating System. Thanks Bill Gates. Switching to MAC OS X maybe this will prove effective.

Day 4: MAC OS X installation complete. I’m drawing a blank here. Pics of STATS still won’t load. After ruling out software errors, I am convinced that there must be some lingering mechanical failure in my system. I have placed an order to newegg for rush delivery of a new Western Digital Caviar Black HDD. Will give this another shot tomorrow.

Day 5: Harddrive has arrived and has been installed. To no avail, the pictures of OP stats will not load. I have not shaved or showered in a week. My clothes stink. I have lost my job…all because these confounded pictures will not load. I’m done with the whole electronics thing. I will be moving into an Amish community and this will be my last update on this issue. Good luck and good riddance.–




Agree 100%.

Among all the sessions i have played, the ones that i remember being the MOST fun were always the fast paced ones, and of THOSE the ones i remember being the most fun is when ALL teams on BOTH sides were ACTIVELY engaging in battle at ALL times, regardless of wether or not i won the battle or came in first place. Those of you who have experienced this type of session know exactly what im talking about. Unfortunately these type of sessions seem to occur less and less as time goes on. So i suggest just the opposite. Punish people who don’t actively engage.

I disagree with the suggestion to reward people who lose the least amount of squads for many reasons, one being that players who lose very few squads are almost always campers of some sort and i feel by rewarding this behavior would most definitely slow the pace in sessions and inevitably reduce most sessions to a crawl.

An obvious punishment for such behavior would be loss of xp, in fact 0 xp would be great, this would have to exclude new players of course, maybe have some sort of threshold reached before a player isn’t considered new anymore, such as after successfully capturing 50 strategic points (just an example) and have this info as part of training camp with an automated messege reminder that is sent to the player upon reaching said threshold stating something like "Congradulations soldier! You have proven yourself in battle and will now recieve an extra 10% xp in all battles from this time forward. However remember training in boot camp, soldiers who don’t actively engage in battle are a hinderance and therefore 0 xp will be rewarded for a session unless you reach a minimum of 2k points in the session. To arms soldier! "

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Its looking more and more like my father will finally return from his milk trip to store before this man posts his stats