Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

Yes you do, else we might as well sacrifice chickens and read their guts to determine if an idea comes from someone who knows what they are doing and actually wants to improve on the game, or some shitter who just doesn’t like the game and wants it changed in their image. Since you declined to share your stats, we assume the latter and see just cause to disrespect you. This isn’t helped by the fact that no one else wants what you want.


Nice opinion, but there’s a small issue Well it hardly matters, you can make up whatever stories you want, doesn’t mean any of them are true, accurate or relevant. Anybody can make up whatever nonsense they want, even if you have the stats to back up yours.

At the end of the day, I am not the best player who scores 200 kills per match, but I am also not the player who only gets 20 kills and loses 20 squads.

My performance in the game is probably below the top tier, and slightly above the average. But again, that has absolutely zero bearing on the merits of the suggestion.

The suggestion speaks for itself.

Who makes the suggestion makes no difference.

Anybody could have made the suggestion and if they had explained it the way I have, regardless of their stats, I’d still support it.

Because it just makes sense. And it’s needed in the game.

Let’s be real, if you are just making up nonsense stories and running with that instead of what is being said, you aren’t being real, and you know it.


Correct, I am best tonker in game, hab neber been exploded by enemy before, pls say me smort.

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clearly you are a top player, I am not even talking about you, this doesn’t apply to you, because clearly you do not have this issue and it wouldn’t impact you

I am talking about the players that I see getting mowed down for over 20 squads lost and they don’t finish at the top of the leaderboard, usually they finish at the bottom with very low kills and too many deaths, because they listened to this advice and they thought they too could finish first by just running at the point without any idea of what else to do

My friend has better equipment than me and he usually finishes top of the leaderboard like you with so many kills for the exact same reason I am explaining here, because they just keep running at the objective while he mows them all down. He usually plays with tanks, but even as a foot soldier, me and him when we play together we usually beat everyone because of this same mistake that you think is effective but it’s not. I am saying this to help people, if they just keep doing this, we just keep mowing them down.

Now if your team uses smoke, that is a different story.

But I see these people running in getting mowed down like The French at the Battle of Agincourt, it’s kind of funny

It didn’t work for the French and it doesn’t work for these people who are clearly not as good as you at the game


if this is the measurement of the collective community intelligence, then it’s pretty clear what the issue is

you need a smarter community, because if this is signal for the level of community intelligence that I have faced here, then who ever adheres to this community is in trouble

as this community representation only wants people to play like braindead zombie chargers who get mowed down repeatedly

which is what I witness repeatedly in matches, and why the suggestion was made

this is very basic stuff to understand, so if your collective drone community only understands to create this culture of morons and ignore any obvious issues, then it’s clear where the problem is. But of course you rather blame someone else than see where they are coming from with their suggestion, that is typical of dumb people

I understand you are reluctant

But also understand something else, the other complaints you have are directly related to this culture of encouraging a weaker dumber playstyle.

At the end of the day, I’m also happy to keep mowing down the morons that run at my bullets too, but when my team mates keep dying because they are too dumb to think about dealing with the issues first, it’s like watching stupidity repeatedly at work, and that is just mind boggling

You think that the game is good to reward dying like idiots, whereas I believe the game has to give more value back to preserving life. And that requires change, and that is all the suggestion does, it offers an idea on how that change can happen.

If you don’t want that change, great, you don’t like that change, but at the end of the day, if you want to make a valid argument, simply saying you don’t like it isn’t a valid argument, because that does not reduce the value that the suggestion brings to the game.

Whereas you have brought zero value to this topic

And trying to change the topic to be about my stats won’t help you, you are exposing just how toxic you are and how you treat people who make suggestions shows what trash people you are

I do not need a players stats to determine whether his suggestion is worth consideration or not. Because I can assess from their discussion whether they know what they are talking about or not.

And some of you have an idea, whereas others are just brain dead dumb drones acting like fanatical followers

  1. That is false, it’s the opposite, it would make people play with more care. Or they can continue as they do now and face the reduced rewards and they miss out on rewards that smart players would benefit from. Which means this would be a great thing to reward smart players, and make dumb players realize why they are dumb and force them to face a choice. Which is very much needed right now.
  2. Rewarding players and reducing rewards on dumb people is exactly how you improve the players and the game. This does actually appeal to the players, as it makes them think about how they play. Instead of this clueless and fake idea that all they have to do is run at the point without thought. It is crucial to stimulate thinking in games, otherwise we create reduce the quality of the game. As we see exemplified regularly.
  3. The game is already in the trash. Usually one team camps, while the other either runs at the campers and dies, or camp themselves, or they all rage quit and the winning team plays against bots and left over players.

You make the incorrect conclusion jump, of assuming that just because there is an incentive to play smarter, that suddenly nobody would take risks. That is a false assumption on your part.

Already players get max rewards for camping. So often I see the top player and deciding factor in a battle being a tanker with hundreds of kills. And then when finally the enemy can deal with his tanks, he rushes his squads into death, just so he can get back in his tanks as soon as possible. Same thing from pilots. Who will face bomb and kill themselves or parachute out after just one run. Everything is a rush to get to the next big hit of xp, with zero thought towards preserving life or even assets or anything that makes any sense. War is not about xp and dying more so you can get more xp, and games that reflect it wrong like this game are not good when that becomes the culture of the game

I would say this suggestion would just be a scratch on the surface, we have other severe issues to deal with the game cycle that already make players play in a way that is not reflective of war or a game where you should try to kill the enemy and dominate the field while preserving your soldiers.

The game has no idea how to portray the life preservation side into the game, and instead have given it zero value or meaning. And this is what makes the game far worse than it should be, and just another reason why it needs to be addressed.


you guys seem to be selectively blind

the guy that I posted that had more kills also had more action on point than the other three

So again, whatever false arguments you are trying to mount and false stories you are producing in your own minds, is far from the truth and reality.

You messed up thinking that allocating a false narrative of what I am saying, and ignoring what is actually being said.

Typical from a weak culture

Even if your theory of these 3 guys running at the point dying is the bullet sponge you needed to get on the point, considering how many men they lost and how many you lost, chances are, you are still greatly outnumbered and outmatched on point, as those matches when that happens they typically lose the match for that very reason.

because everyone is narrow minded and is not dealing with the problems that is causing all the casualties, which is why they lose so many men and perform so poorly on the objective

Too many people in this game seem to think they can carry and win the game on their own with just a bunch of rushers.

That is not the case, your team has to win various other fronts or keep other fronts well occupied and distracted. Otherwise you become fish in a barrel, which is what is happening and what I am talking about

For example, there is air superiority, if your team does not challenge that, you are already at a disadvantage

There is tank superiority, same thing applies.

There are usually 2 flanks to worry about, if you ignore one, then you will suffer from that flank

And then there are the artillery and mortar threats, which can only really be minimized if a team pushes a front that is a bit wider, otherwise, again, fish in barrel and just piles of deaths

If you want to argue that a guy that lost 20 squads for 20 kills and achieved less on point points than a guy with a 100 kills and more on point action, then you are clueless and shouldn’t be even attempting to argue here, and your clueless views are clear for all to see.

By opposing this suggestion with your short sighted views, you are demonstrating that you do not care about raising the standard of gameplay in the game. And that is fine, it’s your choice, but then you cannot be expected to be taken seriously in this discussion either.


I thought it was you who pretty much declared entire community as dumb fk’s that doesnt know how the game works & dont know whats best for us.

And now you play the victim card ?



I think I know what it is.


whole topic was like this
OP: stupid players die a lot. punish them
community: no! punishment would give rise to camping. we need players attacking and getting into cap.
repeat this conversation 50 times
OP: camping is good. you soften the target first before going into the cap
community: it is impossible to soften the cap cause unlimited tickets for defenders and close rally points
repeat this conversation 50 times
OP: i am uber skilled, i never camp, i go and destroy rally points, you are all stupid
community: ???


I would say around 0-2.

Every match is diferent.I rather be on the point.

Wild concept I know.

you are noob… you dont know how to soften the target. maybe OP can teach you :stuck_out_tongue:

I need stats first.


dont worry he is better than you… i trust him…

You might think your right, though Zerg rush has its place, but there are various things that have to also be in place to make it effective

I am speaking of when those things are not in place. Germany messed up bigtime in that campaign, so as much as it was credit to soviets, it was a disaster on Germans side with many mistakes made. Never underestimate an opponent, or a foreign land/weather or a foreign people.

I am speaking of those times when swathes of men run at bullets and get cut down and they just die and achieve nothing. Unless absorbing bullets was the goal, then goal achieved.

You are only talking about the times when it works, which is usually due to the factors you will ignore for the convenience of your argument.

For example in Vietnam the vietnamese fighting the americans had no choice but to charge at the enemy in certain situations, because their enemy had total air superiority and control and superior artillery. So their only chance was to get in close quarters so that the Americans would not drop bombs and shells on their own men (despite that happening on occasions). So they laid ambushes (camping) very effectively, and then moved on before artillery could hit them. Though this was not always the case. They too made mistakes and ran at bullets in the wrong places and times.

Mel Gibsons movie of landing zone style warfare on helicopter was a great example of when zerg rushing fails, based on real events. However the movie doesn’t cover the other battlegroup that got completely wiped out by the vietnamese zerg rush there in a different landing zone. All of the americans were killed there on that zerg rush, because the numbers were just too great. But that is a number superiority effect. Which is not always a guarantee for victory either.

But again, different conditions and factors decide which zerg rush wins, and which zerg rush fails.

And my suggestion makes you think more carefully about when to engage it.

Whereas you seem to think it must always be employed by these other players, when that is not always the case and when it is, you have to be aware of what the situation you are rushing into, because if you just run carelessly and don’t clear, you will be cut down.

For example you run in and a tank has the spot on lock, he is going to murder your entire squad and anyone else in the vicinity. Because you did not consider that problem.

And now, if you keep going in there and getting obliterated by the same tank in the same spot and you keep doing it again and again, you are not going to get a different result until you acknowledge that the tank is a problem that has to be dealt with first before running into that same spot again


i am divided about mel gibsons role in all of this…

clearly you are a top player, I am not even talking about you, this doesn’t apply to you, because clearly you do not have this issue and it wouldn’t impact you

I am talking about the players that I see getting mowed down for over 20 squads lost and they don’t finish at the top of the leaderboard, usually they finish at the bottom with very low kills and too many deaths, because they listened to this advice and they thought they too could finish first by just running at the point without any idea of what else to do

My friend has better equipment than me and he usually finishes top of the leaderboard like you with so many kills for the exact same reason I am explaining here, because they just keep running at the objective while he mows them all down. He usually plays with tanks, but even as a foot soldier, me and him when we play together we usually beat everyone because of this same mistake that you think is effective but it’s not. I am saying this to help people, if they just keep doing this, we just keep mowing them down.

Now if your team uses smoke, that is a different story.

But I see these people running in getting mowed down like The French at the Battle of Agincourt, it’s kind of funny

It didn’t work for the French and it doesn’t work for these people who are clearly not as good as you at the game


That’s right, it takes more skill and a little luck to play well and preserve life than to just run around without any awareness and getting squad after squad killed

The core of the suggestion is to stimulate players to be more mindful of their soldiers lives.

If players still want to run around like crazy headless chickens, that is fine, but then they have to suffer the consequences

Which hopefully will have the effect of making them think a little more about their actions and try to actually learn and improve from each game life. Otherwise we are left in this cycle of people banging their heads against the wall with the same results

And sure, I too love shredding these players to bits as they help me get more kills

However, it hurts when my team mates are these players and they lose all our tickets and achieve nothing because they don’t try anything more constructive and they don’t take any care

You can place soldiers in smart places to be more effective and die less often

For example just yesterday, one of my bots got over 10 kills alone before dying, because he was in a great spot and because the enemy was doing the thing I am talking about and getting shredded

Now if I just ran out there with this guy wildly, he would have died and at best got one kill or two, granted this was in defense

On offense, yes you have to take more risks to get into a good position to control the objective, but it’s the same principle

You take better positions for your men so that only one squad need to risk themselves to cap while the rest of the team keeps the point clear of defenders

But when people send out 6 squads blindly and directly at the point and get shredded, that achieves nothing but deaths

So we want people to begin thinking about their soldiers lives more

It will only enrich the experience for everyone and make people use their brains to counter each other with more tactical gameplay

But you have to consider:

I see now why people are confused

You don’t understand what is being described or you falsely allocate your own false understanding to what is being said

So going to clarify some things

When I am referring to the issue of rushing, I am not saying you cannot push intelligently while clearing what is in front and around you. I am saying don’t just ran at bullets.

And so what you people do is you presume that means to just sit back and camp.

That is not what I mean.

There is a big difference between pushing with awareness and care, and just camping and never moving or moving super slowly, or just running in the open at bullets.

The issue is only with the people running at bullets dying repeatedly and never think to do anything different. This suggestions helps those people consider improving their gameplay.

So everything else you falsely assume from what I have said, is just your own nonsense and false

And no, the suggestion won’t turn everyone into campers, because the incentives to win and cap and get cap points are still more important.

The suggestions is an extra incentive as a side mission or side goal

So again, instead of being so scared and hysterical about this, use your brains, if you have any.

running 20 squads into bullets is not a valid strategy to win in the game

someone who suicided over 20 squads and only got 20-40 kills is not effectively playing the game for xp or to help their team

It’s not about a hard change from rushing to camping

Players will still choose how they play, they just have to consider that if they lose too many men, then they will inevitably hurt their xp gain, and if they do perform well with lower number of deaths, they will be rewarded.

I imagine this would have a small impact on the game for people with brains.

But the mindless horde would likely continue play the way they do regardless of the extra effects

But at least, this way we can feel good about ourselves for performing well while losing less over those that lose more and achieve nothing, it feels good to know they are punished for their low intelligence approach to the game

say 1.2

as the bonuses and penalties as an estimate depending on the game mode too, and obviously the attackers get a little extra leeway since they have to take more risk to get the objective

And it would also vary per game mode, but that could all be worked out in detail by a professional developer who understand the importance of this suggestion for their game