People are playing this game like a total arcade joke of a game
And it brings down the atmosphere of the game
Start rewarding players with increased rewards for high survival and care of their soldiers. Some people are running through 15-20 squads of soldiers with no care in the world for their lives. They just don’t take any care, they just want the points.
So start punishing players who lose too many men and start rewarding those that preserve the lives of their men, so that the game doesn’t feel so much like an arcade joke of a game and begins feeling more like a world war 2 game.
There are already enough dumb arcade shooter games out there, don’t let this one become like those.
I have here an example, the enemy top 1-5 did exceptionally well, they kept pushing and were building rallies. I feel sorry knowing they won’t have the juicy 1.5 exp multiplier after performing well. I say give the Top 10 best performing players the 1.5 exp multiplier instead of everyone in the winning team.
So you are the reason why people actually desert. Camping somewhere in the back doing shite for his team and then probably types ‘‘gg easy’’ at the end.
Most of you got side tracked and off topic and off to a tangent, so have to correct that somewhat
Talking about this here:
These people are not taking enough care with their soldiers, probably just running around with no concern for cover or positioning or anything at all, they might as well be bots
The more squads one use in batle, the more soldiers get swaped and the most xp per min per soldier a player does, the less grindy the game gets. Winning or loosing.
One will upgrade soldiers squads and get campaign levels way faster, and, ofc more orders to spend.
Camping, or playing with care on enlisted will get you nowhere than “game too grindy please fix”.
1000 tickets per atack spamming squads left and right is more than enough to win a match, as long as W is pressed.
The reason for this suggestion is to make players take more care with their lives
Because right now, they just feed kills to the other team and lose the match faster that way
The game is rewarding people for playing the game like any other dumb arcade game instead of more of a world war 2 experience
So that is the foundation of the suggestion, if this is not looked at, people will continue to play the game in this pathetic style, which does not encourage any real tactical or strategic gameplay, just run in, die, run in die, rinse repeat until lost the match or hope the other team doesn’t kill enough to sneak a win through on the back of other players who actually did all the killing and less dying
this is not ww2 simulation where you need to take care of every life. this is ww2 zerg rush arcade. get as many soldiers fast enough to the cap. you cant even take care of bots cause they always die stupidly even when you order them behind cover.
so this is bad suggestion cause it would just make people camp more and that would make defenders and attackers play much worse.
Loosing fewer squads does not mean you contributed more to your team. It just means you lost fewer squads.
I too get annoyed if I’m on an Attacking Team and see that someone has like 30 kills, has been squad wiped like 15 times, and we are running out of tickets but it is what it is.
If you are on the Attacking Team you really need to push in order to win, which puts you at greater risk of loosing tickets for your team. But you have to push.
There’s a thing called TICKETS that basically punishes the team who lose more men its just that it applies only to attackers or in Confrontation where both sides have tickets.
This is not real life war where armies have to preserve the lives of their own soldiers and equipment as possible and if necessary, minimize losses.
Here are two of my examples where the 1st screenshot is where I got 222 kills, 12 destroyed vehicles and only 2 squad deaths because I sat in a tank but still did lots of killing because I contributed to the push. The 2nd one is me doing the dirty work with my infantry squads sure I had 12 squad deaths but I had 268 kills.
By OP’s logic, does this mean the one I did with infantry squads is me actually doing worse because i have 12 squad losses? Atleast I did better than people who had less deaths but did not help the team because spent most of the time sniping at the back or flying around the plane without good bombing runs.
Exactly, a good player knows how to get kills and minimize deaths
If the game does not punish the people who die too much or reward the players who die less, then players have no incentive to reduce their deaths, and will just go ahead and waste all the tickets for no benefit to the team.
They are a waste of space, and they are the ones being carried by the teams better players who do all the killing and less dying
99.99% of players aint good players and have 0 intrest to become one.
Well if you die 10-20 times as attacker it most likely means you atleast tried to play objective.
While with 0 deaths you most likely sniped somewhere god knows where and did absolutely nothing to win the game.
Where if you lose 5 or less squads you get a boost to your earnings
If you lose between 6-10 squads you are neutral, and if you lose 11-15 you lose a small % of your earnings, and 16-20 larger loss and over 21 is severely punished with very low earnings
So this give a little bit more incentive not to just win and play well, but to also take care of your soldiers lives. And it would help make the game less arcade and dumb with people just running around like lunatics getting blown away for nothing
And if people want to be like that still, fine, they get punished and takes them longer to progress, which is only fair. Since they aren’t willing to try to improve, they should suffer