Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

Instead of answering to each argument lets just say your in wrong game.


enlisted is for brave gamers only. cowardly esport wannabe gamers will fall behind. cope.

and tell me how are you going to save those soldiers? by staying out of the caps? by sniping? by using tanks 150m away from objective? so tell me an idea how you can save the soldiers while playing the objective?

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I wouldn’t mind some battle award like “commamdo” or something for the best KD as infantry squad.

The opinion of someone that stated several times that like to play as camper and roleplay with squads is hardly worth anything front of the ones actually playing the objective and carrying dead weights.

But hey, congrats getting lots of kills, your team has to be double incompetent to lose in kills to a camper

Oh it’s really easy to play the objective without loosing so many guys…well it actually requires a brain so

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That’s right, it takes more skill and a little luck to play well and preserve life than to just run around without any awareness and getting squad after squad killed

The core of the suggestion is to stimulate players to be more mindful of their soldiers lives.

If players still want to run around like crazy headless chickens, that is fine, but then they have to suffer the consequences

Which hopefully will have the effect of making them think a little more about their actions and try to actually learn and improve from each game life. Otherwise we are left in this cycle of people banging their heads against the wall with the same results

And sure, I too love shredding these players to bits as they help me get more kills

However, it hurts when my team mates are these players and they lose all our tickets and achieve nothing because they don’t try anything more constructive and they don’t take any care

You can place soldiers in smart places to be more effective and die less often

For example just yesterday, one of my bots got over 10 kills alone before dying, because he was in a great spot and because the enemy was doing the thing I am talking about and getting shredded

Now if I just ran out there with this guy wildly, he would have died and at best got one kill or two, granted this was in defense

On offense, yes you have to take more risks to get into a good position to control the objective, but it’s the same principle

You take better positions for your men so that only one squad need to risk themselves to cap while the rest of the team keeps the point clear of defenders

But when people send out 6 squads blindly and directly at the point and get shredded, that achieves nothing but deaths

So we want people to begin thinking about their soldiers lives more

It will only enrich the experience for everyone and make people use their brains to counter each other with more tactical gameplay

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No it wont, just for you.

And again, your in wrong game.

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Everything else is already rewarding you for certain actions and punishing you for lack of other actions

So you already accept that anyway

So given you already accepted this cycle of reward and punishment, all that is left to do is to tighten it up a little bit so that it better reflects a respectable gameplay experience

If you prefer to play like a lunatic and like other lunatics running around in mass, you can still do it. You will just have to pay the price for it. Which better reflects reality. Currently the game does nothing to shine the importance of life in the game, and that is a huge negative that makes the game too much towards arcade joke that it doesn’t need to be. Not saying this will change the game to be more realistic, but it would make players think twice about their actions. Which would be good, and even if you don’t believe it now, you would eventually realize it, or you would leave. Either way, positive outcome.

It is the right game, it has squads of men fighting each other in a world war 2 setting, it is definitely the right game to implement this suggestion and it would be ground breaking and it would only help improve the image of the game which is getting tarnished in too many areas, this being one of them.

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exactly, you get points for capturing objective regardless does it cost tickets or not.
And campping at woods / edge of map with infantry “punishes” you for not getting much of xp.
And your suggesting to turn these 2 around.


Wrong game.

Thats how the cap points are taken, not by tacticooling at the edge of map.

Well I already do, by carrying the useless tacticools.

What comes to reality I can confidentally say borderlands 3 presents reality / realism of ww2 by far better than this game.
So again, wrong game.

There is already tacticool games such as HLL / PS and what else. Neither one has massive playerbase because the tacticool shit doesnt appeal to average gamers.

Im quite sure I can decide for myself what I like or need.
And none of your suggestions are anywhere close to either one.
Nor I dont exactly see many other people sharing the same opinions with you.
Perhaps you should realize that or leave ?

Theres already games that does exactly what you are requesting and by far better than this game could ever do.
Yes I occasionally play them, but as they lack the action & fast pace of this “arcade joke game” as you said it they become relatively boring after a while.


if defenders had limited tickets, then maybe playing tactically would have sense. but defenders have unlimited tickets so they can just throw bodies at cap without any repercussions. and only way for attackers to actually cap, is to overwhelm the defenders in cap. and that requires all squads to zerg rush to cap and dying in process.

any squad that doesnt zerg rush is then actually not contributing to its teams victory.


I love how everyone says people who get less deaths are campers…no I just get less deaths because I’m not mindlessly rushing the objective sending men into the meat grinder.



Defenders don’t need to be punished with a ticket system, because if the defenders are dieing a lot, they are generally losing. Attackers need some way to lose that is not a lame timer based system, so we have the tickets.

congratulations this is the dumbest suggestion posted in the forums this week, toon in next week for a forum-post from someone on us needing to start waiting 3-10 minutes to spawn per death regardless of squad

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It’s funny that the only counter arguments to this suggestion is that

  1. I carry the team by losing 20+ squads with only 20 kills to my name

  2. I should not be punished for running at bullets as my only way of playing because w key is the only key that matters

A guy camping might get 50 kills and lose maybe 5 squads, or he might even do much better

A guy running at bullets, will lose over 20 squads, only get 20 kills and achieve nothing, except pretend he carried the team, when in fact, it was players who got close to 100 kills and more, and only lost 5-10 squads that actually carried that poser

If people want to play like that and run at bullets as their only means to play the game, this suggestion does not stop them from doing it, they can still do it. They just earn slower and less. As they should, since they are a burden on the team. And the people who play properly should be rewarded for actually using their brains.

There really isn’t any valid argument against this suggestion, it’s all just a case of people wanting to burn squads with no care for them. I sometimes wonder if people are just deliberately burning tickets for whatever reason

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now your getting it, good boy.

And contributed to win / lose by 0 as defenders dont have tickets.

Exactly, as it currently is. Now press that W key and stop being useless.

Probably because you seem to have 0 idea how the game works.

“Whatever reason” is to score more XP and possibly win, both of which make the grind shorter.

At least the OP is suggesting rewards for staying alive, instead of the other guy suggesting XP penalties for dying.

sounds slightly like a penalty for me