Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

Ahem, you have went to great lengths to no avail…I’m feeling your frustration from your good description of (and expensive from the sound of it) events…R.I.P.

I don’t know the equivalent of TAPS is for a Portuguese soldier but i would play (post) it if i could


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Very good point, camping needs to be adressed to new player at boot camp (tutorial) so a ‘camping atmosphere’ can be shown as to be bad in gameplay along for punishment for those who camp, another possible punishment for campers is if they remain in a set vacinity for set amount of time, say 30 seconds and haven’t fired a shot, start losing xp or points by the second with a courtesy counter showing xp or points being deducted in real time for camping (not actively engaging in battle)

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I disagree with this specific part because I oppose active economic punishments (except for blatant d-baggery like teamkilling and such). I rather support positive incentives to encourage the intended behaviours.

(See War Thunder as the example of the economy I DON’T want to see in Enlisted.)

Besides, players who only camp and stay away from cap points are already getting penalized, they just aren’t aware of that, until they realize that most of the XP is earned by brawling at the objectives, and so by holding back they make their own grind longer. I learned that myself from experience and discussions on this forum.



That’s EXACTLY what I was talking about in my previous post, about punishments leading game economy to a stagnant hell.


Good point, but i disagree with ‘the hand holding’ posative incentive ONLY approach, there needs to be BOTH. We already have more than enough snowflakes in the world :wink: Posative incentive AND punished reinforcment to keep things in balance.

As you said, “they just aren’t aware”, that is where i see the problem, those that “don’t know it” are clueless and need an incentive, punishment or reward that is tangible for the clueless to see, to speed up the learning process. Punishment at this point (the clueless stage) would yield faster results as long as they aren’t clueless as to why the punishment is implemented, which i explained in a previous reply ^scroll up please^. The posative incentive comes from not having such a long grind they experienced by camping, in other words they see (learn) they level much much faster by actively engaging. Not everyone is a fast learner, infact, the majority isn’t. Camping IS leading to stagnant gamplay in my opinion.

Honestly, the camping has gotten MUCH worse the last few months, i see punishment for not actively participating in the game as intended as a posative incentive overall.

Soooo…Be gone snowflake! :crazy_face:

Are snowflakes comparable to satan? Lol

It’s not like I’m against any form of punishment, it’s just that once the taboo of LOSING progress/currency by performing certain game actions is broken, I’m scared by the perspective of that being the start of the dark path that leads to us having to pay bronze to revive our killed squads or other such arbitrary, predatory handicaps deliberately crippling earnings.


Yes this would be a extremely bad scenario indeed. If it did indeed come this scenario you just described, it most definitely would discourage new players from continuing to play the game, which is the worst thing that could happen because it would effect the revinue the game generates and in turn it would slowly become stagnant as you said, but i think and hope the enlisted team is wiser than that

I think the game should incentivize playing with the last soldier you have in your squad instead of suiciding him and going for a new squad by increasing the wait time in the spawn screen if the squad life was too short (kind of like it is now with suicide planes).

In this case one wouldn’t be able to zerg rush and rotate their 3 assaulter squads non-stop:
you can either fight with the 1-2 soldiers you have left, or wait 60-90 seconds till you respawn.

Punish people that don’t provide stats.


This idea is definitely a viable option, i almost always play till the last soldier, but i do sometimes off them but it would be easy enough to make them a bullet sponge to off them quickly too. The only problem i see with your idea is, often when i get to my last soldier he is stuck in a building somewhere 200 meters back without my knowledge, and i always off this AI soldier for obvious reasons, until they improve AI drastically its probably not a good idea, but if soldiers stopped getting stuck, it could work as intended

Just make stats publicly available


Yes, it’s my opinion, just like it’s your opinion of the opposite, nothing makes yours more valid, except my points back up an improvement in the game, yours don’t

It’s not my image per se, it is an image that is generally better then the retarded shit that is the current image

Don’t care if no one else does agree, I merely posted the suggestion as a suggestion, maybe you dumb fucks should learn what that means

Also don’t care about popular opinion, many popular opinions turn out to be wrong or even disastrous, took a long time for popular opinion about the shape of the earth to change, if nobody introduced them to the reality, they would still believe it, and some still do because they are as dumb as most of you

I don’t call you dumb for disagreeing, I call you dumb for 1. Not understanding 2. Misrepresenting 3. Acting like a suggestion you don’t like is the worst thing that has every happened to you meanwhile proving you don’t understand it and are misrepresenting it and exaggerating it to suit your own stupid assumptions about it.

I’m not outraged, Idiocracy like this is common place these days, so I have come to terms with it. There is no point arguing with idiots, but I merely appeal to the ones who still have a brain left in their craniums that works properly.

Except for the fact that you are in the minority here, and thus our opinion does matter more than yours because there are more of us. If you don’t like the game go play something else. If you want to prove you have the game’s best interest in mind, you have to work with the other people who play it, not actively antagonize them. For someone acting this high and mighty, you still somehow haven’t realized that.


your arguments are so dumb

you say you don’t like punishment, yet you admit campers are already punished for camping

you don’t even realize that my suggestion does not encompass camping, It encourages more careful gameplay, so players don’t run at bullets face first

You say that I need to post my personal stats in order to give weight to this suggestion, when again that is a load of shit. The suggestion has merits on its own, regardless of the players stats. You are reaching for excuses to dismiss something because you are desperate to find anything to dismiss it to justify it to yourself, when in reality, the suggestion is fine. You just don’t like it. And you are a bunch of hypocrites.

People worried about the suggestion being to extreme and making players into campers are mistaken, the players still know the best way to get points is to fight over the objective, some smarter players would just be more careful. Most the face first players will still likely go face first and not care, and that’s fine, they will just earn a bit less if they lose too many people at different scales, that’s all. It’s not even a huge deal.

It’s basically just a reminder that they were too careless and to take more care in the future. Or face the same result.

Also the triggers for this could be made somewhat loose so that only high offenders would really feel it, the average would not be affected, and the high performers would be rewarded. It could even be rewarded better dependent on their cap action

People who are saying that campers already get punished need to realize something, tanks camp and get usually the top scores and they are usually difficult to reach because of the stupid mechanic that locks infantry from reaching them. But that is a seperate issue, that aspect of the game will not change as they will continue doing what they do and abusing their distance advantage

If my suggestion is adhered to correctly, the bonus points only takes into account infantry play, not vehicle play. So the vehicles will not count for the bonuses, they only count for the loss of squad when they die.

The opinion of the gazelle does not matter to the Lion while he is hunting it and eventually devouring it, that is how I feel about your stupid popular opinions. You are a bunch of brain dead herd grazers. If I concerned myself with stupid idiotic unfounded opinions, I would not have made the suggestion you dumb fuck

In fact, I would be one of you retards on here saying that running at bullets and losing 20+ squads while only getting 20 kills is better than the guy who carried the team with over 500 kills as exaggeratedly pointed out by one of your retards from your popular opinion side

Well you are playing this game, and without a community this game would not even run without the the majority of the playerbase sticking by it, so yeah the devs should be more concerned about our opinions as it is the opinion that will secure them more revenue.

Also, it’s rather quite Ironic that your call everyone else trash but refuse to post stats, but I’m a reasonable man and will give you a chance to back up your claims. Are you as good as you claim? If so, post your stats and we will see.

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First of all, you overestimate the power of the community

Secondly, you falsely presume you are representative of the whole community

Thirdly revenue is linked to better gameplay, which my suggestion provides.

My suggestion helps to stimulate better gameplay, the status quo that you and your supposed community supports does not.

You have no way of knowing if my suggestion would equate to a rise or reduction of revenue. My guess is that a couple dimwits would rage for a little while and quit for a while, and then eventually come back for more. And the rest, if lost, it’s no loss, because we would acquire better players to replace them. So that is actually a huge win, and with those new players would come more revenue, not less.

What you retards don’t realize is that the current state of the game has already cost an unknown amount of loss due to the state of the game, and only through improvements in areas that would bring back those players can they reach those players and gain that which they currently don’t have. That does not happen if some changes are not made, as per some suggestions and their own developments and improvements

I have already addressed the stats thing repeatedly, asking me for it again isn’t going to get you any closer to it.

We have seen the community get things changed and you want to know how we did it? We mocked and ridiculed what we did not like until it was changed or removed. This is the tactic that has proven most successful. It worked when they changed aircraft so you could have two attackers, it worked when they tweaked how rally points operated, it worked when the PPSh was locked behind a paywall in Stalingrad, it works when anyone else brings up a dumb idea and now we employ it against you. If you had spent any amount of time on this forum getting to know how the community works, you would understand this, but no, you barge in here, claim the game is dying and that it needs to be changed to your exact specifications to survive and when we laugh at you for such an outlandish claim, you take things personally and double down which leads me to the next point.
I do not claim to speak on behalf of the whole community, just the majority of it as demonstrated by this thread. There has not been a single one of your posts which has gotten a like after the initial post, demonstrating that no one agrees with what you want after you revealed the true extent of it. You have managed to unite this many groups of people who are usually squabbling with one another for the sole purpose of mocking you, which to have such such a bad take that people who constantly fight each other on this internet forum set aside their differences to this degree is certainly an achievement. I don’t care what you think the state of the game is, as my experiences and evidently the experiences of everyone on this thread except for you differ. Maybe it’s expectations, maybe this just isn’t the game for you. However, one thing is abundantly clear, and that is you do not want to play the same game the rest of us want to, and there are more of us.


i would also like to point out that the first post points out that it isn’t a good idea has x5.33 more likes than OP’s post (32 compared to OP’s 6 likes)

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