If forum moderators are too occupied for moderating the sandbox, why not let trusty modders monitaring the sandbox so mod with racist content or spam or other violating guideline will be resolve faster.
Because for now spam of test version is present This week, at the unmoderated sandbox portal #5 but atleast the racist mod have been taken down Devs do something for the sandbox for gods sake
I asked it time ago, and I can tell you the site has his own moderator and people who check it daily, as for the site guidelines regarding mod deletion I’m clueless
I Can confirm it
We dont have any power on mod sandbox
Ok I didn’t know there was somebody dedicated to moderating the sandbox but still it a suggestion to improve the quality of the sandbox
And us the modding community would be glad to make one simple tutorial for the good etiquette of the sandbox to give it a better reputation.
Because for now we only have the guideline that are sometime vague and that let people posting almost anything