Devs do something for the sandbox for gods sake

This guy posts racist mod in the sandbox

He has history of stealing other content. For and example @PrivateRyan44 got his manchuria mod stolen buy this same guy

Out of curiosity i checked his mod. I wish i didnt

Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 075242
Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 074538

The whole mod is about shooting poorly armed black people. This guy is not only a thief but a racist also.

He has also stolen multiple squads from popular mod creators
Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 074708

Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 074656
Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 074640
Näyttökuva 2025-03-10 074609

I know you devs give 0 craps about the sandbox but please. Ban this guy. It is all im asking


Asked a ppl to delete mod of that person, thank you for report.


Can you also ban his account? He is violating the gajin guidelines


Well, it’s not in my power, all i can is forward to ppl who is looking after sandbox.
But if he continues to post stuff that violating our rules, then his restriction to our services is only matter of time.


He is stealing content from other mod creators and i dont think he will stop doing it unless something is done. But thanks anyway


it’s interesting how…

stealing and making a racist mode ( allegedly. guess we could count the almost false impersonation but i’m not keen on that either ),
can only get you a mod removal and temporary or outright get away free jail with almost no repecrussions,

but stumbling upon dev servers and access it by curiosity it’s a permaban of 10 life times for a first time offense too.
( mind you, while keeping all for him self and not leaking a single damn thing like it was implied )

with that being said, #JusticeForBazsi37


His account should definitely be banned. Althought im quite sure it is just an alt and not his main account since he doesnt have any replay history


was it private dev server or was it public test server? cause i know that they update test server with new files for testers even though it is not accessible to wider audience.

As far am aware, this comrade is processing to get a restriction on his account atm.

As McDonald said it was a private development server also if my translator worked correctly on the Ru side people talked about more people get pinched in the action

The same guy is playing that mod rn. Why isnt his account banned yet?

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the moment i look at this, i laughed my butt off of how funny this looks.

i looked it up, and according to my findings the mods you mentioned are gone and didn’t show up in the sandbox search bar list.

It got removed.

This guy’s sense of humor is right up my alley :ok_hand:

Blatant racism and shamelessly stealing others hard work while claiming it his is so funny

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I’m not meaning to say him plagiarizing is acceptable at all (I agree with him getting punished for stealing another person’s work) but you have to admit racist jokes are too common to be offended by anymore, hell even I and my friends I play with go at each other racially and are ok with it.

l o l

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