This week, at the unmoderated sandbox portal #5

I guess i will be doing this from time to time, since @Bazsi37 is no longed with us…
This sandbox portal is in such a terrible state, and its worth to be pointed out

Look at this gorgeous sight

1 test isn’t enough, 2 also aren’t. You got to upload 4. My friend, @switmagyt ,can you be more serious (i know hes not on forum but i dont care)


Big news and very bad stuff.
We have just got a nasty piece of blantant racist material
Please, anyone seeing this, please go there and comment. It will help taking it down quicker

We can kind of tolerate spams that do legitimate tests, but not any degree of racism.

People, please help by commenting and you can do your part in shaping the sandbox to a better place

Edit: The post has been deleted! Thanks to those who commented and reported

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They should really make a small tutorial for the good practice on the sandbox for reducing invonlontary spam with test mod. So if someone post 2 or more mods in the same days with same image and description it should be consider spam

The problem is they dont care about sandbox. It is unmoderated and full of really old bugs and the devs arent planning on doing anything

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It so worrying that we can see somebody steal your mod in the same day

It might have been thr same person

Since @Bazsi37 is no longer with us…
What do you mean? Sounds kind of creepy!!!

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He got banned by the Snail. He is really gone
Look more at our discord server, whwre he can still speak

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Oh, I didn’t know, I think it has to do with the fact that he posted some information… It’s sad, he promoted this game like all of you and gave it life