"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

You really just gonna leave out the Pz III N like that?

Cool! Try using solid shot instead of APCBC with filler for your 75’s


So 76 Sherman or M18 GMC. Got it

oh yeah, KV1 would absolutely destroy US tanks

Honestly I think the crusader would be fine against it.

Stuarts though?

I shudder at the thought of it.

Thank God I ain’t gotta fight the Sovies as the US!


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Yeah reworking matchmaking would be a much better way to help newer/lower level players. I’m hopeful this will help but I get what you mean, it just seems janky and weird.

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oh poor summer child

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A 6 pounder can front a Tiger, irl and in theory at least, in game its far more questionable, I do wonder wtf happens to 6 pounder rounds often.

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Like the news!

But please now consider this:
Most new players don’t realize how big a disparity it is between BR I-II and V.
They shouldn’t be sent to the shark tank regardless, but atm it is what it is, all people having acess to high BR by just buying a GO weapon or premium squad. Or maybe just playing the recent event.
But you should really think about improving the the UI for players queing with mostly BR I-II stuff and having one single high BR Gold order gun or one single event/premium squad .

Add a warning when <10% of a players’ gear is the highest BR or something.

Click battle and get a pop up warning you have to acknowledge or dismiss. There should always be be a notification and a box you can check to turn it off, of course.

You can also highlight in red a single weapon or squad that drastically differ from your typical load out - stuff that will get you heavy uptiered.

Click battle and get the pop up. If you want you can check a box to never be reminded again.


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If you think about it the BR system is just enlisted powerscaling

I initially thought this was a good idea - but on thinking about it…NAA.

There are pros and cons to this.

Let’s take BR3 players. They may desert on a BR3-5 match currently, but maybe in a BRIV tank they’ll stick around. (I doubt it, but it could happen.)

I see it as a positive for BR1 players who can get into a BR2 tank of a BR3 shows up. So, they may live an extra 15-30 seconds in that tank. I guess that’s a good thing? Maybe the BR3 tank isn’t immediately seen and they get more kills and progress faster. Hey, it’s possible.

The negatives are that this feels like a band-aide for the 1-3, 3-5 problem. The post admits that it’s an issue and that this is meant to address it, but I feel like it may be acerbating the problem, not helping.

If the tank provided actually was able to COUNTER the tank that is seen (e.g. if it’s a BR3 Sherman/T-34 out there, there isn’t a German BR2 tank that can take it on, particularly not a noob with ten games under their belt) then maybe this would be a good thing.

Instead, it could very well lead to more noob frustration. And a continuation of the status quo of leaving BR1-3 and 3-5 matches in the matchmaking.


I doubt it would make the main problem worse, but it would certainly be confusing and unintuitive

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its solid ap - it makes the gun suck really bad

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Bro doesn’t know how to front pen a Sherman with a thrown rock

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If you read between the lines it all has to do with no playerbase and most of them run away after a few rounds of gaming. There are no battles,hence everybody who has any experience deserts. Just tricks and we are no pony´s. I am off playing the 876 th seriously unbalanced game on a row. No tank can change that.,

yea i got kill by a KV2 in a tiger 2 h i was so confident that it surprise me when it happen. Definitely gonna buy it when it on sale cause man i love it

Well, it acerbates by promulgating. Pretending that this is a fix instead of going to the root of the problem of BR1-3 and 3-5. It makes it worse b/c the bad situation will continue longer. And there will be those who will assume it’s fixed.

But you’re probably right, that it doesn’t make it worse in reality vs. perception and timeframe. But, it remains to be seen whether it’s better or worse for noobs. I think it could be better, since it might be possible to keep noobs alive a little longer in order to level up their squad. Maybe.

A fix for that problem might be to let noobs spawn a big ol’ five or 6 person tank squad with submachine guns and level them up that way. (Like you can spawn an APC squad now w/out an APC.) They’d likely get more kills and xp.