"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

The turret_01 of the jagdtiger has the ammo set to a plasma ball. This indicates that the turret assets has been repurposed to the Unknown War April Fool’s event. Furthermore, the E100 tank found in the game files literally uses the same turret name as the jagdtiger.

So it is more likely to be abandoned concept of a tank and also repurposed resources

Do you guys really know what you’re talking about?
I agree tanks are a problem
but not that bad
Players can choose not to use it or only use it at appropriate times.
Rather than knowing that the performance of the opposite tank is better than yours, you keep giving points to the enemy.

But what did you do?
Less than 2 grades?
This means that a certain group of people with severe lack of skills and knowledge will be able to abuse this mechanism.

You don’t know what I’m talking about?
very simple
Everyone here only needs to think about those groups in the level 5 environment that have serious equipment shortages and are equipped with a large number of hand-pulled rifles and machine gun tanks.
Then such groups will become more prevalent in the future because they can parasitize advanced tanks.

Don’t say lies about being respectful, friendly, inclusive, or trying to make this game reach a wider audience.
Respect is given to those who make real efforts
Friendliness is given to new people who have just entered the game
Tolerance is given to novices who are learning
Instead of giving it to those groups who don’t even know their own capabilities, poison friendly troops everywhere, and never reflect on themselves, only pushing the problem to the enemies who slaughtered them.
to be honest
It is difficult to describe this group without using subjectively insulting terms.

Why do officials always like to use things that poison gameplay and the game environment as good medicine?

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Somewhat related but new players should start off with the medic squad unlocked IMO, a SMG squad is something everyone and their mother can understand and do well with

I agree but at least it’s something. Not sure what else you would do. Plane counter spawn would be nice too (if you have a lower BR plane then you could get an upgraded one as well; same idea essentially but with planes).

Can we get replacement tanks in early war battles so that there is no late-war tanks in Stalingrad or Rzhev? The historical maps are getting ruined by forcing the impossible vehicles inside of them


Just make BR3 its own tier and solve the problem

BR3 and BR4 are close enough I think it’s reasonable to make them go together, but there is an argument to be made for making BR5 seperate


I need to add that there is a bug,

the german event squad cannot build heavy machineguns despite being a machinegunner squad…


It’s a known issue, apparently. :slight_smile:

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Germany suffers dude…

The br already seem absurd to me, but well, since there are babies who cry for everything, br 1 should be alone and br 2 and 3 together and br 4 and 5

Is it a tank?

Whole game is absurd at this point.

Why are trying to make the game so cheap and easy ?

If a player has no tank to defeat an enemy tank, then he still has planes and other teammates ?

This whole idea will not help anyone.

Good idea … but I think it would be better to just have alternate loadouts.

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The matter has come to this point, it’s just a suggestion. Perhaps a prerequisite can be added to the function of spawn additional tanks, such as if players want to generate this additional tank, they must first complete the development of the corresponding vehicle (without carrying it) or achieve a certain amount of development in a certain level of br? If this condition is not met, higher-level tanks cannot be used. In this way, low-level tanks can also spawn additional high-level tanks, but players will also have corresponding sacrifices. It’s just an idea.

Is it just me or this basically means instead of getting dumped on in my crusader by a tiger 2, now I can get dumped on with a pershing if I so choose?

Are you worried that a beginner might use an un upgraded tank to blow you up?It’s ironic that the biggest resistance to these beneficial balance mechanisms for players is actually some old players.Be friendly to new players, otherwise you won’t have any new players to bully because they’ve all run away.

Also, developers probably won’t let you use the best tanks from level 4 and level 2, I never use those tanks anyway.This should be very similar to Berlin before the merger, you will have very few opportunities to bully T60 with Tiger H, and it’s impossible even earlier, it’s just going back to before.

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In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been pretty clear about the reasons why I don’t like it.
So don’t start throwing out some bizarre conspiracy theories on me.

I am friendly to new players, that’s why I am against implementation of this feature. :man_shrugging:

Do you need me to remind you? Before the merger, you will directly have T3485, and you won’t spend a penny on it.

Comfortable? Using BR3 firearms against BR5 fully automatic rifles? Guess why people desert?
Can you tell me how you can play comfortably with a BR4 tank? In the case of your opponent uses a BR5 tank.
That’s really naive.

In addition, a low BR can allow you to experience many maps that you cannot encounter in BR5. It is normal for people to stay in this BR. What should be condemned?
This plan is just a replacement for BR ± 1 and may not even be very effective. I don’t know what to oppose.