"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

still, it kind of feels like a slap in the face to players who actually worked to get their tanks

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This post made me realize that more than half of the community has very poor reading comprehension skills… Frankly, I’m ashamed of some of you all. And my respects for the moderators for keeping their sanity reading all this chaos.

In a few words: No, Br II newbies don’t get a free Tiger, Pershing, or whatever the end game tank is. It’s only a +1 BR assist. It will be stock and without upgrades. It’s just a little help to get them through. And let’s not be egotistical about it, this game is already unforgiving for new players once they reach Br II and beyond. So in my opinion, whatever help we can give them I’m all for it. New players make the game grow after all.

There’s some important questions being brought up, though. For example, this could potentially have less experienced players just giving free kills to more experienced players. And they will also be occupying an available slot that other player could take better advantage of. Because after all, less experienced players driving a better tank doesn’t necessarily means they’re gonna survive longer.

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Well… Panther is BR4…

Panther / Tiger H1 BR4 (so are a lot of TDs), not sure I think M4A1 76, Jumbo is BR4 (not sure that is so fair), Soviets Kv1Zis3, T34-85, (TDs are all 5!)

This would be a great opportunity to lower BR for soviet TDs at the same time.

Panther should obviously be BR5 tho

No, why? The Panther competes with Tiger E, KT2, no point BR5 mate

But developers may not necessarily let you use Panther in this way.It is highly likely that you will only use Jagdpanzer IV/70 (A).

Really teh tank should have the same upgrades as whatever it is replacing - it’s not a massive game changer, but if you are confident about making this into some sort of balance thing that that would make more sesnse.

And also make sure that the crew who are brought across are in the same positions.

I don’t want to see those bad groups become more prevalent in senior settings
Or do you think that the current groups that are severely lacking in skills and equipment have not had a serious impact on any friendly forces in the level 3 and 5 environments?
This only increases the suffering of labor prisoners

Those people should learn to think
Instead of letting the official make the quality of the game as low as the ability and thinking ability of this group

I always use level 3 weapons
This was true even before ±1 was implemented
Most of the time I can be in the top 3 or 1st place stably
So I can say with certainty
Well-equipped level 3 equipment is fully capable of surviving in a level 5 environment
A certain group that accounts for more than 70% of the game always only uses a single or extremely small number of level 3 weapons, causing them to be massacred due to the lack of equipment and skills.
Is this a matter of balance or individual player behavior?

It’s rare? xD

1st this wasn’t even really a problem. Why you don’t better equipp your Team for the BR you play?
2nd What the HEll is even the point of unlocking then? Just unlock a few shit Tanks and rest will be provided for you.
3rd The Crew issue, for the Crew to get XP, And Then there’s the Issue of Crew Size to get the right dude with right Perks in right slot.

Idk this sounds garbage and probably will be and only further adds to doesn’t matter what Year/Tech Campaign/Battle. It sounds like a cheap way to try even out balance by waterign down immersion even more.

I think the Issue is more the BR system overall, which it is and the Campaign/Map system.
BR locked to Maps and Squads with Tech is how it should be.

THen there’s the Issue a BR II Tank vs III or a IV vs V it still is a shit situation, because BR is compressed and BR is flawed to begin with, a M4A2 76 BR IV vs King Tiger BR V is still gonna be a pretty unfair fight…

Enemy Tank you can’t deal with Tank vs Tank you bomb, or swarm with infantry, or ambust with AT Guns.

Stop pandering to noobs who can’t even be bothered bring thir own decent Tank for the BR

The best approach is to implement BR ± 1, but developers seem unwilling to do so for some reasons.

To be fair, tanks really can’t do it. This is just as they said.

We can still see tanks from BR1 on BR5 now. Tank enthusiasts always try to use tanks, whether it’s meaningful or not.
I also hate this kind of guy, but what can I do?

that reason being not enough players?

They can choose not to drive or wait for teammates to handle it

You all know how bad groups abuse the hierarchy
Why let them become more prevalent?

Just one better solution :


Just stay with +1/-1 Br is a good things.

No ?

this entire idea is a bandaid solution to a more significant problem and thats allowing BR1-3 and 3-5 players to queue together in the first place

What about airplanes? Can a BR1 cropduster dogfight with a BR3 fighter? What about infantry with kriegsmodell kar98ks fighting PPSH-41s?

You need to fix the problem at its core and thats by just getting rid of -/+2 BR matchmaking altogether.

Lol those newbies farmer are giving all sorts of weird excuse so they can continue farming the newbies with their tank.


yeah, god forbid solid AP do something, cant have the german mains complaining about their tanks being penetrated

maybe they should just do it anyway and they’ll attract more players when you dont have br1 being uptiered to br3