Repairing vehicles from the inside

Thank goodness for that

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something like the red orchestra 2 tanks would be cool


I am fine with tanks being buffed as well as grey camping AS LONG as devs add some mechanics for countering them. Several ideas have been floated for improving the game dynamics while preserving the main grey mechanics, but there’s been no traction.

Two ideas:

  1. Add a “Commando” squad with a “Raider” troop type who is designed for operations behind enemy lines. Make them immune to the grey zone so that they can infiltrate and destroy camping tanks. Keep the squad cap tiny and let the Raiders carry anything they want.(i.e. no weapons restrictions) [Entered into Suggestions]

  2. Have the campers subject to a timer. If defenders camp in the grey zone “too long”, unlock the grey zone for an infiltration mission. If the attackers score enough points, the grey zone stays unlocked for that capture point and attackers gain the ability to double envelope the capture point. [Entered into Suggestions]

…few people seem to like these ideas and I’m not quite sure why.

It would be best if objectives were enlarged and ground vehicles had the ability to capture them.

There’s no reasonable feature feature that would prevent from grayzone camping. I think they should instead reward players for not camping and for being active and aggressive.


I thought it would be cool to be able to capture when popped from the commander cupola. Or maybe light tanks can capture


Remove overheating of machine guns on light tanks and enhance their function as anti infantry tanks.
Few people use them after the medium tanks are unlocked.
Also give them the ability to capture CP’s as they are very thinly armored.
Remove overheating from machine guns - Suggestions - Enlisted


This seems like a nice change. My only concern is that tanks will become even more powerful. I think they are balanced well right now.




Btw, this thread has had over a dozen posts deleted that are not particularly problematic, with the moderators having strong authority over them.

it remind me of when parrot use to sent the rainbow parrot of his but those are long gone now (cause the mod delete them for some reason)

The situation is different then. Parrot was deleted because he was simply trolling.
There have been mass deletions of statements by 4 or 5 other users here besides myself.
None of them were particularly problematic post.
The moderators seem to have lost their minds.
Whoever did it now has not seen this thread, but soon this will be deleted as well.

Let me check

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yes plz the only thing i know was delete was that 1985 thing

The slot was there on the most recent dev server run

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Mostly They are all spam and rant… And we have the one of sexy calling for 1984, camon guys you asked it to :wink:

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There was only slot for paid squads but not for event ones. That is why i am asking the devs if they abandoned the event slot idea or not


If I recall well, they never said they would give an event slot… they only said they’d note the idea :thinking:


it a good idea imo but maybe someone will make a topic to ask them about it

forum working as intended as usual ehi?


They really doing this to my favorite forum user

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