Repairing vehicles from the inside

So will this be implemented for planes next?
So load all crews with large back packs, sit about just repairing?
Well no need to run a tool kit on other soldiers anymore yippy.


Is it possible to re-balance the 12.7mm M2HB mounted on vehicles? I understand that due to balance tank machine guns have lower damage, but M2 Browning is absurdly nerfed or it is some kind of bug. M2HB on lend-lease APC M3A1 or M24 Chaffee do not penetrate any armor, and hit soldiers get only minor damage.

anyway still conflicted about this repair version but i am a bit excited to try it out

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Finally we get internal repairs. This should allow them to atleased fight back once shit hits the fan for those who the leave the grey zone.

My opinion would be
That this is a News thread, Announcement, if your reply is not topic related, it should be removed.

there is a lot not topic related on the top, but they didnt get deleted

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I think the commando idea is hard to implement; say you have said commandos/partizans,

  • Why dont airborne special forces get this feature? Much airborne work was Spec ops as is currently understood.
  • Wouldnt it make airborne/ raiders OP since they can run around in greyzone and snipe, wreck spawns & general havoc?

Simpler solution would be less health penalty debuff to allow better flanking maybe; im ok with tanks being forced out with some feature as well.

Hello guys, let me reviewing the flags in this post, and will check how legitimate the flag was and will punish the person who abused them

and pd: Just remember, don’t get too derailed from the topic of the news, we can let James know of things he could send as a suggestion.


What sort of punishment’s? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just assumed it was the Mods deleting
for this reason

(Note: this is contextualized under suggestions for counterbalancing grey camping tanks, which will themselves be buffed by the changes of this announcement)

I wouldn’t think so. At a basic level, the implementation would be to create a new soldier class and just allow them to carry any weapon. The rest of the work is on the player to decide what loadout to take.

I know and I agree. But the ship seems to have sailed on paratroopers (they’ve continuously nerfed them and don’t seem particularly enthusiastic about implementing a new behavior for an existing class)

Commandos would be a means of adding the game mechanic as a minor expansion to the game. All 4 of the factions had some sort of “Raiders/Special Forces” in real life and would present commercial opportunities to DarkFlow and gaijin

Allies had Commandos
Germans had the Brandenburgers
Soviets had the Spetsnaz
Japanese had the Teishin Shudan

If new maps are added in the future, I would certainly be supportive of a buff to paratroopers to allow them to travel into an expanded buffer zone. If you refer to my original suggestion on “new grey zone rules” you’ll see my thoughts on this topic in much more detail.

That would have to be play tested to determine. But taking paratroopers out of this equation for a moment, a “Commandos” squad that entered the game with only ONE lone Commando and zero ability to voluntarily enlist a new Commando to join the squad (adding Commandos explanation provided in detail in the Suggestion) and keeping the max squad size very small to either 3 or 4 should help keep it balanced.

I’m not sure what you mean by “less health penalty debuff.” The main reason I’m looking at the problem in an additive way is that I don’t like buffs and nerfs to existing behavior without extraordinary reasons. I’d greatly prefer new game mechanics to provide counters to things that are considered overpowered once the mechanic has been determined to be “settled.”

I think the ability to camp a tank in the grey zone should be treated as a settled game mechanic and any changes to it should be additive.

Just please guys don’t derail anymore and don’t offend user or staff, lets keep it civil


Beside everything I still think you guys shouldn’t have changed how we fix tanks in the first place
The one we had from the start was perfect you still needed to go out but it repaired everything maybe they should have just changed the time it took to finish a repair to balance it not introducing entirely new repair system


They will probably delete this post, but I just want to say one last thing.

Between #1~30 many people’s posts were deleted. Of those, at least the ones I was able to read from BandytaJeden and VoyoMayPL were on-topic conversations and fine.
The deleted remarks may have contained sarcasm or jokes against the developers, but probably did not deserve to be deleted. @gastanofrizzi says they were rants and spam. But I didn’t see it that way.
The moderators started deleting them and I asked why they were deleting them? Then my ask was deleted.
From then on, posts where I or people ask or make jokes about posts being deleted kept getting deleted.
I was pissed off in the second half of the thread, so I can understand if the moderators thought that was offensive, but I think it was inappropriate for the moderators to delete a large number of people’s posts in the first half of the thread.

There were many problems with the game, but I was as tolerant as possible because I like this game and paid not less amount of money.
But now I am puzzled. Not so much because of the game itself, but because of my distrust of Darkflow and their staff’s behavior.

If you are going to delete posts, you should explain and warn people convincingly, not silently delete people’s posts and pretend they never existed.
I don’t know if this management practice is due to moderator outbursts or the rules set by Darkflow, but in any case, the behavior of the moderators in this thread is completely unacceptable to me.
What I experienced in this thread was the final nail in the coffin of my distrust of the game.

I don’t think it will help, but I will file this matter with Gaijin support and I will walk away from the game and the forum.
Thanks for all you.

EDIT:Some sentences were incorrectly worded and have been corrected.


Woot, i wasn’t offending anyone?? let alone offending staff wth?

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oh im dumb it said developement not update i thought it was in game already oops

You guys made sexytent sad Im now sad,too


It seems there has been an acknowledgement that someone might have (at the very least) been overly aggressive with their moderating tasks.

First I said up comment was spam and rant, I checked them, and yes they are spam and rant don’t twist my word, second we are checking as bigote said who fomenting you guys by mass hiding post, for now stop any kind of derail and keep discussion civil


I know that i just wanted to know if the idea got any further

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Sry it was general I miss clicked