Remove bomber raids

Bomber raids are used to:

  1. block friendly artillery for 2 minutes
  2. give enemy team easy 1300 points

Even that 99 % of players know that, there are always some dumbs who will call bomber raid for griefing or trolling.


what we need it’s again take rid (but not fully for avoid ultra spam) of the many nerf bombers get,also we need we can choose from wich direction (pacific we must have a block for avoid end in the carrier enemy area and they can get free points)


On the balance; I don’t care for it. It does need a re-work, for sure.


It needs an overhaul for sure, I don’t think it should be removed. They are too weak to be any threat at all at the moment.


Buff. They used to be scary

Double or triple the amount of planes. Harder to intercept them all


do you remember the epic bomber fights in where both squads fight against each other in a scary manner while they where dropping their load?

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i remenber when bombers could destroy tanks…good times

Turn somke bombs to arty, this way enemy cant intercept. Concrete defenses can be broken by weak team.
Normal bombs stay as plane dropped.

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Actually buff them by adding more bombers so I can grind more in a plane lmfao


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I don’t think they need to be removed, but do need some changes. Things I would like to see:

  • Make it so shooting them down before they drop counts for more points than if they are shot down after they drop
  • If they are shot down pre drop: the timer instantly resets for non bomber raid artillery.
  • If they are shot down: it should reduce their numbers on subsequent call ins. (IE if you shoot down 3 … then the next one called only has 2 planes, As such if you shoot them all down, you block for the rest of the game). Each team being separate.

… they used to drop 250kg bombs… many of them…

In Stalingrad when it was called I was like this:


I miss the fear…the awe…the devastation

Speaking as a fighter pilot, right now they are only a delicacy for finishing events



Make them stronger planes so it’s harder for the enemy team to shoot down

Make their payloads stronger so they are a worthwhile option


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I miss old bomber anyway removing thing as a way to “resolved” anything always a bad idea (my perspective)

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I was using them in tunisia confrontation, and I found them to be quite useful, like, enemy gathers in a point, bombers arrive to clear the place out, and our team takes the point.

Now, yeah, against organized opponent who actually uses planes/engineers, it is indeed less effective and more of a waste. But there are situations where it is useful.
After all, one shouldn’t be sitting on the same squad all battle, and calling in bombers is an opportunity to use the squad how it is intended to be used. It resets the timer, as new squad can be picked.

Another sad example. Someone calls the bombers. 2 of them are intercepted (+530 score for enemy) and 3 are dropping bombs on an empty field, because team is already capturing next objective.

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Bomber should be reworked

  • They need a better payload
  • They need to don’t share their timer with other support action
  • They need have two additional bomber in the formation (optional)
  • They need have an AI escorts fighter because are to easy to kill
  • They need to arrive faster but need more time for be called again

they need their OG payload

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Add more planes, PLEASE. My FW-190 D-12 and A-8 LOVE TO EAT.
